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中文三 H Block Course Objectives Develop more classroom expressions

中文三 H Block Course Objectives Develop more classroom expressions Revisit and extend 听说读写 language skills and cultural understanding learned before, in the context of Hobbies, Visiting Friends, Making Appointment, Studying Chinese, School Life

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中文三 H Block Course Objectives Develop more classroom expressions

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  1. 中文三H Block Course Objectives • Develop more classroom expressions • Revisit and extend 听说读写 language skills and cultural understanding learned before, in the context of Hobbies, Visiting Friends, Making Appointment, Studying Chinese, School Life • Develop 听说读写language skills and cultural understanding in the context of: • Shopping • Transportation • Weather • Asking Directions • Shopping & Birthday Party • Dining At Chinese Restaurant

  2. 目标mù biāo Target(二○一一年九月十二日 ~九月十六日) • 中秋节jié • Review 问好,家庭,时间 • Review Quiz - 星期五

  3. Captain Duties (二○一一年九月十二日星期一) • Lead classroom Greetings & Leave-takings • Maintain INFO board: date & time, weather, attendance • Announce homework, collect/distribute paper/material • Keep timer – stop me at 5 minutes before • Review • Classroom expressions • Circle characters on newspaper that contain expressions • Spoken Chinese 听说 + Written Chinese 读写 = 中文zhōng wén • Learning Buddy – who is yours? • Help each other to reach the STAR • Pick up handouts and share info on missing class work and homework • Study together (in person, email, phone…)

  4. Essential questions • Why Chinese? • What is the size of Chinese-speaking population? • How many Chinese spoken languages are there? • How many Chinese written languages are there? • What is Modern Standard Chinese pronunciation system based on? How does it compare to English? • What is the fundamental difference between Chinese characters and English words? • Why is the stroke order in Chinese writing is important? • What expressions would help you in our classroom? • What expressions or phrases would help you to survive in a Chinese-speaking environment?

  5. 中秋节快乐! • 什么时候 • 月亮怎么样 • 什么故事gù shì // legends, stories • 做什么 • 吃什么 //月饼yuè bǐng • 唱歌–“月亮代表我的心” • MoonRepresentsMyHeart.doc on my wikispace • 复习 L1,L2,L3 • 生词,对话, 语法 (文法) • Review Sheet • IC book V-table • Last year’s Year Binder

  6. 今天的功课(二○一一年九月十二日星期一) • 复习L1,L2,L3 • Read loud, Use Resources • Review Sheet • IC book V-table • Year Binder from last year // has WS,QZ,TST,WB • In CN • 准备复习小考- 星期五

  7. Review (二○一一年九月十三日星期二) • 2 tongue twisters • Dialogues role play L1~L3 • 中秋节 Presentation • Continue L1~L3 review

  8. Compoundfinals • A compound final consists of single final(s) and/or intial(s) and creates a new sound. (IC p.6) • 30 compound finals: 14 compounded single finals (in red) and 16 nasal finals (in green) • http://www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin/pinyinFinals.cfm • Practice 14 compound finals • Practice 16 nasal finals • w, y, and v?

  9. Tones • describes how the pitch changes • five tones • represented pinyin by marks above the finals, read from left to right. • The absence of a tone means a neutral tone. (IC p.8) Examples 1 = flat, unchanging tone mā 妈 má fán 麻烦 = trouble 2 = rising tone 3 = Falling then rising tone mǎ 马= horse 4 = falling tone mà 骂= scold Neutral = a gentle tone with no emphasis on rising or falling māma妈妈

  10. Tongue twister #1 妈妈 骑马, 马慢, 妈妈 骂马 (骑qí = ride, 马mǎ= horse, 慢màn= slow, 骂 = scold)

  11. Tongue twister #2 爸爸 的 爸爸 怕爸爸 的 妈妈, (怕 pà = fear) 可是, 妈妈 的爸爸 不怕 妈妈 的 妈妈。 (可是 kě shì = fear 不 bú = not )

  12. 今天的功课(二○一一年九月十三日星期二) • 复习L1,L2,L3 • Read loud, Use Resources • Review Sheet • IC book V-table • Year Binder from last year // has WS,QZ,TST,WB • In CN • 准备复习小考- 星期五

