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Budget Presentation for 2008-2009

Budget Presentation for 2008-2009. Presbytery of Hudson River. Presbytery of Hudson River. Called to Live Resurrection with Passion and Partnership in a Changing World We are: 91 congregations 8 Hudson Valley counties 14,721 members 181 ministers Current operating budget = $675,000

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Budget Presentation for 2008-2009

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  1. Budget Presentationfor 2008-2009 Presbytery of Hudson River

  2. Presbytery of Hudson River Called to Live Resurrection with Passion and Partnership in a Changing World We are: • 91 congregations • 8 Hudson Valley counties • 14,721 members • 181 ministers • Current operating budget = $675,000 • Staff size: 7 including 4 part-timers

  3. Presbytery CouncilOrganizational Structure Each acts on behalf of the whole in its area of responsibility • Vision Ministries • Congregation and Mission Ministries • Vocation Ministries • Stewardship Ministries • Transformation Ministries

  4. Narrative Budget Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25 • Budget prepared in support of the five ministries of Presbytery Council • Narrative format employed to communicate the Presbytery’s mission of ministry • Demonstrate that 91 congregations working together can proclaim the Good News of the Gospel more effectively than each congregation working alone

  5. Vision Ministries Where are we going? • Discovering God’s vision • Changing church in a changing world • Missional horizons before us • Emerging church of the 21st century Budget = $37,471

  6. Congregation and Mission Ministries Who is the community? • Partnerships and networks of congregations • Expressing our passions and needs • Education and resources • Presbyterian Women • Prison Ministry • Rural Migrant Ministry • Presbyterian Camps Budget = $128,466

  7. Vocation MinistriesWho is on the journey? • Committee on Ministry • Committee on Preparation for the Ministry • Commissioned Lay Pastors • Clergy Compensation • Pensions Budget = $135,207

  8. Transformation Ministries How are we getting there? • Training and equipping for change • Looking at demographics realistically • Managing major congregation transitions • New church development Budget = $86,478

  9. Stewardship MinistriesWhat are the resources? • Trustees • Budget, Finance, & Property Committee • Grants Approval Council • Committee on Representation • Faith and Order • Personnel Budget = $306,385

  10. Key Spending Assumptions No additional FT staff, office relocation completed • Staff COLA: 2.5% • Congregational Connections Presbyter: +$10,800 • Legal expenses: $15,000 in the budget • Rent and utilities: $32,500 savings in Scarborough • Communications: $6,000 for IT/office technology • Congregational grants: $7,250 available for networking • Vision Ministries: $5,000 for continuing education • Holmes: $5,000 annual contribution like Stony Point

  11. Key Spending Assumptions Total expenses • Five Ministries = $694,500 • Increase of $19,027 versus the 2007-2008 budget

  12. Key Income AssumptionsA vision for the future of the Presbytery • Mission treasury: $415,000 • Presbytery retains 68% of mission • Balance forwarded to Synod and General Assembly • Continued support at higher per capita • Per capita: $243,000 • Increase of $6 per member effective 1/1/08 • Current per capita $25.99, Presbytery retains $15.50 • Continued support from individual churches • Goal: cover 75% of operations and administration

  13. Key Income Assumptions Total Revenue • Mission Treasury $415,000 • Per Capita 243,000 • Other 36,500 $694,500 • An increase of $19,500 versus 2007-08

  14. Budget SummaryA small surplus, focused on mission

  15. Presbytery Budget Trends An end to budget deficits • Budget 2006-2007 Deficit = ($28,989) • Budget 2007-2008 Balanced budget • Budget 2008-2009 Surplus = $493

  16. Stewardship Action Steps What has the Presbytery done to be a good steward of our resources? • Stewardship team – to increase mission pledges • Guidelines for hiring attorneys – to manage process • Pro bono attorneys – to conserve resources • Office relocation task force – to reduce rent • Grants Council – to channel resources to churches

  17. Budget Approval Process Two-step budget process to allow for questions, discussion, and ownership • First reading – Stony Point, May 20 • Second reading and vote – Poughkeepsie, July 22

  18. What does the Presbytery do for your church? So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members of another. Romans 12:5

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