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Healing Power of Food Through the Lifespan Protecting Your Family. Norman W. Schwartz MD Integrative Medicine Specialists Milwaukee, WI 262 240-0133 normschwartzmd.com. Wisconsin Integrative Medical Society. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles to Decrease the Burden of Chronic Disease
Healing Power of Food Through the Lifespan Protecting Your Family Norman W. Schwartz MD Integrative Medicine Specialists Milwaukee, WI 262 240-0133 normschwartzmd.com
Wisconsin Integrative Medical Society Promoting Healthy Lifestyles to Decrease the Burden of Chronic Disease wisconsinintegrativemedicinesociety.com
1994 2000 No Data <14.0% 14.0%–17.9% 18.0%–21.9% 22.0%–25.9% 26.0% How Did We Get Here ? Obesity U.S. Adults Aged 18 Years or Older Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) 2010 Diabetes CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation. National Diabetes Surveillance System available at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics
Today a Teenager has_____chance of developing Type II Diabetes: a) 1 in 3 b) 1 in 12 c) 1 in 15 1 in 3
Every Single Junk Food Meal Damages Your ArteriesNew Meaning to ‘Fast Food’ 2 hrs after eat high fat, high sugar meal your arteries damaged Not true with Mediterranean diet Sausage, egg, cheese sandwich, 3 hash browns vs salmon , almonds, vegetables cooked in olive oil. “
High Fat Sugar Salt dramatically increase dementia and strokes- at younger age, researchers warn “Young people will have major, major problems much earlier in life…we’ll soon start to see people in their 30s or 40s having strokes, having dementia, because of this junk food diet.” Dr. Dale Corbett, Scientific Director Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre Fast-food survey: Nearly all kids' meals high in salt, sugar, fat
Unhappy Meals: Link Between Fast Food and Depression Confirmed "the more fast food you consume, the greater the risk of depression," Dr. Sánchez-Villegas, lead author of the study
Conclusion: Depression increased with trans fats [fast food, hydrogenated oils] and decreased with olive oil…heart disease and depression may have common determinants related to type of fat
Is Psychological Well-being Linked to the Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables?NBER Working Paper #18469October 2012 =Happiness Happiness and mental health rise in an approximately dose-response way with the number of daily portions of fruit and vegetables “This study has shown the need for high levels of fruit-and-vegetable consumption for mental health, not merely for physical health. I have decided it is prudent to eat more fruit and vegetables. I am keen to stay cheery.” Seven Servings of Fruit and Veggies Promote Happiness
Conclusion: Hospitalization rate increases with above normal body weight, even with small increases Fraser G, Haddad E. Hot Topic: Vegetarianism, Mortality and Metabolic Risk: The New Adventist Health Study. Report presented at: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic (Food and Nutrition Conference) Annual Meeting; October 7, 2012: 96,000 vegetarians, ongoing study: men live to an average of 83.3 years, nonvegetarian men average of 73.8 years; vegetarian women live to an average of 85.7 years, which is 6.1 years longer than nonvegetarian women; associated with a lower body weight.
