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DR. BRENNER INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT MBH. Consulting Engineers for Transport and Traffic Consulting – Planning – Design – Engineering – Research - Coordination. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC MASTER PLANNING IN FAST GROWING CITIES. Dr.-Ing. Manfred F. Brenner Managing Director. Contact:
DR. BRENNER INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT MBH Consulting Engineers for Transport and Traffic Consulting – Planning – Design – Engineering – Research - Coordination TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC MASTER PLANNING IN FAST GROWING CITIES Dr.-Ing. Manfred F. BrennerManaging Director Contact: info@brenner-ingenieure.de www.brenner-ingenieure.de 1
The current growth of cities in fast-developing countries is unique in human history, concerning scale and speed. To maintain mobility will be one of the essential challenges of urban planning in the future.
"urban quality" has become one of the most decisive criteria for attracting high-tech industries, investors, residents and tourists. intact, safe and healthy urban environment, good infrastructure, high-class cultural scene and educational institutions, attractive urban spaces with high amenity values, etc. sustainability of the urban development
The Status of the Transport and Traffic Master Plan • is the superior strategic guideline, placed over all sectoral planning • is not a feasibility study or a preliminary design • based on a "vision" of the city • ensures liability • has a comprehensive view and considers interdependences and interactions
Essential Demands on Urban Transport Master Planning • open-minded incorporation of the complete spectrum of planning options, oriented on premises • intermodal referring to all traffic modes (individual traffic, public transport, bicycle and pedestrian traffic) • integrative addressing all fields affected by traffic, coordination with land use /urban planning • efficiency-based all planning decisions made on a quantitative basis by use of advanced traffic models • communicative continuous information, involvement of all protagonists and the public
Structuring of the Planning Process Subdivision of the project execution into 4 project stages in order to use caesurae between phases to - review and evaluate interim results - determine and fix necessary planning tasks and scope of following phases and avoid unnecessary time input and costs - ensure target-oriented project execution - provide transparency and understanding of the planning process
Planning Structure and Process Coordination Meetings Project Management Active Participation of Project Partners understanding of thecity's identity review of existing traffic data plans and studies field investigations of roads and junctions traffic data collection STAGE 1 Traffic Data Base ---- Analysis of the Status Quo --- Planning Targets parking traffic survey road-side interviews surveys household travel surveys analysis of existing public transport system automatic and manual traffic counts collection of socio-economic, land use and further relevant data analysis of non-motorizedtraffic environmental impact analysis status quo analysis “vision” of the future development Workshop Presentations
Planning Structure and Process Coordination Meetings Project Management Active Participation of Project Partners urban road network public transport network and infrastructure heavy duty and freight transport STAGE 2 Planning Policy Development --- Development of Planning Scenarios environmental impact assessment (EIA) parking traffic supply and management coordination with land use planning road safety strategies planning policy control mechanisms between agencies bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure information technology and control systems (ITS/UTC) definition of alternative planning scenarios Workshop Presentations Filtering of planning scenarios
Structure of the TMP - Key Components Coordination Meetings Project Management Active Participation of Project Partners development of the traffic demand and assignment models analysis of land use and socio-economic data prognosis of future parking space demands STAGE 3 Development of transport models --- Analysis of alternative planning scenarios calibration and validation of the models analysis of economic data prognosis of future traffic development economic evaluation model application on selected planning scenarios comprehensive analysis of planning scenarios training coursesfor Client´s staff Workshop Presentations Staff training
