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Using Quotation Marks Correctly

Using Quotation Marks Correctly. Rules for Using Quotation Marks. Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation (a person’s exact words). Example: Tom said, “It will be a close game.” Do NOT use quotations in an indirect quotation (rewording what someone said). Example:

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Using Quotation Marks Correctly

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  1. Using Quotation Marks Correctly

  2. Rules for Using Quotation Marks • Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation (a person’s exact words). • Example: • Tom said, “It will be a close game.” • Do NOT use quotations in an indirect quotation (rewording what someone said). • Example: • Tom predicted that it would be a close game.

  3. Rules for Using Quotation Marks • A direct quotation usually begins with a capital letter. • Example: • Lisa said, “The carne asada isn’t ready yet, but you can have some chips and salsa.” • When the speaker is interrupted by other words in the sentence, the second part of the quotation starts with a lowercase letter. • Example: • “The carne asada isn’t ready yet,” Lisa explained, “but you can have some chips and salsa.”

  4. Rules for Using Quotation Marks • A comma or a period should be placed inside the closing quotation marks. • “I like going to the beach,” she said. • She said, “I’m going to the beach today.” • If a quotation is a question or an exclamation, the question mark or exclamation point belongs inside the closing quotation marks. • “I can’t wait to go to the beach!” she exclaimed. • “Are you going to the beach?” she asked. • “Jump!” ordered the firefighter.

  5. Rules for Using Quotation Marks • When you write dialogue (a conversation) begin a new paragraph every time the speaker changes. • When a quotation is made up of several sentences, put quotation marks only at the beginning and at the end of the whole quotation. • If someone quotes what someone else said, use single quotation marks inside the quotation.

  6. When should we use quotation marks in titles? (Use quotation marks for shorter works) • Short stories • Poems • Songs • Episodes of a TV show • Essays • Articles • Chapters or parts of a book

  7. When should we underline titles? (Underline longer works) • Books • Plays • Magazines • Periodicals (newspapers) • Films (movies) • The title of an entire TV Series • Works of Art • Long Musical Works • Ships, Trains • Aircrafts, Spacecrafts

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