  13. Warm up (二○一一年九月十五日星期四) • Q/A on L1~L3? • Review in the lab side B • 听说读写 – remember your station #! • File  Open files  up one level to Mediator  Media  Audio  Chinese • Open IC 3rd edition Level 1 Part 1. Locate your targeted lesson file. • Listen, Speak, dictate (CN) • Locate Workbook files, practice I. Listening & II. Speaking • After master the IC Dialogues, Workbook, raise hand. • Role play must include ICGrammar and Language Practices of the unit. • Designated Role Play 15 minutes - “telephone” utility • Random Role play 15 minutes

  14. Open NJStar Chinese Word Processor • Input Pinyin, write/dictate the dialogues • Use its dictionary function to enrich your writing skills • Lab Rules • Leave food, beverage, cell phones, backpacks OUT • Nonon-workrelated conversation or IE surfing please! • Speak Chinese, English isonlythe last resort! • Keep voicedown to minimum so we won’t distract others • Any complaint from other lab teacher will cause participation grade go down significantly and potential loss of privilege

  15. Warm up (二○一一年九月十六日星期五) • Q/A on L1~L3? • L1-3 复习小考 • 听说- 下星期一

  16. L1-3 复习小考(二○一一年九月十九日星期一) • 听说 • 开始复习 L4-5 • Use Resources smartly • Review Sheet as your guideline Know’s + Do’s Functions (desired outcome) • IC Textbook V-table, dialogue, Grammar • Year Binder from last year // contains WS,QZ,TST,WB • CN • 复习小考 - 星期五

  17. 这个星期的功课(二○一一年九月十九日~九月二十二日)这个星期的功课(二○一一年九月十九日~九月二十二日) • 复习L4~5 • Use Resources SMARTLY  • Review Sheet as your guideline Know’s + Do’s Functions (desired outcome) • IC Textbook V-table, dialogue, Grammar • Year Binder from last year // has WS,QZ,TST,WB • 打太极拳– 天天十分钟 • Form 1,2,3 • Open first URL on TaiJi24 Form.docon lilaoshi’swiki • 准备复习小考- 星期五

  18. Classroom/Survival Expression • Review “Classroom Expressions.docx” – handout • Mark their pinyin • Plus IC p. 6~7 • Role play: Classroom Expressions

  19. Tongue twister #3 sì shì sì, shí shì shí, 四 是 四, 十 是 十, (是 = is) shísì shì shísì 十四 是 十四, bù shuō sì shì shí, 不說(说) 四 是 十, (說 = say) bù shuō shí shì sì, 不 說 十 是 四 , bù shuō shísì shì shísì 不 說 十四 是 四十!

  20. Chinese Writing system – IC p. 11~12 • Represented by “characters” instead of alphabets • Traditional vs. Simplified (Ex: 馬 ->马,門 -> 门) • Formation of characters 6 categories in Traditional system • Pictographic人, 水,火huǒ,山, 日, 月, 木,心 xīn,口 kǒu,本běn, 末mò • Self-explanatory上, 下, 卡kǎ, 一,二, 三, • Associative Compounds (two or more pictographic words) 明,休,武 wǔ, 信xìn • Pictophonetic(pictographic + sound) - majority 江, 河, 姑, 媽, 乒乓pīng pāng • Mutually Explanatory (share same radical) 老, 考 • Phonetic Loan來, 我

  21. Homework (9/17) • Read IC p.11~12 • Read out and write radicals 1~10 on index cards - IC p.13 • Read out and write learned pronouns on index cards – see Classroom Expressions • Study for quiz EFG, you will be fine

  22. Quiz EFG • Review homework • Share index cards • Pronouns role play (use Classroom Expressions) • More examples on formation of Traditional characters: • Self-explanatory, Associative compounds and Pictophonetic (majority) characters. • It is easier to memorize when you understand how they are formed • 3 formation categories in Simplified writing system • Simple characters (18%) – single unanalyzed component Ex: most of Pictographic, Self-explanatory characters • Compoundcharacters (82%) – two analyzable components: a semanticradical and phonetic

