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AGN feedback in ellipticals

Explore AGN feedback in ellipticals using emission line diagnostics, resolve recent star formation history, and study absorption indices. The study focuses on morphologically selected ellipticals from SDSS, analyzing 16,000 ellipticals and 32,000 spirals with a redshift range of 0.05 < z < 0.1 and r < 16.8. The research delves into emission line diagnostics, stellar populations, Seyfert-LINER transition, and separates star formation from AGN activity. Findings reveal insights into the evolutionary sequence of star formation, AGN feedback, and implications for galaxy formation theories including downsizing and the suppression of late star formation in ellipticals. The study spans over 500 Myr, providing a comprehensive understanding of AGN feedback evolution.

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AGN feedback in ellipticals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AGN feedback in ellipticals from spectra and SEDs Kevin Schawinski (Oxford) Marc Sarzi (Hertfordshire) Claudia Maraston (Portsmouth) Sugata Kaviraj (Oxford) Seok-Joo Joo (Yonsei) Sukyoung Yi (Yonsei) Joseph Silk (Oxford) Daniel Thomas University of Portsmouth Schawinski et al (2007, MNRAS, astro-ph/0709.3015)

  2. De Lucia et al 2006 AGN feedback Quasar mode Croton et al 2005 Radio mode Downsizing Thomas et al 2005 Nelan et al 2005; Bernardi et al 2006

  3. Eisenstein et al 2003 TMB Requirements • Large sample w/o bias against star formation or AGN • Emission line diagnostics • Resolve recent star formation history • TP-AGB • Absorption indices • Element ratio effects

  4. MOrphologically Selected Ellipticals from SDSS MOSES 16,000 ellipticals 32,000 spirals 0.05<z<0.1, r < 16.8 3-d density estimator Emission line diagnostics Stellar populations Schawinski, Thomas et al, MNRAS, in press

  5. Seyfert LINER Transition Star forming Separating star formation from AGN Baldwin et al 1981; Kewley et al 2001; Kauffmann et al 2003

  6. AGN feedback in action Star forming Transition Seyfert LINER Passive Schawinski et al (2007)

  7. K. Schawinski (2007) Recent star formation history Absorption indices help

  8. Evidence for evolutionary sequence

  9. The timeline of AGN feedback

  10. Implications for theory Springel et al 2005

  11. Summary • Downsizing • Suppression of late star formation in ellipticals • AGN feedback in galaxy formation models • MOSES • Ellipticals from SDSS • Derive recent star formation history • Inclusion of (Lick) absorption features helps • Use chemical evolution • Evidence for AGN feedback in ellipticals • Evolutionary sequence SF-AGN-quiescence • Time span > 500 Myr

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