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Arena System Technology Architecture 系统技术架构

Arena System Technology Architecture 系统技术架构. 1 、 Database V2(Lotus Notes) V3(Oracle8i). 2 、 Application Server SilverStream2.53 (Java as server side programming language) Java Servlet API for creating servlets

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Arena System Technology Architecture 系统技术架构

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  1. Arena System Technology Architecture 系统技术架构 1、Database V2(Lotus Notes)V3(Oracle8i) 2、Application Server SilverStream2.53 (Java as server side programming language) Java Servlet API for creating servlets JSP (Java Server Page) for creating dynamic HTML page using Java as scripting language JDBC for RDBMS access JMS (Java Messaging Service) for access messaging middle-ware, e.g. MQSeries Java Mail API for access SMTP based mail JNDI for access directory service, e.g. LDAP JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) for cryptographic functions, e.g. SSL, X.509 certificates handling 3、Web Browser based Front-end HTML+ JavaScript 4、Messaging InfrastructureV2 IBM MQSeries , AMTrix, VPN 5、System Scalability and Availability Cisco LocalDirector – hardware based IBM SecureWay Network Dispatch – software based 6、Database Resilience Primary Database and standby Database.

  2. HTMLXML AWTSwing Web User App User 企业用户接口 Web App JSPServletXML 企业web技术 分布式企业系统域 企业系统保证 Web Connect TCP/IP,CORBA,RMI,DCOM 分布式通信技术 企业app技术 JNDI,JMS,JavaMail, Jini,Ldap,JTA,JTS 公用通信服务技术 Java BeanEJB New App Logic JDBC 企业数据接口 商业合作伙伴 已有的企业应用 分布式企业应用 嵌入式设备应用 数据库 J2EE构建企业系统中的信息技术

  3. MVC开发模式在SS模块中的运用(Apache公司Struts框架)MVC开发模式在SS模块中的运用(Apache公司Struts框架) Oracle8i Weblogic5.1/6.0 IE Browser Dispatch Event ControllerServlet Business LogicAction HTTP Request Client Browser Struts-config.xml Forward Update View JSP Get ModelApplication State HTTP Response <Tag>

  4. Apache公司众多开源框架http://java.apache.org 1、Cocoon- 基于XML的Web内容发布  2、 Xang- 快速开发动态网页 3、 Slide- 内容管理框架  4、 Struts- 基于MVC设计模式的JSP 5、 Jetspeed- 基于Web的组件  6、 Turbine- 基于Servlet的Web应用开发

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