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Cloud Computing Ashley Richardson. What is Cloud Computing?. Having secure access to applications and data from any network device Computational resources accessible via a computer network, rather than from a local computer
Cloud Computing Ashley Richardson
What is Cloud Computing? • Having secure access to applications and data from any network device • Computational resources accessible via a computer network, rather than from a local computer • Any computer that you’re on that is connected to the internet has access to your files and applications. • Instead of carrying around a storage medium such as a flash drive or DVD, users can access personal files such as music, pictures, videos, book marks and even play games or preform word processing functions on a remote server • Remote server- allows a user to log on to the network from a distant location
History • Underlying concept and idea for computation as a public utility dates back to the 1960s and John McCarthy • Term “cloud” is a metaphor to represent the abstraction of the internet and based on the cloud drawing • Was referenced in a scholarly way in 1997 that computing was evolving from a main-frame-based structure to a network-based architecture • Amazon started developing the idea further with Amazon Web Service (AWS) in 2006 • Exposure of cloud computing to public media was in 2006 by Google Ex CEO Eric Schmidt
Types of Cloud Computing • Public Cloud • Traditional, mainstream cloud computing available to everyone • Offered on a self-serve basis over the internet • Community Cloud • Used when similar organizations seek the same infrastructure and requirements • Offers more security • Hybrid Cloud and Hybrid IT Delivery • Offer IT services to manage the performance, security, ad privacy • Useful for archiving and backup functions • Combined Cloud • Some is information is private and only accessible to certain people within the company • Some is available to the public
Pros to Cloud Computing • Cost- software and computing capabilities are publicly available • Don’t have to worry about which computer has your files if you use multiple computers • Device and location independence- allows users to access their information anywhere with internet access. • Maintenance- no installation or upgrades • Storage- it stored virtually and archived
Cons to Cloud Computing • Privacy- companies hosting the cloud service can monitor your information • Compliance- coining the term and using it as a trademark • Data Usage- has to be downloaded each time for use onto that computer • Criticism of the term- too unspecific and misleading • CEO of Oracle Corporation Larry Ellison “cloud computing is everything that we already do” • Marketing scheme, marketing hype campaign
Uses in Education • Allows students to access information from anywhere, not just school • Reduces costs for schools and students when purchasing educational software • Great way to backup files • Less dependence on IT for software updates and installation • Possibilities are endless
Sources • http://meetings2.informs.org/Dallas97/TALKS/MD19.html • http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS435US435&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=define%3A+remote+server#hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS435US435&q=Remote+server&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=QULwTYvSC5Khtwf5_9WLAw&ved=0CFwQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9589d0f2bb20ed2d&biw=794&bih=764 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing# • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HRrbLA7rss