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Strategic Christian Services. Business Leadership School- IntroCourse BLS100 & CoreCourse BLS200. Business Leadership School- Course Summary.
Strategic Christian Services Business Leadership School- IntroCourse BLS100 & CoreCourse BLS200
Business Leadership School- Course Summary • The Business Leadership Schoolis designed to equip owners, corporate executives, managers, and those aspiring to positions of leadership to engage the workplace from a biblical worldview. • Participants will learn how to: • Create a Positive Company Climate of Trust and Effectiveness • Effectively bring Correction and Change • Empower People • Skillfully Hire, Review, Promote, and Release • Strategic Plan for long-term success • Create a dynamic Learning Organization • Build Customer Loyalty • Grow multi-generational organizations • and much more...
Business Leadership School- Course Summary • The Business Leadership School is a two-year correspondence course. To maximize the learning experience, each student is assigned a course facilitator who will assist the student in understanding and applying the knowledge gleaned from the course. • The school commences each year with a mandatory three-day on-site Intensive. At the Intensive, students are oriented to the school and assigned a facilitator. • Immediately after the Intensive, the course work begins. The BLS100 Introductory course is the first year program and the BLS200 is the second year course. The BLS 100 focuses on the fundamental differences between conventional economics and Kingdom economics while the BLS 200 focuses on strategic implementation of a Biblical Christian Worldview in leading organizations.
Business Leadership School- Course Summary • Graduates are then trained to become Course Facilitators themselves. Also, graduates of the two-year course are eligible for the Graduate Modules BLS300. • Course Graduates are uniquely trained to engage the workplace with excellence using God’s values and principles. Strategic Christian Services is proud to contribute to the advancement of Kingdom of God through this special learning venue.
Business Leadership School- IntroCourse Materials • Real change requires people leading it who truly “know their stuff.”Superficiality produces superficiality. Because that is true, we are committed to help train people to experience godly transformation in their personal lives and to the marketplace who carry “the real deal.” This requires depth of learning, some personal coaching, and some potentially significant paradigm shifts. • Enrollment in the Business Leadership Introductory Course 100 includes: • The 12 part series Worldview for the Marketplace • The 8 part series The Freedom Series • The 8 part series Creating Wealth • The Book Doing Business God’s Way • Course Enrollment: Facilitator oversight, Regular communication specifically for Introductory Course students, and Connection to the larger Business Leadership School network.
Business Leadership School- IntroCourse Materials • Completion of the Introductory Course 100 then allows the student to move into the Business Leadership School CoreCourse. The School begins with a three-day Intensive. Immediately following the Intensive, the student then engages the one year correspondence curriculum that is the CoreCourse BLS200.
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section I: The Foundations of Market Place Ministry Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section I: The Foundations of Market Place Ministry 1 The Foundations of Economics and Family Management 2 Our Ministry as Kings and Priests in the Marketplace 3 Walking in Financial Freedom 4 Building Your Organization on God’s Word and God’s Pattern 5 How Your Ministry Fits into the Big Picture
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building 6 How to Hear God for Your Business 7 Discerning Whom You Can Trust 8 Dealing with Spiritual Warfare 9 Business Prayers God Will Answer
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life 10 Biblical Ethics for the Marketplace 11 What is Your Organization Called to Do? 12 Changing Man and His Institutions 13 The Nature and Power of Agreement 14 Transformation Begins with You
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way 15 Understanding the Basics of Problem Solving 16 The Relational Nature of Problem Solving 17 Execution and Delegation 18 Stimulating the Commitment of Others
Business Leadership School- Core Course Materials Summary Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny 19 Basic Principles of Management 20 Building Our Business on a Relational Foundation (Part 1) 21 Building Our Business on a Relational Foundation (Part 2) 22 Understanding the Distinctions between Teaching and Training (Part 1) (Relevance) 23 Understanding the Distinctions between Teaching and Training (Part 2) 24 Knowing When the Game Is On: God’s Green Light
Business Leadership School- 2009 Enrollment Duration: Two Years (One lesson bi-weekly + teachings) Start Date: March 2009 & May 2009 IntroCourse100 Enroll online at http://www.scsbusiness.org/ Cost: IntroCourse-BLS100 $295 Core Course-BLS200 $995 Business Intensive February 2009 Northern California Double Occupancy $645 Single Occupancy $545
