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The Study of Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes. We write words prefix-root-suffix Ex re port er We define them suffix-root-prefix. er port re
We write words prefix-root-suffix Ex re port er • We define them suffix-root-prefix. er port re • This is a mirror image. Port means to carry. Re means back or again. Or or Er at the end of any word means a person who. Therefore reporter Prefix re +Root port +Suffix er= Suffix person who+ Root carries + Prefix back. Reporter= a person who carries back. If you think about it a reporter is a person who carries information back; therefore, this definition although imperfect makes sense. • Porter= a person who carries • Er-a person who. • Port- carry • A porter at a train station carries your luggage. • Report= to carry back. • Port- carry • Re- back • In a report you are carrying information back to your reader.
The study of Roots, Prefixes, and SuffixesDay 1 1. jac, jact, ject = cast, throw2. ob, op = against3. re = back, again4. sub, sus, sup = under, lesser5. de = down, away, apart, from 6. inter = between7. in, im, ir, il, = in, into, not8. pro = forward, toward9. e, ex = out10. port = carry11. trans = across, beyond, through, into, over12. due, duc, duct = lead, draw13. urb = city14. merse, merge = plunge15. scribe, script = write16. or, er = one who takes part in17. a, an= not, without 18. neo= new, recent
Day 2 1.fer = bear, carry 2.mit, mis, miss = send 3.gress, gred, grad = step 4.fus = pour 5.a, ab, an = away, without, not 6.con, com, cor, col = with, together 7.intro, intra = within, into 8.aqua, aque = water 9.via = way 10.pre = before 11.post = after 12.ad = to, toward 13.terr = earth, land 14. medi = middle 15. agog, agogue= leader 16. pan= all, every 17. proto= first
Day 31. graph, gram = write2. auto = self3. bio = life4. photo = light5. phono = sound6. tele = far, distant7. dia = across8. mobile = that which moves9. ops, opt = eye, see10. pon, pos = put, place11. dis, div = apart12. pel, pul = drive13. vert, vers = turn14. extro_= out15. ambi, amphi = both16. vac= empty Automobile- that which moves self Dispel- to drive apart Repel- to drive back
Day 4 1.fid = faith, belief 2.fac, fact, fec, fic, fea, fash, fy = do make 3.bene_ = good, well 4.mani, manu = hand 5.mort = death 6.ced, ces = go 7.dict = speak, say, tell, word 8.fix =fasten 9.judice = judgment 10.se = aside 11.contra = against 12.ver = truth 13.male = bad 14.tract, trac, trea = draw 15.at = to, toward 16. simil= same Contradict- to speak against Female- do make bad
Day 5 1. ven, vent = come 2. uni = one 3. son = sound 4. anim = mind, spirit 5. mono = one, single, alone, solitary 6. arch = ruler, chief, leader 7. gamy = marriage 8. logue, log, logy = speak, say, study, word, story 9. mania = madness, compulsion 10. the, theo = god 11. ism = belief 12. ocl, ocle = eye 13. semi = half 14. anni, annu, enni = year 15. fin =end 16. neuro= nerve Monogamy- one marriage Unison- one sound
Day 6 1. bi = two, twice 2. sect = cut 3. cycle = circle, wheel 4. tri = three 5. pod, ped = feet 6. cent = hundred 7. meter, metr = measure 8. per = by, through 9. quad = four 10. geo = earth 11. epi =upon 12. pyro = fire 13. klepto = steal 14. dipso = drink 15. mega, megalo, magn =great, greatness 16. al= pertaining to 17. centro, centri= around, center 18. dys= ill, difficult, bad Bisect- to cut twice per cent- by one hundred unicycle- one wheel
Day 7 1. chron = time 2. thermo = heat 3. peri = around 4. scop, scope = see, view 5. cor, cord, card, cour = heart 6. ium, eum = membrane 7. octe, osteo = bone 8. ton, tone = abdomen 9. cept, capt, cap, cip, ceive = take, seize 10. pater, patr = father 11. cide = kill, murder 12. mater, matr = mother 13. polis = city 14. fater, fratr = brother 15. macro= large 16. demo= people Periscope- to look around Pericardium- membrane around the heart Paternal- pertaining to the father
Day 8 1. ux, uxor = wife2. homo, homi = human3. geno = race4. reg, rex = king5. sui = self6. soror = sister7. cogni = know, known8. cred = belief, believe9. micro = small10. aud = hear11. gnosti = know, knowledge12. esthet = feelings13. onym = name14. path = feel, disease15. vis, vid = see16. super = over, above, beyond Apathy- without feeling Genocide- to kill a race Visual- pertaining to seeing
Day 9 1. viv, vit = life 2. car, carn, carne = flesh, meat 3. val = farewell 4. vor = eat 5. onym = name 6. pseudo = false 7. syn = same 8. ant, anti = opposite 9. homo_ = same 10. poly = many 11. psycho = mind, soul 12. flect, flex = bend, twist 13. frag, fract = break 14. circum = around 15. ia, y= act, state 16. derm= skin 17. dox= belief, opinion 18. equ= equal Vital- pertaining to life Pseudonym- false name Reflect- to bend back
Day 10 1.sens, sent = feel 2.spec, spect, spic = look, see 3.retro = back, backward 4.dit = obtain, deliver 5.tain, ten, tent = hold, contain 6.tens, tent, tend = stretch 7.voc, vok = call 8.spire = breathe 9.scend, scent, scando = climb 10.fore = before, previous 11.ics = science of 12.econom = management 13.mechan = machine 14. phys = nature 15. ic, tic, ical, ac= having to do with 16. biblio= book 17. crypt= hidden Distend- to stretch apart Physical- pertaining to nature Economics- science of management
Day 11 1. Domini = Lord 2. mut = change 3. grat, grac = thank, favor, pleasing 4. capit = head 5. corp, corpor, corpus = body 6. dent = tooth 7. nas = nose 8. dorm = sleep 9. sanct = holy 10. seren = calm 11. enm = enemy 12. pend, pens = hang 13. clud, clos, clus = shut, close 14. rupt = break 15. sta, stit, stet, sist = stand 16. al= pertaining to 17. ory= place where 18. ity= state, quality, condition of being 19. phobia = fear of 20. phil = love, tendency toward Serenity- state of being calm Nasal- pertaining to the nose Dormitory- place where a person sleeps