  23. Strokes -> radicals -> components -> characters • Traditional writing system has 214 radicals and 1100 phonetics while simplified Chinese has 189 radicals • Basic Strokes and their names - IC p.15 C. • Read loud each stroke while writing in the air • Stroke order is important! - IC p.15 D. • Stroke number helps to find the character in a radical-based dictionary • Write numeralsin the air while reading out stroke names - IC p.17 • Try pronouns and yournames at home • Basic Chinese Radicals - IC p.12~14 • Read, write, and memorize 10a day if possible. Build a strong foundation! • It helps when look up dictionary

  24. 老 虎Tigers liǎng zhī lǎohǔ , liǎng zhī lǎohǔ 兩隻 老虎, 兩 隻 老虎 (two tigers) pǎo de kuài , pǎo de kuài 跑 的 快, 跑 的 快 (run fast) yī zhī méi yǒu <point>, yī zhī méi yǒu <point> 一隻 沒 有<nose,..>, 一隻 沒 有 <tail…> (one has no ??) zhēn qí guài, zhēn qí guài. 真 奇 怪, 真 奇 怪 ?! (truly weird!) <repeat with incremented number of tigers> *compare it with “Five little monkeys jumping in the bed”

  25. Review 1 ~ 99 –> listen English and write in Chinese (4 teams) • 100 (一百 yī bǎi ), 200, 300… • 1000 (一千 yī qiān), 2000, 3000… • 10,000 (一万yī wàn), …

  26. Review HW • Collect hw p.3~5 and review some old hw (reminder: missing names, Incomplete) • Index card role play: - nǐ jiào shén me míng zì? 你叫什麼名字? • Review your yesterday’s index cards with your team/learning buddy • “Train your brain” – more numbers • 100 ~ 200 • 200~ 999 • 1000 (一千 yī qiān), 2000, 3000… • Some Measure Words –not just numbers, also describe the objects! • 一个人 • 兩只老虎 liǎng zhī lǎohǔ • 三本书sān běn shū • 四匹马sì pǐ mǎ • 五天 * You can borrow my Chinese Measure Word Dictionary

  27. Review pinyin quiz C, G – CD4, Track 3, 7, other request? • Review Expressions IC p. 16 - CD 1, Track 82,83, other request? • Stroke names on Pronouns, team by team • Radicals 25~33 - IC p.14 • Practice handouts p. 6~8 Radicals and stroke names – 4 words in class and do the rest at home. (write and read stroke names)

  28. Pick a fool (melon)! dōng guā xī guā nǐ shǎ guā 冬瓜=winter melon 西瓜= watermelon 冬 瓜, 西瓜, 你 傻 瓜 shǎ guā bú huì chī xī guā 傻 瓜 不 會 吃 西瓜 *瓜 = melon *傻瓜 = fool *不會 = does not know how *吃 = eat ***Compare it to “pick a potato” – same idea

  29. Review HW • Walk over writing exercises together (3P’s) – Precision, Posture and Practice! • Index cards review with teammates (3-digits numbers and what’s your name) • Pick a fool (melon) – slide 37 • Review bisyllabic words IC p.9~11 - CD1 T74~? • Review classroom & survival expressions IC p. 16 – CD1 T82,83 • Learn new radicals IC p.14 – 31~40 http://www.flixxy.com/chinese-bicycle-acrobatics.htm • 今天的功課jīn tiān de gōng kè (九月二十四日/號) • Radical writing exercise p.3~8 – second time (ONE line only) – improve your stroke precision • Index cards – five 4-digits numbers (千 qiān)

  30. Review homework • Collect writing homework • Index card review/test with the teammates • Quiz – handout p. 6~9 Tone, Initial and Simply Finals • CD4 Track 8~10 • Van Gogh & “Starry, starry night” • 今天的功課jīn tiān de gōng kè (九月二十五日/號) • Organize all your handouts and ALL index cards you wrote so far • Writing Radicals sheets p. 6~8 again (yes, again) – 5 times per word only • Study for unit test: IC p.1~17, handouts, index cards, expressions

