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Coaching for Quality Teaching and Learning. Jodie Graham SAI: Ap Statewide Mentoring Meeting January 21, 2014 Contact Information: Jodie.graham@ankenyschools.org jodiegraham01@gmail.com twitter: @jmgraham9. “My Reality”.
Coaching for Quality Teaching and Learning Jodie Graham SAI: Ap Statewide Mentoring Meeting January 21, 2014 Contact Information: Jodie.graham@ankenyschools.org jodiegraham01@gmail.com twitter: @jmgraham9
“My Reality” Currently, my role in coaching for quality teaching and learning looks like . . .
Teachers Need Real Feedback Evaluation Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDlaf7-JJ14
Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success through Coaching • Source: ASCD • http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/109002/chapters/The-Coach%E2%80%93Administrator-Partnership.aspx • Source: Educational Partnerships, INC • http://gearup.ous.edu/sites/default/files/Research-Briefs/ResearchBriefCoachingTeachers.pdf
Asking Thoughtful Questions • ORID – Strategic questions that get you to a decision • Resources: • http://pacific-edge.info/2010/08/orid/ • http://www.sai-iowa.org/Professional%20Learning/Mentoring/sampleORID.pdf
Examples of ORID Questions Describe your classroom management style. What is working well for you? Share an area that is not working well and why. What evidence do you have that demonstrate use of formative assessments as a tool to in making lesson adjustments? What evidence do you have that students utilize FA data? How do students demonstrate genuine caring for one another and monitor one another’s treatment of peers, correcting classmates respectfully when needed? What things could you have done to increase student engagement and student participation in the lesson? What are your next steps? What actions has this experience triggered for you?
Providing Feedback • Sources: • ASCD - Seven Keys to Effective Feedback: http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept12/vol70/num01/Seven-Keys-to-Effective-Feedback.aspx • Descriptive Feedback: http://dianejohnson.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/4/5/13452203/t11_providingh2.pdf
Descriptive Feedback is ….. Descriptive * Informative * Specific * Guiding Examples: • During the observed lesson, 8 students stood at the door with 3 minutes left in class. • Mr. Smith arrives to school on time and follows appropriate protocols when absences do occur. • In a post conference discussion on 1.20.14 Mr. Smith shared that he generally makes one lesson adjustment after he teaches the material to his first class. He does not make lesson adjustment for each individual class or for individual students. • In the 1.20.14 post-conference meeting, Mr. Smith shared that he has yet to grade or go over the ticket out the door from the observed lesson on 1.10.14. In further discussion, he shared that he does not know how to effectively use FA to guide his instruction.
Why Teachers Must Have an Effective Evaluation System • Source: http://www.danielsongroup.org/ckeditor/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Why%20Teachers%20Must%20Have%20an%20Effective%20Evaluation%20System.pdf • Charlotte Danielson – Enhancing Professional Practices; a Framework for teaching • http://www.danielsongroup.org/article.aspx?page=charlotte
Closing • “ I want my role as a coach, for teaching and learning, to look like . . . . “ • Resources that I need might include . . . .