…vegetables can play a powerful role in increasing the overall enjoyment of the meal. The addition of vegetables increased the positive response by making the meal more “complete,” “loving,” “tasty,” prepared with more effort and thought. The vegetable preparing mothers were rated as more loving, thoughtful, and less boring or selfish. “If parents knew that by simply adding vegetables to the plate could make the main course taste better [hedonic], and could increase their own “heroic” appeal, then maybe they’d be more inspired to serve vegetables.” …vegetables made the meal seem more "complete" "loving," "tasty," and prepared with more effort and the preparing mothers as more loving, thoughtful and less boring or selfish. adding a vegetable gives their family a better perception of the cook and what’s cooked, it may encourage them to serve vegetables more often
Ancient Wisdom One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive.Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph Let Food be thy medicineand thy medicine be thy food. Hippocrates, Father of Medicine 460 -370 BC When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need . Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means. Maimonides 1135-1204
Wisdom from the Great Carnac Medical Wisdom I knew a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day that he killed himself. Johnny Carson (1925-2005)
Modern Wisdom Curry Spice Compound Combats Parkinson's Disease Curcumin, found in turmeric,effective at preventing clumping of the protein I Involved in Parkinson's disease, antioxidant improves cardiac health • Walnuts Improve Markers of Chronic Disease • Eating tree nuts helps to lower body weight and body mass index, while improving cholesterol • Berries Help to Preserve Memory • Rich in antioxidants, blueberries and strawberries may delay memory decline in older women by 2.5 years • Oregano Compound Kills Prostate Cancer Cells Carvacrol, compound in oregano, induces prostate cancer cell death • Cinnamon Improves Diabetes Markers • Blood sugar triglyceride levels, improve in type-2 diabetics
Modern Wisdom Veggies Boost Longevity Diet rich in vegetables may extend life expectancy by nine years or more. Cocoa & Green Tea Counter Inflammation Rich in a variety antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in people at high risk for insulin resistance. Purple Corn Compound Helps to Slow Kidney Damage Anthocyanins inhibit multiple pathways involved in the development of diabetes Black Pepper Contains Anti-Cancer Compound Piperine, a compound found abundantly in black pepper, inhibits cellular mechanisms Cranberry Juice Helps to Lower Blood Pressure Eight ounces of a low-calorie cranberry juice consumed daily reduces blood pressure
Modern Wisdom Vitamin C Preserves Cognitive Function It may be possible to beneficially influence Alzheimer’s Disease via dietary antioxidants – namely Vitamin C and beta carotene. Eat Smart to Avoid Stroke Consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces risk of stroke Brussels Sprouts Beat Breast Cancer Consuming more cruciferous vegetables- brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower reduces breast cancer Red Wine Polyphenols Improve Glucose Metabolism A daily glass of red wine for four weeks significantly improved insulin resistance in men at-risk of heart disease Mediterranean Diet May Prevent Osteoporosis Mediterranean diet/olive oil protection against age-related bone loss.
“No nation is any healthier than its children.”Harry Truman (1884-1972) 33rd President of USA
RESULTS: Mothers living within 1/3 mile from fields with highest poundage of pesticides had a 6x greater autism rate Moms living within 1500 ft of fields with highest poundage of organochloirde pesticides during the second trimester of pregnancy had a 6X greater risk of an autistic child. RESULTS: Multivariate models comparing children of mothers living within 500 m of fields with the highest quartile of organo-chlorine poundage to mothers not living near fields- odds ratio for ASD of 6.1. (28% of moms) ASD risk ↑with the poundage of organochlorine applied and↓ with distance from field sites. CONCLUSIONS: Residential proximity to organochlorine pesticide applications during gestation and ASD among children should be further studied.
ADHD Rare to Pandemic In Two Generations and still increasing: 2008: 1 in 15 children 2010:a)1in 30 b)1 in 15 c)1 in 10 1 in 10
ADHD Linked to 'Western Diet' of Takeout, Fried Food and Candy • Fast foods • Processed meats • Red meat • High fat dairy products • Sweets • Double the risk ADHD
Study: Diet May Help ADHD Kids More Than Drugs Restricted diet difficult but may ease ADHD symptoms 78 % children less ADHD symptoms; reintroducing foods increased ADHD symptoms.Restricted diet: rice, white meat, vegetables, fruit; eliminated wheat, tomatoes, oranges, eggs,dairy."We think that dietary intervention should be considered in all children with ADHD”
Conclusion: A strictly supervised restricted elimination diet is a valuable instrument to assess whether ADHD is induced by food.
“To have people free of diabetes after years with the condition is remarkable - and all because of an eight week diet.” “We believe this shows that Type 2 diabetes is all about energy balance in the body.”
42 countries studied, the US highest intake of HFCS 55 pounds/yr countries with highest levels of HFCS in their food supply have a 20 percent increase in type 2 diabetes "This study adds to a growing body of scientific literature that indicates HFCS consumption may result in negative health consequences distinct from and more deleterious than natural sugar." Goran, M., Ulijaszek, S. and Ventura, E. (2012). High fructose corn syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective. Global Public Health.