  31. Select new captain– run slide 39 (four team elimination) • This week Target(九月二十九日 ~十月二日) • Review Introduction chapter THOROUGHLY • Moon Festival team presentation • Unit test - Introduction • Review HW • Show me your binder and index cards (participation grade) • Collect writing worksheets • Review monosyllabic words • IC p.6~7 (CD1 T37~60), repeat after the woman’s pronunciation • IC p.8~9 (CD1 T61~73), repeat after the woman’s pronunciation • I read, you write in your class notebook • Review multi-syllabic words • IC p.9 D1~p.11 (CD1 Track 74~81), repeat after the woman’s pronunciation • I read, you write in your class notebook • Van Gogh

  32. NJ Star Chinese word processor • Download NJStar Word Processor – it also has dictionary! • Let’s look up your names, their pinyin and meanings. • When email me Chinese-written work, send in an attachment to jeanshew.lee@gmail.com

  33. 今天的功課jīn tiān de gōng kè (十月二日/號hào) • Trace the strokes on all your Radical writing sheets using a colored pencil/pen, STROKE by STROKE (see demonstration) • Practice multi-syllable pinyin for retest next week • Review all Classroom Expressions with your learning buddies, classmates, friends, or families. Record them on Audacity/other device and email me the mp3, wma or aup files if possible. Ask Luke or me for help about Audacity if you haven’t downloaded it yet.

  34. 葡萄皮(peel) • Tongue twister #4 chī pútáo bù tǔ pútáo pí 吃 葡 萄 不 吐 葡萄 皮 bù chī pútáo dào tǔ pútáo pí 不 吃 葡萄 倒 吐 葡萄 皮 * 吃 = eat 吐 = spit 倒 = instead, on the contrary • Strange Old lady - number • Charade 葡 萄

  35. Supplementary material • Review six formations of Chinese characters – Textbook p.12 • Pictographic 象形 • Self-explanatory 指示 • Associative compounds 会意 • Pictophonetic 形声 • Mutually explanatory 转注 • Phonetic loan 假借 Ask students to identify the formations of some vocabularies. • Review radicals and strokes – Textbook p. 13, use the link listed in 5. • Play rumor game - 2 teams. First player of each team is given one identical sentence. The second person adds a new information/sentence, then whispers the sentence(s) to the next person. Continue till the end of the line. The last person in the line is to reveal what she or he has heard from the previous speaker. • www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin • http://www.yellowbridge.com/general/invoke.php?u=http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/chinese/ICL1P1.html • www.audacity.com– free download software for recording dialogues • Sample Jeopardy game - MyStartalkJeopardy.pptx (attachment)

  36. Number Warm Up • Activity - math game (from Train Your Brain) • Two teams line up in front of the board. • The first player of each team writes a row of 10 or more random single numbers, then passes the chalk to the next player . • The new player writes the sum of two adjoining digits in the space between them but a line lower. If the sum is over or equals to 10, write only the last single digit. • Once the player finishes the row, passes the chalk to the next player. • Repeat 3. and 4. until the last line is one single digit. All numbers are written in Chinese. Note: the exercise can start with multiple rows of numbers if time permits.

  37. 和 尚 = monk • Tongue twister #5 héshàngduāntāngshàngtǎ 和 尚 端 湯 上 塔, tǎhuátāngsǎtāngtàngtǎ 塔 滑 湯 洒 湯 燙 塔 塔 = pagoda, tower *端 = hold 湯= soup 滑= slippery 洒 = spill 燙= burn

  38. Pinyin Warm Up • Activity – pinyin cards • Group the student in pairs. • Each pair is given a group of alphabet cards. • One of the pair puts together pinyin combination cards while the second student pronounces the pinyin with the marked tone. Students can use any of the references. • After 5 minutes, students switch the roles. • References • Handout of a pinyin table - New Practical Chinese Reader p. 72 • Web sites: http://www.chineselearner.com/pinyin/pinyin-finals.htm http://www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin/pinyinInitials.cfm http://www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin/pinyinFinals.cfm http://www.instantspeakchinese.com/pinyin/pinyinTones.cfm

  39. Read Newspaper (by teams) • Circle words that you know of (read, pinyin, meaning) • Mark Radicals in the known words • Rhyming - 大頭 in the rain • Find the known characters in the classroom – must be able to read, write and say them (by teams) • Song -有媽媽真好 yǒu mā mā zhēn hǎo • Song – you are my sunshine in 中文

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