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The properties of AGN host galaxies: Any clues for AGN feedback? Knud Jahnke, MPIA

The properties of AGN host galaxies: Any clues for AGN feedback? Knud Jahnke, MPIA. Collaborators:. GEMS team (Chien, Hans-Walter, Klaus, Rachel + 15). Lutz Wisotzki, Malte Schramm, Bernd Husemann (AIP) Geraldine Letawe, Pierre Magain (Liege), Frederic Courbin (Lausanne) + 5.

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The properties of AGN host galaxies: Any clues for AGN feedback? Knud Jahnke, MPIA

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  1. The properties of AGN host galaxies: Any clues for AGN feedback? Knud Jahnke, MPIA Collaborators: GEMS team (Chien, Hans-Walter, Klaus, Rachel + 15) Lutz Wisotzki, Malte Schramm, Bernd Husemann (AIP) Geraldine Letawe, Pierre Magain (Liege), Frederic Courbin (Lausanne) + 5 COSMOS team (Eva, Vernesa, Alejo, Frank, Martin +100)

  2. QSO host galaxies have… • …luminosities • …masses • …structure/morphology • …stellar composition • …ISM state • …kinematical structures • (some of this) can be observed from z=0 to 3

  3. Optical luminosities: low-z • z~0.1: luminous in the optical/NIR Jahnke & Wisotzki 2003; McLeod & Rieke 1994, 1995

  4. Optical luminosities: high-z • VLT NIR AO/nonAO imaging, z=2…3 • Host: luminous in rest-frame optical Schramm, Wisotzki, Jahnke 2007 Kuhlbrodt, Wisotzki, Örndahl, Jahnke 2005

  5. z = 0.3–0.7 0.9–1.0 1.0–1.15 1.15–1.3 1.3–1.5 1.5–1.6 1.6–1.8 1.8–1.9 1.9–2.1 2.1–2.9 COSMOS ACS F814W 4“

  6. z=0.65 z=1.53 z=2.16 z=2.24

  7. Optical luminosities: high-z • HST ACS imaging, GEMS+COSMOS (first year XMM+z sample) • Inactive galaxies: MK-limited sample from GOODS-MUSIC • Host galaxies: luminous in rest-frame UV to optical Jahnke, Sanchez et al. 2004b; Sanchez, Jahnke et al. 2004; Jahnke et al. in prep.

  8. Host masses: low-z • SDSS type 2 AGN • Massive galaxies • Correlated with Lnuc Kauffmann et al. 2003

  9. QSO host masses: high-z • VLT NIR color imaging • Host: massive @ z=2…3 • But high MBH compared to local Schramm, Wisotzki, Jahnke 2007

  10. Structure/morphology • E-CDFS/GEMS with HST/ACS • At z=0.7: Early type QSO hosts are on normal mag-size relation z=0 z=0.7 Sanchez, Jahnke et al. 2004

  11. Structure/morphology • ACS-COSMOS • No early-phase merger, but many asymmetries and non-relaxed systems • Unclear if merger fraction is enhanced compared to inactive COSMOS: Gabor, Jahnke, et al. in prep.

  12. Structure/morphology • But sometimes definitely violent… HE0450-2958 Magain et al. 2005, Nature

  13. Stellar composition: low-z • 20 type 1 QSOs, z~0.1 • Multiband imaging • Always young stars • Also for bulge dominated/early type hosts Late type Early type Jahnke et al. 2003, 2004

  14. Stellar composition: low-z • SDSS type 2 AGN • More young stars in strong AGN hosts Kauffmann et al. 2003

  15. Interlude: Type 1 QSO spectroscopy, on nucleus

  16. Type 1 QSO spectroscopy, on nucleus

  17. Type 1 QSO spectroscopy, on nucleus • 20 type 1 QSOs • 0.05<z<0.35 • Imaging available (VLT and some ACS) Jahnke et al. 2007; Letawe et al. 2007

  18. Stellar composition: low-z • Non-old, red and dead even for early types Letawe et al. 2007

  19. Stellar composition: high-z • Type 1 QSO host galaxies can have blue colours at any z Jahnke, Sanchez et al. 2004b; Sanchez, Jahnke et al. 2004; Jahnke et al. in prep.

  20. Stellar composition: high-z SSP models: B&C03 (solar) • Independent of dominant morphology Jahnke, Sanchez et al. 2004b; Sanchez, Jahnke et al. 2004; Jahnke et al. in prep. disk dominated bulge dominated undecided

  21. ISM state • PMAS Integral Field Spectroscopy • 20 QSOs, MV~23…25 • Extended Emission Line Regions • Out to several kpc radius Husemann, Wisotzki, Jahnke in prep.

  22. ISM state • No radio jet in EELR • Anticorrelation: FeII emission and kpc-extended [OIII] • 50% of EELR with desturbed velocity structure Husemann, Wisotzki, Jahnke in prep.

  23. ISM state • EELR [OIII] not correlated with nuclear continuum, but with nuclear [OIII] logL([OIII, EELR]) logL([OIII], AGN) logλLλ(5100A) Husemann, Wisotzki, Jahnke in prep.

  24. ISM state • VLT long-slit: ionisation by AGN out to many kpc Letawe et al. 2007; Jahnke et al. 2007

  25. Kinematical structures • Some perfect rotation curves • Some severely distorted velocity structures • Velocities several 100km/s • Merging? Inflow? Outflow? • PMAS IFS: 50% of EELRs with distorted velocity fields Letawe et al. 2007

  26. Take home summary: QSO hosts • Type 1 QSO host galaxies… • …are luminous and massive • …are bulge dominated but can have disk components • …are often asymmetric (tbd: relative to inactive?) • …lie near mag-size relation of inactive early types • …have often younger stellar pops compared to inactive early types (tbd: E+A or current SF?); particularly for distorted systems • …have large-scale AGN-ionized ISM, sometimes as ionisation cones • …have often large-scale kinematical distortions in ISM • …don‘t differ much between z=2 and z=0

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