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Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 22 November 2011. Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign. In this presentation. QLTC Key foci Strategic objectives QLTC key deliverables Introducing the Mobilisation Campaign Major QLTC Drawback. QLTC key foci.
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 22 November 2011 Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign
In this presentation QLTC Key foci Strategic objectives QLTC key deliverables Introducing the Mobilisation Campaign Major QLTC Drawback
QLTC key foci QLTC is striving to turn all schools into centers of excellence. QLTC will over and above also monitor the basic functionality of schools anchored on the following pillars: Code of conduct for teachers, learners and support staff; Procedures and mechanism of attending to absenteeism of learners, teachers and support staff; Sound leadership and management ,governance and relationships; Curriculum roll-out plan; Provisioning of resources, learner performance and achievement ; Policies on school safety & security, Disciplinary procedures Communication strategy with Parents and Communities Teacher Development roll-out plan
Strategic Objectives To ensure that the non-negotiablesare realised so as to ensure the delivery of quality learning and teaching across the country Advocacy: QLTC founding principles are cascaded to Departmental officials, Teachers, Learners, Parents, Community structures and to all members of the society. Mobilisation of all stakeholders at all hierarchal levels within and outside the education to contribute to the intentions of the non-negotiables and QLTC principles. Monitoring and Support;To monitor and support the rolling of QLTC programmes, delivery of quality learning and teaching and contribute towards achieving the intended Minister’s performance agreement outcomes.
The following key deliverables are intended to help drive the implementation of the programme: Key deliverables Establishment and empowerment of all inclusive functional QLTC structures at all levels, i.e. Provinces, Districts, Schools Monitoring and supporting the rolling out of QLTC principles, Departmental programmes (there should be an alignment of programmes), the delivery of quality education for all and to contribute in collaboration with other units towards achieving the intended Minister’s performance agreement signed with the President. Adoption of schools, i.e. both underperforming and good performing schools Honouring and recognizing pockets of excellence and good performance in the education, e.g. teachers, principals, schools, businesses, individuals, NGO’s, etc.
Key deliverables conti… • Curbing high absenteeism and late coming amongst teachers, officials and learners • To support and monitor the underperforming schools and Districts. • Mobilising and advocating for support and promoting the importance of ANA. • To coordinate the NEDLAC Accord • Creating labour peace and the speedy resolution of dispute amongst parties at all levels including ELRC.
Progress • In the Ruling Party Lekgotla held in July 2011, social mobilisation in education - to be driven by QLTC featured prominently • Subsequently the Cabinet Lekgotla endorsed the QLTC as a vehicle towards mobilising society on education • -The Cabinet Lekgotla further mandated, QLTC to brief the following structures: Education Portfolio Committee, Provincial Education Portfolio Committees, Multi Party • -The Cabinet further requested the QLTC to increase its consultation with political parties and public representatives • -The non-negotiables should be the primary focus of the QLTC – to protect the delivery of quality teaching and learning
Progress (Cont.) The Minister signed on behalf of Government the NEDLAC Accord on Education, and QLTC has been mandated to be the custodian of driving the accord on behalf of DBE
QLTC – BEST PRACTICES The Quality Leaning and Teaching Campaign Coordinating Team (QCT) • The QCT has developed a Guide for empowerment of QLTC Structures – this Guide will inform the programme at all levels of QLTC structures. The Guide covers all aspects of how to achieve the main objectives of the Campaign by focusing on the establishment of QLTC structures, understanding the non-negotiables, monitoring and reporting and how to mobilize society. (Details of contents attached below). • The QLTC has developed a protocol on the rules of engagements in the adoption of underperforming schools as per the NEDLAC Accord on Basic Education. • In response to the national ANA outcomes, the QCT in collaboration with the Systemic Evaluation Section has developed a Framework on ANA. • QCT in collaboration with the Communications and other relevant sections in the department has developed pamphlets on tips for parents on ANA, Workbooks, ECD, Volunteerism in educational matters.
