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The CAP towards 2020 The future policy framework and impact of alternative scenarios. European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate for Economic Analysis, Perspectives and Evaluations. Where are we with the CAP reform process?. 12 April – 11 June 2010.
The CAP towards 2020The future policy framework and impact of alternative scenarios European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate for Economic Analysis, Perspectives and Evaluations
Where are we with the CAP reform process? 12 April – 11 June 2010 Public debate (EU citizens and organisations) Public conference 19-20 July 2010 Commission Communication ‘The CAP towards 2020’ 18 November 2010 Consultation on Impact assessment (stakeholders) 23 November 2010 – 25 January 2011 Commission proposals on the EU budget 2014-2020 29 June 2011 Commission legal proposals on the CAP 12 October 2011 The legal proposals are accompanied by an impact assessment that evaluates alternative scenarios for the evolution of the policy on the basis of extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis Debate in the European Parliament and the Council 2011-2013 Approval of Regulations and implementing acts
Outline Part I: The future policy framework Part II: Impact assessment of alternative redistribution scenarios- Direct Payments- Rural Development
The path of CAP expenditure 1980-2020 (in current prices) Source: DG Agriculture and Rural Development Notes: 2011 = Budget; 2012 = Draft Budget; 2013 = EAGF subceiling for direct payments and market-related expenditure + pillar 2 in commitments. Rural development for 2013 includes UK voluntary modulation and Article 136 “unspent amounts”. As these cease to exist end 2013, the corresponding amounts are put back to direct aids as from 2014.
Challenges and CAP reform objectives Commission Communication ‘The CAP towards 2020’ Legal proposals Challenges Policy objectives Reform objectives Europe 2020 Viable food production Economic Enhanced competitiveness Sustainable management of natural resources and climate action Environmental Improved sustainability Balanced territorial development Territorial Greater effectiveness Simplification
OR New design of direct payments Degressivity and Capping (all layers except Green Payment) Coupled support Natural constraint support • Wide range of sectors • Up to 5% or 10% of DP envelope, to be decided by MS • For areas with natural constraints • Up to 5% of the DP envelope Small Farmer Scheme • Simplification of claims and controls • Lump sum payment to be determined by MS under conditions • Entrance in 2014 • Up to 10% of the DP envelope Young Farmer Scheme • For 5 years • Commencing activity • Up to 2% of DP envelope • < 40 years • Cross compliance • Streamlined – Climate change ‘Green’ Payment • Crop diversification • Permanent grassland • Ecological focus area • 30% of the DP envelope Basic Payment Scheme • National or regional flat rate per eligible hectare • Regions and criteria to be chosen by MS • New entitlements in 2014 • Definition of agricultural activity • Definition of active farmer
Improved instruments to address market developments (sCMO) Sustainable consumption - School Fruit and Milk Scheme Link to the consumer • Increased funding • New measures available for EU co-funding Encouraging common action – better position in the food supply chain Common responses to economic and environmental challenges • Facilitated recognition of: Producer Organisations (PO), Associations of POs, Interbranch Organisations • More clarity as regards competition rules • Link to Rural Development funds (start-up and co-operation measures) Increased financing for research and innovation Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain Continued market orientation • End of certain aid schemes (Skimmed Milk Powder, hops and silkworms) • End of production limits (sugar) Competitiveness of individual agricultural producers Enhanced safety-net • Exceptional measures – more flexibility and greater coherence • Public intervention/private storage simplified, more responsive to crises • “Crises reserve”
Rural development in a new framework Fostering knowledge transfer and Innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems dependent on agriculture and forestry Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas Enhancing competitiveness of all types of agriculture and farm viability Promoting food chain organisation and risk management in agriculture Europe 2020 strategy Common Strategic Framework (CSF) – covering the EAFRD, ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund and EMFF, and reflecting EU2020 through common thematic objectives to be addressed by key actions for each of the funds Partnership Contract – national document outlining the intended use of the funds in the pursuit of EU2020 objectives Rural development policy: EAFRD Other CSF funds (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund the EMFF) Innovation, Environment andClimate Change as cross-cutting themes Priorities Rural Development Programme(s) 9
Part II: Impact assessment of alternative redistribution scenarios
Role of direct payments • Direct payments have a dual role: • contributing to keeping farming in place throughout the EU territory by supporting and stabilising farmers' income • providing basic public goods through their link with cross compliance • Direct payments form the basis for applying more targeted and regionally specific agri-environmental and climate measures in Pillar II • In the future, direct payments will generally enhance the environmental performance of EU agriculture through "greening" measures
