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Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign Presentation

Learn about the Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign aimed at improving education through accountability and partnerships. Discover the strategic objectives, fundamental principles, progress, and challenges of the campaign.

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Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign Presentation

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  1. Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign Presentation

  2. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The President of the country, the Hon. JG Zuma, in his maiden state of the nation address called for critical ‘non-negotiables’ aimed to ensure quality education • The President stated that ‘We reiterate our non-negotiables. Teachers should be in class, on time, teaching, with no neglect of duty and no abuse of pupils! The children should be in class be in class, on time, learning, be respectful of their teachers and each other, and do their homework. Other sectors, including officials and parents, are also expected to play their respective roles in reaching this goal’ • Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign (QLTC) – to ensure that the non-negotiables are realised

  3. WHAT IS QLTC • QLTC is a social compact between education stakeholders and communities • Ultimately about achieving one goal: improving the quality of learning and teaching • About learner achievement • School functionality • QLTC is a campaign therefore should be massed based • Accountability (individually and collective) and follow-up • QLTC underpinned by clear P.O.A

  4. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES - QLTC • To ensure that the non-negotables are realised so as to ensure the delivery of quality learning and teaching across the country • Advocacy: QLTC founding principles are cascaded to Departmental officials, Teachers, Learners, Parents, Community structures to all members of the society • Mobilisation of all stakeholders at all hierarchal levels within and outside the education to contribute to the intentions of the non-negotiables

  5. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES • The QLTC aims to build partnerships with all stakeholders, in particular, between the DBE and Teacher Unions and parents and schools. • The Department has committed itself to supporting teachers, to hold its officials accountable, to ensure that the necessary resources are provided on time, and that vacancies are speedily filled. • All teacher unions have committed their members to be on time, in class, prepared and teaching.

  6. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES (Cont.) • To create a climate where all role players display dedication to professionalism • Development of a culture of learning, teaching and discipline in all schools • Attainment of quality service at all levels • All role players to comply to their respective duties and responsibilities • To establish all schools as centres of excellence

  7. PROGRESS • The National QLTC Steering Committee has been established made up of principals of Teacher Unions, SGB Associations, learner formations, provincial HoD’s, etc and its chaired by the DG of DBE at all times • A Quality Coordinating Team (QCT) has been appointed and comprises of the project manager and 5 union representatives seconded to the Department • All provinces have since launched the QLTC • In pursuance of forging close collaboration with stakeholders outside education, QLTC met with the leadership of CONTRALESA and subsequently the latter embraced the QLTC principles • Teacher Laptop initiative was launched under the QLTC banner as part of improving quality public education

  8. PROGRESS cont. • The QLTC has since collaborated with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, an advertorial on Mandela’s values was developed and publicized in all National Newspapers and circulated to all provinces and schools • Schools named after Nelson Mandela were visited during the month of July to monitor their state and progress in upholding the Mandela name. • A monitoring tool has been developed to assess the state of readiness for the reopening in January 2011 and it has been shared with the MP’s, MPL’s and other stakeholders for consistency • QLTC actively participated in monitoring the Matric Learning Centres in provinces during and after the Teacher Unions industrial actions to advice the Department accordingly • All stakeholders have pledged their commitment to the QLTC principles and school Principals’ Pledge has been concluded, its awaiting for ratification of the steering committee.

  9. CHALLENGES • The lack of QLTC awareness to the broader communities • Establishment of QLTC structures at all levels, i.e. all District and Schools • Translation of QLTC from being a campaign into a Departmental programme • Funding of the roll out of QLTC programmes • In the light of the past industrial action, QLTC has to work extremely hard to resuscitate its credibility and intentions to the broader community

  10. STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE PRIORITIES GOING FORWARD • In response to the negative impact of the past industrial action, an intensive POA to be developed to resuscitate the credibility and intentions of QLTC to the broader community • Realisation of commitments undertaken by all role players to the QLTC pledges to improve quality learning and teaching - Roles and Responsibilities - Code of Ethics • Enforcement of non-negotiables • The strengthening of partnerships with stakeholders outside the Department, e.g. Religious &Youth formations, Traditional & Business Leaders, NGO’s, Political Parties, etc

  11. STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE PRIORITIES GOING FORWARD(Cont.) • Continuous engagement with provinces and different stakeholders on a regular bases for feedback and progress. Quarterly workshops to be held with provincial QLTC coordinators • To create outreach programmes in collaboration with influential institutions, e.g. Nelson Mandela Foundation (67 minutes) • Focus (Target) group: Vulnerable children, e.g. orphans, abused, etc. • Theme: Working together in increasing access to quality learning and teaching to vulnerable children • Activity: Identify, diagnose and intervention


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