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. • QCT is working closely with the EMGD towards the election and training of the SGBs in March 2012. • QCT in collaboration with all sections and provinces is coordinating the school readiness monitoring programme for 2012. Mpumalanga • Appointment of Circuit Patrons within the Districts to drive the process of the Circuit Improvement Plan under the QLTC banner (these are people who are mostly role models in the school community and who have skills and professional knowledge that can benefit schools). • The Departmental Senior and Middle including the Business community, e.g. SABIE has started adopting schools. • The QLTC is included as part of the performance agreement for Senior and Middle managers. • The Province has developed and implemented a common examination for grades 3, 6 and 9 in response to ANA outcomes in the Province.
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. North West • The MEC has convened all inclusive stakeholder QLTC Provincial summits to address amongst other issues absenteeism amongst teachers, learners and officials and protecting the contact time by all stakeholders. • During the Provincial senior management summit, management resolved that QLTC will form part of directorate programmes. • Mobilizing retired teachers and officials for supporting schools in improving numeracy and literacy programmes • 142 schools across the Province have been adopted by senior and middle management and they report on quarterly basis on progress • In response to the HSRC Study on contact time between Botswana and North West schools, the provincial QLTC conducted its own Provincial research on absenteeism. Informed by the research findings and recommendation, the QLTC Team is currently piloting those recommendations in some schools
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. • The North West Province has allocated a dedicated QLTC budget of R2.4 million • The Province has also developed, translated and published QLTC advocacy material Northern Cape • QLTC has been launched in every school • The Province has made strides in forming partnerships with SALGA, SALGA is now part of the Provincial QLTC Steering Committee. Furthermore, SALGA has agreed to include QLTC as part of Councilor training programme. • Currently the province is initiating to collaborate with the business sector (NOCCI) to adopt, offer support and educational resources to schools. • The provincial QLTC Team is also working on engaging the premier and cabinet through the memo on the launching of the Nedlac Accord in the province. • As part of advocacy the province is using billboards to display QLTC messages.
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. Western Cape • QLTC advocacy in the Western Cape • -Use of Western Cape Education Department News letter • -Bookmark of QLTC on learners’ exercise books • -working on the listening campaign for teachers (getting teachers together and listening to them) • The Province has successfully put in place an effective LTSM management system • The attendance and leave Management system employed by the province has also proven to be effective. • The province has a programme to recognize and incentivize improved underperforming schools.
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. Free State The office of the MEC has allocated funding for QLTC programmes Advocacy is done through district imbizo and addresses stakeholders on their roles including ANA and grade 12 results. The Provincial QLTC has initiatedpartnership with all the local radio stations to make communities aware of QLTC and its activities. Limpopo Establishment of QLTC unit and secondment of fulltime coordinators in the office of the MEC Provincial Team reports directly to both the MEC and Head of Department on monthly basis The QLTC coordinators have been attached to districts Provincial QLTC team developed quarterly monitoring tools
QLTC BEST PRACTICES – Cont. • The Provincial QLTC team has monitored and supported 580 schools for the current academic year. • Through the intervention of the QLTC for the first time, the post-provisioning in the province was finalized in time and has been distributed to schools. KwaZulu-Natal • Developed circular 3 of 2011 on QLTC structures and terms of reference • Involvement of parents in addressing the late coming of learners Eastern Cape • The MEC spearheaded the QLTC launching in all 23 districts in the province. • The MEC has further led all QLTC stakeholder consultative meetings informing communities on the state of education in the province and the need to comply to non-negotiables. • The MEC has convened a QLTC Workshop of all stakeholders including Universities and NGOs with the purpose of pulling together all role players to find possible solutions to the numeracy and literacy challenges.
QLTC Drawbacks • The establishment of all inclusive stakeholder forums at District and School Levels • Extensive advocacy – to all members of society • QLTC requires extensive funding to sustain administrative activities as well as its operation.