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Module 4 The Roundabout and Intersection Operations

Roundabouts in the United States. Module 4 The Roundabout and Intersection Operations. How efficiently does a roundabout perform?. The Goal of Operational Analysis. PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: WSDOT—Brian Walsh. OR. Intersection Operations Analysis. Data Collection. Turning Movements.

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Module 4 The Roundabout and Intersection Operations

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  1. Roundabouts in the United States Module 4 The Roundabout and Intersection Operations How efficiently does a roundabout perform?

  2. The Goal of Operational Analysis PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: WSDOT—Brian Walsh OR

  3. Intersection Operations Analysis Data Collection Turning Movements Traffic Volumes Land Use Planning PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: Staff

  4. What Are the Goals of Intersection Design?

  5. Delay of Traffic at an Intersection Geometric Delay Control Delay

  6. Signalized Intersection Control PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: KAI Staff In a signalized system, some cars must come to a complete stop

  7. Systems that promote smooth flow of traffic are generally preferred

  8. Complex Systems Control Flow Through Signalized Corridors Photo: Peter Koonce PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: KAI Staff

  9. And signals will always cause some traffic to stop. 2:00 AM

  10. Roundabouts Are Self-regulating. 2:00 AM

  11. Roundabouts Operate Using a Gap-acceptance Process.

  12. Roundabouts Often Have Less Delay Than Signals MUTCD Signal Warrant Volume Threshold 20 18 (50% left turns) 16 14 Signal (10% left turns) 12 Average Delay (s/veh) 10 8 (50% left turns) 6 4 2 Roundabout (10% left turns) 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Total Major Street Volume (veh/h) SIGNAL ROUNDABOUT Based on MUTCD Warrant 3 (2000 ed.)/Warrant 11 (1988 ed.)

  13. The Yield-controlled Intersection PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: Lee Rodegerdts • Salt Lake City transportation official Tim Harpst likes the fact that traffic keeps flowing through roundabouts without a lot of stopping and starting. “They are not air-pollution causing. And you don’t have a traffic signal you have to maintain.” • The Salt Lake Tribune, December 26, 2002

  14. Reducing Delay, Increasing Free Flow

  15. Geometric Control: Right-in, Right-out

  16. A Roundabout Operates Much the Same Way

  17. Roundabouts Can Also Be Incorporated into Diamond Interchanges. PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: Lee Rodegerdts

  18. Roundabout Intersection Operations PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: Lee Rodegerdts PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: Paul Ryus

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