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Aztec Software provides comprehensive computer-based educational solutions that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device. With over 36 years of experience, Aztec offers customized implementation, maintenance, academic support, and technical assistance to support teachers and enhance classroom usage.
Ryan Yuran VP of Support P: 800-273-0033 E: support@aztecsoftware.com
History • Over 36 years of computer-based educational experience • Founded by educators, not technologists • Always have been in computer-based technology • Ability to use via Internet, Secure Internet, Stand-Alone Computers, Local or Wide area Networks • Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device Education
Support offered teachers to aid and encourage classroom usage Aztec Support Teams: FIELD SERVICES TEAM: Aztec’s FSR Team supports your staff by understanding your organizations specific needs and objectives. Working together to develop a customized implementation plan of Aztec, we ensure the successful delivery to both students and staff. • Customized Implementation • Maintenance • Condition-Based Monitoring • Academic Support CLIENT RELATIONS TEAM: Aztec’s CR Team continues to proactively connect with your staff throughout our partnership to communicate updates and ‘news-worthy’ events. TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM: Aztec’s TS Team is available to assist your staff with any technical and/or support needs. Connect with TS Team via: • Email • Chat • Phone
Important info to know • Throughout the state, all facilities will share a database. • The Aztec Learning System has separated each facility to have their own classes and a way to view their own Participants rosters and Participant progress • Users – Participants from your facility will be visible to all SUNY ATTAIN facilities using Aztec Software. • Tags – Tags have been defined as facility names. A TAG will be attached to each participant. • Tags can be utilized to filter a group of participants when viewing rosters and running reports.
Steps to getting Participant Registered & Enrolled Step 1 LTC LTC fills out “New Participant Import Sheet” Step 2 Statewide Coordinator Upload “New Participant Import Sheet” (must be CSV file) w/Participants info. Allow 72 hours to process Participant receives the Aztec Guide with username and password Step 3 LTC Hands the participant the Aztec Guide with their username & password. Helps participant login to Aztec and take 3 Aztec locator tests. • Step 4 LTC • Views participant results (2 ways to view results). Fill out Class Enrollment Form • Step 5 LTC • Email Aztec’s “Class Enrollment Form” to Statewide Coordinator • Step 6 Statewide Coordinator • Receives “Class Enrollment Form” from LTC and modifies the Participants enrollment
Aztec Levels Aztec offers 4 levels of difficulty based on GLE (Grade Level Equivalence) The Fundaments, Foundations, and Bridge Series ONLY have the Reading, Language Arts and Math. The majority of Aztec’s Participants ultimate goal is HSE-Certificate (TASC CERTIFICATE) Aztec starts to introduce Science and Social Studies in the TASC Prep Series only. The intent is because on the TASC Test Social Studies is all reading comprehension and the Science teaches directly to the correlated skills on the TASC Test. We want the Participant to focus on absorbing ONLY information that is relevant or directly correlated to the TASC Test they are trying to pass.
Participants Locator Test Assessment LTC’s first goal is to register Participants LTC’s second goal is to assess Participants To asses the Participants, they are to first take 3 Aztec Locator Tests. Each test will determine what level a participant should start within each subject. • 2. LanguageArts • 1. Reading • 3. Math
New Participant Import Sheet STEP #1 - LTC • Participant’s first name, last name, Username • Some fields will be already filled-in by default (TAG (password - sunyattain) and class/session) • Email the Import Sheet to their Statewide Coordinator for upload • The username format: arm+ISIusername(facility acronym + first initial+last name)+DOB(mmyy) • Example Name & DOB: John Smith, born August, 1976 • Example Username: armjsmith0876
Example New Participant Import Sheet • After new Participant(s) are added, Email the Import Sheet to their Statewide Coordinator for upload
Upload New Participant Import Sheet STEP #2 – Statewide Coordinator Upload “New Participant Import Sheet” (must be CSV file) w/Participants info (already has default Password, TAG, and LOCATOR TEST included on form) LTC should allow 72 hours for Statewide Coordinator to process. STEP #3 – LTC Participant receives the Aztec Guide with username and password from LTC • LTC - Hands the participant the Aztec Guide with their username & password • LTC - Helps participant login to Aztec • Participant takes the Locator Test (3 separate tests) to determine their starting level. • Participants are to complete each test in a sitting. • A participant may need additional days to complete all 3 tests (roughly 50 questions per test) (3 subjects tests) depending on time available. • Reading • Language Arts • Math
Login as a Participant 1. Website – https://nextgen.aztecsoftware.com 2. Login – suny.participant4 suny.participant4 sunyattain 3. Passwords - sunyattain 4. Click - LETS TAKE A LOCATOR TEST and VIEW THE RESULTS
CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM STEP #4 – LTC LTC’s should submit 3 results to the Statewide Coordinator LTC View – Locator Test Scores Participant View Participant LOCATOR TEST Results
CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM STEP #4 – LTC LTC’s should submit 3 results to the Statewide Coordinator • Based on participant results, fills out “Class Enrollment Form”; with Participant username + Aztec level for each subject. • Fundamentals: Reading, Language Arts, Math • Foundations: Reading, Language Arts, Math • Pre-TASC Prep (Bridge): Reading, Language Arts, Math • TASC Prep: Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies • If at the end of the Locator tests the participants results have reached the TASC Prep level, add the additional subjects Science & Social Studies in TASC Prep.
CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM STEP #5 – LTC LTC email the Class Enrollment Form to the Statewide Coordinator
CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM Enrollment STEP #6 – Statewide Coordinator Statewide Coordinator receives Class Enrollment Form email from LTC • Un-enroll the Participate from the Locator Series, and enroll Participant into classes based on results • The Participate should be enroll into 3 classes Reading, Language Arts, and Math. (they might be different levels) **NOTE Each facility has their own group of classes, make sure to scroll down the list to select the correct facility name with the series/subject**
Participant Completed a Subject within a Level The Next Level - CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM LTC - Fills out the CLASS ENROLLMENT FORM and emails from Statewide Coordinator • Un-enroll the Participate from the current Level Series, and enroll Participant into classes based on new Class Enrollment Form
Aztec Software Learners Side Participant Experience
Log in to the Aztec Learning System as a Participant suny.participant7 sunyattain
Participant Navigation - Aztec Learning System Click Start Active class Click Learning Plan
Aztec’s Instructional Methodology 1. Pretest:Diagnostic - provides information about skill areas needed for improvement. 2. Learning:Remediate - each lesson provides the learner with clear objectives for targeted focus instruction. 3. Drills:Reinforce - each drill has a pool of questions that strengthen the skills with practice. 4. Posttest:Confirm - the knowledge gained in the learning
Student Navigation Learning Plan Subject Practice Tests ONLY available on TASC Prep Subject/Unit/lessons
UNITS contain – Pretest, Learning, Drills, Posttest Student Instructional Method Pretest - Diagnose Learning - Remediate Drills - Reinforce Posttest - Confirm
Submit Tests for Review When you get to the last question, click SUBMIT TEST
Participant Support Login using your LTC username suny.ltc4 password1 All LTC passwords = password1
Participant Support Class Center
Class Center Keep in mind Within the CLASS CENTER when selecting the class, you are only viewing Participants data from that specific class.
Class Center Click Scores button The Participants Scores will give you a quick view to the latest scores in the class. Use the SEARCH FIELD – type in a single Participant Username to view 1 student’s scores
Scores Reviewing/assisting a Participant’s test results Click on the test (blue hyperlink) and view the participants results
Scores Once the results appear click on Review Answer to help a Participant with a specific question.
Participant Remediation Participant remediations can be found below the participant results. The remediations will display lessons the participant did not pass with over an 80%.
Participant Learning Plan Participant learning plan is built based on scoring for each lesson within the a test Participant remediation skills can be found below the participant scores. The remediations will display lessons the participant did not pass with over an 80%.
Participant Learning Plan WAIVED – Participant scored 80% or above REQUIRED – Participant scored 79% or lower The pre & post tests are cyclical. (every time a test is completed the labels change)
Participant Progress The Student Progress allows the teacher to see a quick view of the student’s overall progress in their learning plan. Search for the student using the search field Click the menu icon next to the student name to see their menu. Scroll down to see student menu
Masquerading as a Participant Masquerading as a student allows the teacher to login as a student without having to use the student’s login information. Masquerading can be found on 3 different areas of the Learning System Users, EnrollStudents, and Class Center > Student Progress. Once this icon is clicked, the LTC is logged in as a Participant. Anything the LTC clicks on or completes DOES NOT change the Participants’ progress or percentages.
Masquerading as a Participant To stop Masquerading click the “Stop Masquerading” button on the top right of the screen. Once the LTC clicks “Stop Masquerading” anything the LTC clicked on or completed in the Learning System will not be tracked. The system will go back to the state before the LTC was masquerading.
Aztec Reports Admin Center Class Center School Reports Reports (within a class) All data available If a Participant is in multiple classes all data will appear Participant data is ONLY available from the class entered
Thank you for your time today! • Questions? How to contact Aztec Software Email - support@aztecsoftware.com Chat - http://aztecsoftware.com Phone - (800) 273-0033 press 2 Customer Service press 3 Tech Support
Standards/Assessment Alignment Common Core State Standards (CCSS) College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) National Reporting System (NRS)
TAGS • TAGS • A tag is a key word or term assigned to a student. • This type of information helps describe a group of student. (tags might be Teachers or Locations) • Allows the information to be found again by browsing or searching by the group TAG. • TAG(s) are added to a student at the time of registration/creation. Where are TAGS used? USERS- Looking for students, selecting a teacher tag will filter out the students that don’t below to this teacher. Enroll Students – When enrolling students, filtering by teacher allows for an easier way to find particular students Reports – allows the Teacher running a report an easy way to group all thier students in one report.
Student Placement tools (Pre/Post Test and Prescriptions) • Practice Tests (only available in HSE Series) • Can be used PRIOR to entering Units in that subject as an assessment and/or FOLLOWING Units to confirm the students knowledge. • Can be taken MULTIPLE times. • Includes a readiness gauge when the student completes the test that help determine the students’ readiness to take the official HSE test. • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Pretests • Used to assess/diagnose the students’ understanding of lessons. • Will diagnose the student and provide information about skill areas needed for improvement. • A student can only take a pretest one time. • Lessons • Used to remediate the students’ skills. • Each lesson will provide the learner with clear objectives for targeted focus instruction. • Students can always go back to a lesson for review. • Drills • Used to reinforce the students’ skills. • Each drill has a pool of questions to strengthen the students’ skills with practice. • As you go through each question, the system provides the student with instant results each time after you answer a question. • Posttests • Posttest will confirm the knowledge gained in learning lessons • Student’s can retake a posttest multiple times