Cancer Incidence 1900 1in 50 Cancer Incidence 2012 1 in 2 men 1 in 3 women 1900: a)1in 10b) 1 in 20 c) 1 in 50 1in 50
Why A Mediterranean Diet? • Whole food, plant based • Low Glycemic • Anti-inflammatory • Phytochemical abundant and diverse • Fermented foods- yoghurt, kefir • Healthy fat- Olive Oil, grape seed oil • Moderate Alcohol consumption • Low levels red meat, saturatedfats, sweets and processed foods
Research Mediterranean Diet JAMA 292:1440-1446, 2004 Results: Major decrease in body weight, blood pressure, glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides. Large increase in HDL. The control group showed no major improvement in any category.. NEJM Vol. 359:229-241 2008 Results showed the Mediterranean diet, and low carbohydrate diet resulted in greater weight loss than the low fat diet. The Mediterranean diet showed best glucose and insulin improvements and low carbohydrate showed best lipid improvements.
Mediterranean diet and quality of life Background/Objectives: Mediterranean diet has been related with reduced morbidity and better well-being. The aim of this study was to assess whether the adherence to the Mediterranean diet were associated with mental and physical health related to quality of life. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 66, 360-368 (March 2012 Results: Multivariate-adjusted models revealed a significant direct association between adherence to Mediterranean diet and all the physical and most mental health domains (vitality, social functioning and role emotional). Vitality (β=0.50, 95% CI=0.32–0.68) and general health (β=0.45, 95% CI=0.26–0.62) showed the highest coefficients. Mean values for physical functioning, role physical, bodily pain, general health and vitality domains were significantly better with increasing adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Those having improved their initial high diet scores have better scores in physical functioning, general health and vitality. Conclusions: Adherence to Mediterranean diet seems to be an important factor associated with a better quality of life. …physical functioning, bodily pain, general health and vitality domains were significantly better with increasing adherence to the Mediterranean diet.
Food Basics • Healthy choices 85% • Mediterranean diet good place to start • Community Supported Agriculture, no GMO’s • Smaller choices, eat slowly, listen to your body • Balance meals, 7 veggie servings, healthy fats • Avoid artificial sweeteners, high fructose syrup, read labels • Support detox- garlic, onions, ginger, fiber, cultured food • Beware of gluten, high grains/high carbs • Eat whole food, limit :packaged, processed, junk, fast • Quality, organically grown, pay the farmer or hospital, eat local, trust source of food • Water main beverage, be aware of liquid calories • Be aware of and deal with stress and cravings, eat relaxed
The Road to Disease Pattern Recognition Altered Body Composition and Early Warning Signs of Chronic Disease Type 2 Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Heart Disease, & Overweight Metabolic Syndrome with Cardiovascular and Diabetes Concerns Healthy Body Composition • Elevated Cholesterol • Increased Triglycerides • Reduced HDL • Hypertension • Elevated Glucose, HgbA1C • Belly fat • Altered body composition • Central body obesity • Insulin resistance • Signs of Inflammation Requiring prescription medication & High Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack
Body fat Lean muscle mass Total body water Intracellular water Extracellular water Body Impedance Analysis Measures
Patient Centered Care I really like Dr. Schwartz. He is the first doctor to sit down and listen to me. He took the time to get to know me, on my first visit he spent about two hours with me. He follows through with his plan. He is gently persistent and makes clear to what I need to know. He takes the approach of lifestyle and diet, rather than encourage medications J O I went on a diet that normally most doctors seem to not care about or care about what we eat. So, he put me on a diet and it just about cleared up all my problems GS Although he is a doctor, he is able to diagnose things immediately that people in the medical profession cannot. He takes the time with me and explains things to me. My appointments with him last from half an hour to 1 hour. SP
Treat Fundamental Causes Not Symptomatic Consequences Symptom Driven: Problems are treated separately, multiple prescriptions: high cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar! Fundamental Causes: Search for underlying reason for problem, begin with diet Rx.