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Managing External Parasites in Animals: Fleas, Lice, and Mites

Learn about the characteristics, life cycles, clinical signs, and diagnosis of fleas, lice, and mites in animals, including prevention and treatment methods. Understand zoonotic risks and ensure animal welfare.

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Managing External Parasites in Animals: Fleas, Lice, and Mites

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  1. External Parasites

  2. Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Standards Addressed • AS.07.01. Design programs to prevent animal diseases, parasites and other disorders and ensure animal welfare. • AS.07.01.03.b. Identify and describe common illnesses and disorders of animals based on symptoms and problems caused by wounds, diseases, parasites and physiological disorders.

  3. Fleas

  4. Fleas the most common external parasite of cats and dogs

  5. Fleas Characteristics: - small - wingless - flourishes in warm, humid environments of 65° to 80°.

  6. Fleas Characteristics: - not host specific - feeds on blood

  7. Fleas Characteristics: - acts asan intermediate host for the tapeworm Dipylidium

  8. Fleas Characteristics: - transmits several diseases including the Bubonic plague

  9. Fleas Types: • Ctenocephalides canis • Ctenocephalides felis (Both species of flea will attack dogs and cats)

  10. Fleas Life Cycle: - can be as short as 16 days, or as long as 2 years depending on environmental conditions

  11. Fleas Life Cycle: - The female will take a blood meal from the host and begin to lay eggs.

  12. Fleas Life Cycle: - The eggs fall off the host and will take 2 to 12 days to hatch (depending on conditions ).

  13. Fleas Life Cycle: • The larvae grow and molt over 9 to 200 days as they feed on the organic matter called “flea dirt” from adult fleas. “Flea dirt” falls off the host with the eggs

  14. Fleas Life Cycle: • The larvae spin a cocoon and pupate for 7 days to a year depending on environmental conditions. Fleas like a warm environment.

  15. Fleas Life Cycle: • When the adult emerges, the cycle begins again. Adult fleas can survive several months without feeding.

  16. Fleas Clinical Signs: - Some animals are allergic to flea saliva and will develop an itchy condition known as flea-allergy dermatitis.

  17. Fleas Clinical Signs: - Severely infested puppies and kittens will become anemic and could die.

  18. Fleas Clinical Signs: Checking for fleas: - place a white piece of paper under the animal’s belly and then rub the belly.

  19. Fleas Clinical Signs: - “Flea dirt” will fall from the coat onto the paper.

  20. Fleas Clinical Signs: • When water is added to the “flea dirt • reddish brown = fleas

  21. Lice Trichodectesadult Nits attached to hair

  22. Lice Characteristics: - small - wingless

  23. Lice Characteristics: - very host specific Some species of lice will infest dogs and cats year round.

  24. Lice Livestock animals such as horses and cattle are generally infested during the winter.

  25. Lice Types: • Mallophaga (chewing) - Anoplura (sucking)

  26. Lice Life Cycle: - The louse must live on its host at all times.

  27. Lice Life Cycle: - The adult louse lays an egg called a nit.

  28. Lice Life Cycle: - The nit is sticky so it attaches to the coat.

  29. Lice Life Cycle: - The nit develops into an immature stage of the adult called a nymph and then into an adult.

  30. Lice Life Cycle: - The entire life cycle requires 3 to 5 weeks.

  31. Lice Clinical Signs: - Adult lice are visible to the naked eye.

  32. Lice Clinical Signs: - The louse causes intense itching and may cause hair loss.

  33. Mites Otodectes Demodex

  34. Mites Characteristics: - microscopic - very host specific - can only infect other animals by direct contact

  35. Mites An animal that has a mite infestation is said to have “mange”

  36. Mites Types: • Demodex • Otodectes – ear mite • Sarcoptes

  37. Mites Life Cycle: Each species of mite has a different life cycle.

  38. Mites Life Cycle: The length of the life cycle is anywhere from 17 to 35 days depending on the species.

  39. Mites Life Cycle: All species go through the egg, larva, nymph, and adult stage.

  40. Mites Life Cycle: Some species of mite burrow into the skin while others live in the ear canal or in hair follicles.

  41. Mites Clinical Signs: Intense itching and oozing of the skin.

  42. Mites Clinical Signs: Scaly patches without hair on the head and neck area and around the elbows.

  43. Mites Clinical Signs: Ear mites will cause the animal to scratch at its ears and shake its head in irritation.

  44. Mites Diagnosis: To examine an animal for mites a skin scraping is done.

  45. Mites Diagnosis: A fold of skin is pinched and scraped with a scalpel until the area oozes with blood.

  46. Mites Diagnosis: The scraping is placed on a microscope slide with a drop of mineral oil and scanned for mites.

  47. Mites Diagnosis: For the ear mite a swabbing of the ear canal is placed on a slide with mineral oil and examined.

  48. Mites Zoonosis: Humans can be infected by the mite Sarcoptes. (Rare) The disease is called scabies.

  49. Ticks Characteristics: - blood-sucking - not host specific (they do have host preferences)

  50. Ticks Characteristics: - located throughout the United States in grassy and wooded areas.

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