Comprehensive Transport Masterplan HAIDIAN DISTRICT Beijing / P.R. China Public Transport Concept 2020 Haidian District Passenger Loads Morning Peak Traffic 2020 M6 HCBS3 M10 M1 M11
STAGE 3 TRAFFIC MODELS 3. Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model Task: - detailed analysis of traffic operation based on single- vehicle simulation - optimization of design and control solutions - visualisations for presentations in councils and public future conditions in the city center of Potsdam after rebuilding historical monuments
Structure of the TMP - Key Components Coordination Meetings Project Management Active Participation of Project Partners scheme implementation strategy ranking of scenarios phased realization plan STAGE 4 Transport Implementation Plan (TIP) identification of therealization scenario packages of measures integration of policy measures cost estimation preparation of the TIP presentation of the Transport Masterplan Workshop Final presentation
Current Situation fast-growing Cities in Turkey overload of the urban primary street network(partly in bad physical condition) insufficient urban secondary street network lack of efficient public transport systems frequently unfavorable land use concepts What are the major influencing criteria on the future mobility development ? ---------------------------------------- - age distribution of the local population - availability of private cars - mobility indices, particularly of female population - modal choice
Bursa Hane yapısına göre nüfusun Cinsiyeti ve yaşi Bursa Age Distribution of Population male female
Districts Bursatotal Vehicle Type Availability of Motor Vehicles (% of households) Bursa Istanbul 2007: 0 cars 65 % of households 1 car 31 % of households 2+ cars 5 % of households 36 %
[ cars/1000 inhabitants] Districts Bursatotal motorization rate Motorization Rate Bursa Istanbul (2006): 144 cars/1000 inhabitants
Motorization Rate (2006) in German Large Cities [ cars/1000 inhabitants] München 418 Pkw/1.000 Einwohner Düsseldorf 394 Pkw/1.000 Einwohner Stuttgart 400 Pkw/1.000 Einwohner Hamburg 370 Pkw/1.000 Einwohner
District Bursatotal average trips/all persons average trips/mobile persons average tripsmale - mobile average tripsfemale - mobile share of mobilepersons male female share of unmobilepersons share of tripsby male share of tripsby female Mobility of Household Population Bursa
District Bursatotal average trips/all persons average tripsall / male average tripsall / female Mobility Indices acc. to gender (all interviewed persons) Bursa German Cities 2,7 to 3,3 Istanbul 1,8
Pieton Bicicletă Aotobuz Tramvai Tren Taxi Motocicletă Autoturism Modal split in the city of Arad (Romania) 40,5 % private motorized mobility 41,2 % non-motorized mobility 18,0 % public transport
year of survey PublicTransport private car City Population Walking Bicycle Modal Split Comparison of Cities Modal Split - Städtevergleich
Modal Split - Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa 15,5 % private motorized mobility 43,5 % non-motorized mobility 41,0 % public transport (all modes)
Car Motorbike Taxi Dolmuş Minibus Company Shuttle Bus LRT Bicycle Walking Cinsiyet ve Yaş grupları Modal Split dağılımları Bursa Modal Split depending on gender and age
Status Quo Scenario 1 Mobility volume 2004: 8.570.000 Trips Mobility volume 2020: 16.550.000 Trips passenger cars/ public transport taxi bicycles pedestrians 11 22 6 28 33 942.700 Trips 1.885.400 Trips 514.200 Trips 2.228.200 Trips 2.828.100 Trips 20 40 5 21 14 3.310.000 6.620.000 827.500 3.475.500 2.317.000 + 60 % + 56 % - 18 % + 251 % + 251 % small buses City of Wuhan
City of Wuhan Status Quo Scenario 2 Mobility volume 2004: 8.570.000 Trips Mobility volume 2020: 16.550.000 Trips 11 22 6 28 33 11 60 5 13 11 1.820.500 9.930.000 827.500 2.151.500 1.820.500 + 60 % - 6 % - 36 % passenger cars/ public transport taxi bicycles pedestrians 942.700 Trips 1.885.400 Trips 514.200 Trips 2.228.200 Trips 2.828.100 Trips + 93 % + 426 % small buses
An efficient and attractive public transport system is the only reasonable answer to growing private car volumes
DR. BRENNER INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT MBH Consulting Engineers for Transport and Traffic Consulting – Planning – Design – Engineering – Research - Coordination Thank you for your kind attention ! Contact: info@brenner-ingenieure.de www.brenner-ingenieure.de 29