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Topic: Cells Aim : What are the types of organisms & how are they organized?

Learn the types of organisms and how they are organized, differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and the organization of multicellular organisms.

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Topic: Cells Aim : What are the types of organisms & how are they organized?

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  1. Topic: Cells Aim: What are the types of organisms & how are they organized? Do Now: Explain two differences between animal and plant cells. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfzVWG2DnQ4 HW: Work on your science fair project!

  2. 1.PROKARYOTIC CELL: 2 types of cells

  3. NO NUCLEUS • DNA in cytoplasm • No cell organelles • Ex: bacteria

  4. Anthrax Strep Cholera


  6. HAVE A NUCLEUS • Larger • Contain organelles

  7. 1. Unicellular Organism:1-celled organism 2 types of organisms

  8. Ameba Euglena

  9. 2. Multicellular Organism: made up of many different cells that work together

  10. Cells are SPECIALIZED (have specific jobs)

  11. Ex: Muscle cells depend on nerve cells to move

  12. How are cells in a multicellular organism organized?

  13. Put these structures in the correct order from least complex (simple) to most complex: Tissues Systems Cells Organs Organelles

  14. 1. Cells: specialized • Examples:

  15. Red blood cells carry oxygen.

  16. Muscle cells help you move.

  17. 2. Tissue: group of similar cells that perform a specific function

  18. Blood cells  blood tissue

  19. Muscle cells  muscle tissue  movement

  20. 3. Organ: many tissues working together

  21. Heart =organ made of muscle, nerve & blood tissue

  22. 4. Organ system: group of organs working together to perform a specific function

  23. Skeletal & Muscular Systems

  24. Circulatory System

  25. 5. Organism: a combination of organ systems that work together • A living thing

  26. Levels of organization Muscle cell Smooth muscle tissue Stomach Digestive system Cells Tissues Organs System Organism

  27. Let’s summarize… • Explain the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Give examples of each. • Explain the difference between unicellular and multicellular organisms. • Explain the type of cells that make up a multicellular organism. • Explain the organization of an organism.

  28. Did you know… • Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Strep Staph E. coli

  29. Did you know… • The longest living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime.

  30. Review: 1. Which statement describing the cells in a body system is correct? • Each cell in the system is identical to the other cells in the system, and each cell works independently of the other cells. • Some cells in the system may be different from the other cells in the system, but all cells are coordinated and work together. • Each cell in the system is different from the other cells in the system, and each cell works independently of the other cells. • All cells in the system are identical to each other and work together.

  31. 2. Which of the following is a primary difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? (1) Prokaryotic contain a membrane-bound nucleus. (2) Prokaryotic contain DNA. (3) Eukaryotic cells contain a membrane bound nucleus. (4) Eukaryotic contain DNA.

  32. 3. Which sequence represents the correct order of levels of organization found in a complex organism? • Cells  organelles  organs  organ systems  tissues • Tissues  organs  organ systems  organelles  cells • organelles  cells  tissues  organs  organ systems • organs  organ systems  cells  tissues  organelles

  33. 4. These groups of cells represent different (1) tissues in which similar cells function together (2) organs that help to carry out a specific life activity (3) systems that are responsible for a specific life activity (4) organelles that carry out different functions.

  34. 6. Which statement best compares a multicellular organism to a unicellular organism? • A multicellular organism has organ systems that interact to carry out life functions, while a single-celled organism carries out life functions without using organ systems. • A single-celled organism carries out fewer life functions than each cell of a multicellular organism. • A multicellular organism always obtains energy through a process that is different from that used by a single-celled organism. • The cell of a single-celled organism is always much larger than an individual cell of a multicellular organism.

  35. Review: Put the following terms in order from least complex to most complex: Tissue Organism Cell System Organ Organelle

  36. What do prokaryotic cells contain? • What is a cell organelle found in a eukaryotic cell and not in a prokaryotic cell? • Explain the difference between a unicellular and multicellular organism.

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