Detailed BLSCoreCourse Lesson Summary:Section I: The foundations of Market Place Ministry Lesson 1: The Foundations of Economics and Family Management Taking anything to the point of excellence is a process God is building a spiritual family which He expects us to mirror and model The family unit is the leverage point of societies and nations
Section I: The foundations of Marketplace Ministry Lesson 2: Our Ministry as Kings and Priests in the Marketplace In a fallen world, the only ultimate question is , “How do we experience transformation?” Understanding the transformation process is at the center of our ministry as priests Christ-like rulership governs on behalf of God and is driven by the goal of bringing all people and things into their God intended fullness
Section I: The foundations of Market Place Ministry Lesson 3: Walking in Financial Freedom – Earl Pitts Biblical economics is based on the assumption of increase whereas worldly economics is based on scarcity Scripture identifies distinctives between “wealth” and “riches” and “money”; money belongs to the world system The Kingdom operates on the basis of giving and receiving whereas the world system operates on the basis of buying and selling The “closed circle” concept, and knowing how to operate in it properly, opens up new worlds of possible blessing, both personally and philanthropically
Section I: The foundations of Market Place Ministry Lesson 4: Building Your Organization on God’s Word and God’s Pattern A wholistic building pattern in God is found in these twelve principles of building foundations These twelve building principles can hold us accountable to God both in terms of our motive and the concepts we use to build A work-in-process – a “Christian business” is as follows: My Business Reform Definition-Our Working Model Definition A Christian business is a commercial enterprise that consistently serves its customers, suppliers, and employees with monetary compensation, products, and services which bring value to their lives before God, applying biblical principles and ethics in such a way that God’s Spirit has free access over actions, operations, and profits of those who own and operate the organization
Section I: The foundations of Market Place Ministry Lesson 5: How Your Ministry Fits into the Big Picture In God’s created eco-system, healthy units seek to integrate with other healthy units Our purpose in God is to fulfill His ministry for us in life by building upon the past, preparing for eternity, and serving others in the process The three phases of market-place ministry – validation, evangelism, and Kingdom economics – will shape both the church and history
Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building Lesson 6: How to Hear God for Your Business We are called to be co-workers together with God (1 Cor. 3a) A wholistic life before God has many different facets of “ministry” (seamless garment) To act in faith, we must be in the process of aligning our motives, thoughts, and actions with God’s patterns and laws for us and the environment in which He has placed us God desires that we discern and cooperate with Him in our “seasons of life” and that we treat others similarly
Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building Lesson 7: Discerning Whom You Can Trust As we build with God, He expects us to learn from Him how to guard and protect what we are building Telling “stories” making “exceptions”; circumventing systems; failing to discern can destroy the whole house (Ecc. 7:12, 9:18)
Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building Lesson 8: Dealing with Spiritual warfare Spriritual warfare attacks both individuals and whole organizations in similar ways, all of which require knowledge, commitment and corporiety to defeat the them Our principle weapons against our spiritual enemy are obedience to God, wisdom, patience, and the ability to recognize the patterns of his attack with appropriate responses
Section II: Establishing Our Spiritual Foundations for Building Lesson 9: Business Prayers God Will Answer Standing in faith before God requires a genuine partnership with Him The power of our prayer rests largely upon the lawfulness of our position and our petitions
Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Lesson 10: Biblical Ethics for the Marketplace
Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Lesson 11: What is Your Organization Called to Do? God-ordained creations have a design-destiny “code” that must be followed to be blessed Staying within our design while constantly working to upgrade all components of the organization should be our primary business goal
Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Lesson 12: Changing Man and His Institutions In order to bring transformation, we must first discover and disarm people’s inappropriate internal objections and presuppositions As previously noted, in a fallen world, recognizing and overcoming the obstacles to transformation is the major work of God in our lives
Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Lesson 13: The Nature and Power of Agreement The purpose of clear rules and agreements is to give borders to our freedom and continuity and productivity to our relationships The integrity of an organization can be measured by its commitments to clear, accountable agreements, open dialogues and repentance Letting things “slide” for the sake of “peace” or because we are too busy guarantees that they will “slide” downward