Redistribution of direct payments • Increasingly difficult to justify the presence of significant differences in direct payments based on historic references However: • Common "flat rate" direct payment would ignore existing economic differences between Member States (e.g. wage levels and input costs) • Relation to overall economy must be considered: share of direct payments in GDP very high in many Member States with below average direct payments • Overall balance of incomes must be considered: disproportionate increase of direct payments in some Member States could lead to sectoral income bias towards agriculture • Other subsidies must be considered: Pillar II support and structural/cohesion funds also contribute to overall support level
Redistribution of DP – economic criteria Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ (budget data from the MFF Communication - COM (2011) 500 (excluding cotton and POSEI); hectares of potentially eligible area in 2009)
Redistribution of DP – environmental criteria Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ (budget data from the MFF Communication - COM (2011) 500 (excluding cotton and POSEI); hectares of potentially eligible area in 2009)
Impact of the different criteria compared to the flat rate - ++ ++ -- - + ++ -- -- - ++ -- ++ -- -- - -- -- - - - ++ ++ -- -- -- -- -- + ++ - -- - - - - -- -- -- - ++ - + ++ -- -- ++ -- ++ - - + + ++ ++ -- - + + -- ++ + + + + - -- - - - + + ++ + - + - - - ++ ++ + ++ -- -- -- -- +/- ++ +/- + -- -- -- - + - - ++ -- ++ ++ - + ++ - -- -- +/- -- ++ -- - -- ++ +/- ++ -- -- + ++ ++ +/- -- -- + ++ ++ - +/- + - ++ -- -- - ++ + + -- -- - + + ++ - ++ -- + - -- ++ -- +/- - - ++ + ++ ++ ++ -- -- -- -- + ++ -- ++ ++ -- -- ++ ++ -- + ++ -- -- - ++ -- - ++ -- -- - -- --
Redistribution of DP – minimum 80% of EU-27 average Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ (budget data from the MFF Communication - COM (2011) 500 (excluding cotton and POSEI); hectares of potentially eligible area in 2009)
Redistribution of DP – minimum 90% of EU-27 average with objective criteria Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ (budget data from the MFF Communication - COM (2011) 500 (excluding cotton and POSEI); hectares of potentially eligible area in 2009)
Redistribution of DP – closing 1/3 of the gap between current level and 90% of EU-27 average by 2020 Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ (budget data from the MFF Communication - COM (2011) 500 (excluding cotton and POSEI); hectares of potentially eligible area in 2009)
Role of rural development Policy objectives • Within the CAP framework rural development contributes to the following policy objectives: • Competitiveness of agriculture • Sustainable management of natural resources and climate action • Balanced territorial development of rural areas • In the service of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, these objectives are pursued through a set of six priorities that also translate the thematic objectives of the CSF
Current distribution and rationale for redistribution Current distribution • Distribution in the current period (2007-2013) reflects to a large extent the historical shares of Member States in the Guarantee, Guidance and Leader funds that were brought together into a single fund, the EAFRD • In addition, the additional amounts from modulation are distributed according to the following formula (with each MS receiving at least 80%): • (0.65 Area + 0.35 Labor) x GDP inverse index Rationale for redistribution • Ensure a better fit between funding and policy objectives and thus a more efficient use of budgetary resources in the pursuit of Europe 2020 • Provide for a smooth transition from current distribution
Impact of alternative distribution scenarios The impact assessment considered alternative distribution scenarios: • Using criteria linked to the policy objectives, such as: • Objective 1 (competitiveness of agriculture): Area, Labor, Labor productivity inverse index • Objective 2 (sustainable management of natural resources and climate action): Area, N2000, NHA, Forest, Permanent pasture areas • Objective 3 (balanced territorial development): Rural population, GDP inverse index And • Factoring in the current distribution Impact • Use of objective criteria allows for a better use of budgetary resources • Smooth redistribution allows for continuity in spending
Example: use of objective criteria Formula: [1/3 [(½ Area + ½ Labor) inv index labor prod] + 1/3 (1/3 NHA area + 1/3 N2000 + 1/6 Forest + 1/6 PP) + 1/3 Rural pop] x GDP inv index Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ Note: This distribution key doesn't take into account the transfers made through the market reforms in the tobacco, cotton and wine sectors (they are added to the national envelopes after the redistribution of the amount without transfer).
Example: ½ objective criteria within 90-110% range and ½ current distribution Source: European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development – Commission Staff Working Paper ‘Impact Assessment – CAP towards 2020’ Note: This distribution key doesn't take into account the transfers made through the market reforms in the tobacco, cotton and wine sectors (they are added to the national envelopes after the redistribution of the amount without transfer).
For further information • The CAP after 2013 http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/cap-post-2013/index_en.htm • Commission Communication ‘The CAP towards 2020’ http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/cap-post-2013/communication/ index_en.htm • Impact assessment http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/perspec/cap-2020/index_en.htm • Legal proposals http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/cap-post-2013/legal-proposals/index_en.htm