Section III: The Keys to Successful Business Life Lesson 14: Transformation Begins with You The need for transformation; the depth of needed transformation; and the methodology of transformation for both individuals and corporations is the issue for man on the earth Truth is revealed to us in God relationally and leads us into conceptual reality, executional process, and the context of community life Co-labouring together in God brings man and God, and man and man, into deepest fellowship Transformation, which is the game, begins in our internal reality (spirit heart will mind actions) and extends outwardly to our environment
Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way Lesson 15: Understanding the Basics of Problem Solving Problems are designed by God to promote us, protect us, enlighten us, and change us Effective and consistent problem-solving requires the use of certain standard questions and concepts The relational, conceptual, and executional dimensions of problem-solving require the methodical application of tools in a disciplined manner Consistent, effective problem-solving requires that we diagram out the problem and also apply the “seven rules” as well
Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way Lesson 16: The Relational Nature of Problem Solving Clear agreements, and their maintenance, are the foundation of a relationally healthy organization Mediating and helping to resolve the relational dimensions of problems calls us up to our priestly roles in Christ
Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way Lesson 17: Execution and Delegation While leadership deals with goals and vision, both internal and external, management deals with successfully executing those goals and visions Why can we only delegate authority and never fully delegate responsibility?
Section IV: Solving Problems God’s Way Lesson 18: Stimulating the Commitment of Others Problem-solving begins with re-igniting of a compelling vision that pulls people up to the disciplines necessary to achieve it We must master the skills of discerning and building upon tested people who hear our “sound” protecting and preparing them for the inheritance of our lives The “righteousness-consciousness” distinctive keeps us in both humility and constant maturation Stimulating the concepts of destiny, militancy, family, and servanthood empowers people to press through problems and obstacles
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 19: Basic Principles of Management Whether managing employees or “sons”, our responsibility to them both is to help take them to the highest level of maturity possible for them in the work-place context Certain principles of transformation, while universal, apply more specifically to employees, “sons”, or the entire organization
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 20: Building Our Business on a Relational Foundation (Part One) The trinity is our relationally-based building pattern, and it, rather than the “city” of man, must be our model We must know more in general about what we are teaching and mentoring others in, and we must be clear on mentoring-relational dynamics
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 21: Building Our Business on a Relational Foundation (Part Two) Mentoring or coaching requires that we instruct people, and help them get free from negative personal, organizational, and cultural attitudes and paradigms “Slaves” live in bondage and fear while “sons” live in freedom and hope in their inheritance Knowing when to intervene in a situation and when to let it alone for now is a continually important life-skill The “son-Servant contrasts” give us helpful criteria to know how to discern where someone is in terms of how to relate to them and their appropriate level of assigned responsibility
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 22: Understanding the Distinctions Between Teaching and Training (Part One) (Relevance) Teaching is the conceptual communication of ideas, whereas training further requires the student’s ability to execute those concepts and teach others The three levels of “knowing”, in order to produce them in others, forces the teacher-instructor to become skilled in epistemology
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 23: Understanding the Distinctions Between Teaching and Training (Part Two) The training process requires clearly defined expectations; emulation before individual adaptation; the nine steps of reproduction; and a clear understanding of the power of habits, correction, and specific application Understanding and applying the training-student obstacles and personal learning styles is critical to obtaining successful training results
Section V: Managing and Mentoring People with Destiny Lesson 24: Knowing When the Game is On: God’s Green Light In our journey to see Christ replicated in us, we go through a constant series of lessons in which we seek obedience, understanding, and joy Understanding God’s “green light” process and knowing when to wisely push that light is crucial to us and those we lead