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OPERA 2008 run: a report from the Swiss scanning lab. Ciro Pistillo LHEP Bern university for the Swiss scanning team. OPERA Collaboration meeting Ankara, April 1-4 2009. Status of event location. Status of event location. Status of publication. Bricks:
OPERA 2008 run: a report from the Swiss scanning lab Ciro Pistillo LHEP Bern university for the Swiss scanning team OPERA Collaboration meeting Ankara, April 1-4 2009
Status of publication Bricks: 85 / 101 published in central DB Vertices: 78 / 101 published in central DB
Vertex position Plate number
Prong multiplicity TOTAL CC NC
Impact parameter IP (mu) IP < 10 m IP (not mu) Δz < 1300 IP (not mu) IP < 10 m large angle black tracks
Interesting topologies Event no. 231012915 located in brick 72853 Event no. 228197639 located in brick 14653 (NEW) Event no. 228563573 located in brick 79117(NEW)
side view 72853 top view 145 mu mu 541 I.P. w.r.t. the vertex trk 145 0.3563 0.1562 0.5 m trk 206 -0.2815 -0.2423 0.4 m trk 541 -0.0001 0.0303 62.8 m (mu) beam view mu mu momentum in spectrometer: 17.2 GeV/c decay Pt > 5 GeV
(p22-56 used) • daughter angle and momentum • trk145: TX: 0.3519 TY: 0.1485 P = 1.685 -0.447 + 0.951 GeV/c • trk206: TX:-0.2698 TY:-0.2425 P = 1.323 -0.351 + 0.747 GeV/c • using these values estimate the mass of the D0 using 3 possibilities for daughters: • Kaon-Pion: 1.26 GeV (+0.52 -0.23) • Pion-Kaon: 1.30 GeV (+0.52 -0.22) • Pion-Pion: 1.09 GeV (+0.58 -0.27) • these values are below the D0 mass (1.864 GeV). • Problably a neutral is missing (also according to the topology).
14653 Muon angle: KALMAN 0.150 0.305 LINEAR 0.144 0.303
ΔZ = 51 m 8 prong vertex or very short decay? Vertex located in the lead upstream the plate 51 kinematical analysis not possible (downstream brick extracted)
Primary vertex: 59711.0 54774.6 -8818.2 Secondary vertex: 59707.3 54769.4 -8767.2 ID X Y Z TX TY IP 1 59835.3 55044.4 -8085.4 0.1684 0.3739 4.2 mu momentum 3.7 Gev/c (TT) 2 59607.9 54880.4 -8085.4 -0.1433 0.1437 2.0 3 59514.8 54836.6 -8085.4 -0.2635 0.0789 5.1 4 59898.8 54731.1 -8085.4 0.2570 -0.0548 3.4 5 59535.8 54453.7 -8085.4 -0.2349 -0.4370 3.0 6 59607.2 54412.4 -8085.4 -0.1444 -0.4977 2.9 7 59731.5 54812.4 -8085.4 0.0356 0.0628 0.3 // 10.0 wrt 1ry 8 59624.4 54752.8 -8085.4 -0.1222 -0.0233 0.8 // 5.6 wrt 1ry IP distribution All the tracks have been measured in the first plate downstream the primary vertex.
pl 33: 1ry vertex + short charm candidate secondary interaction
id10 CS pred id 5 found in single BT search (low mom) id 8 found in single BT search (low mom, gray) id 1 mu (not found in CS) id 2 id 3 CS pred id 7 CS pred
Beam view id1(mu) id10 id8 id2 Hypothesis (1) 1ry vtx + short vee (daughters: id 3 and id 2) 1ry (103979.1 45758.9 -32325.8) id 1 -0.0318 0.0911 IP wrt 1ry = 0.2 (mu) id10 0.1998 0.2805 IP wrt 1ry = 2.2 id 8 0.3420 -0.0740 IP wrt 1ry = 6.5 (gray) id 5 -0.1709 0.0289 IP wrt 1ry = 9.4 (~0.4 GeV) short vee (103933.6 45782.1 -31727.2) id 2 -0.0685 0.0530 IP wrt vee = 0.3 IP wrt 1ry = 9.4 id 3 0.0050 -0.1310 IP wrt vee = 0.6 IP wrt 1ry =111.8 id3 Δz = 599 m
Beam view id10 id1(mu) id2 Hypothesis (2) 1ry vertex + short kink (daughter: id 3) 1ry (103979.1 45758.9 -32325.8) id 1 -0.0318 0.0911 IP wrt 1ry = 4.3 (mu) id10 0.1998 0.2805 IP wrt 1ry = 8.0 id 2 -0.0685 0.0530 IP wrt 1ry = 3.2 id 8 0.3420 -0.0740 IP wrt 1ry = 15.8 (gray) id 5 -0.1709 0.0289 IP wrt 1ry = 12.3 (~0.4 GeV) short kink daughter id 3 0.0050 -0.1310 IP wrt 1ry =122.7 min. kink angle 0.158 id3
Result of momentum measurement (preliminary) id 1 p = 17.0 GeV/c (TT) id10 p = 4.0 (-2.3 ,+14.4) GeV/c (90%CL) (pl 33-56) id 2 p = 8.8 (-5.5 ,+21.4) GeV/c (90%CL) (pl 33-53) id 3 p = 5.5 (-3.8 ,+10.2) GeV/c (90%CL) (pl 33-56) id 5 p = 0.4 (-0.3 , +1.3) GeV/c (90%CL) (pl 33-39) id 8 gray, not reconstructed Invariant mass (tracks 2 and 3) K -K : 1.7 (+1.4 -0.4) GeV pi-K : 1.6 (+1.5 -0.4) GeV pi-pi : 1.4 (+1.5 -0.5) GeV K -pi : 1.5 (+1.5 -0.4) GeV
Event 234676119 in 87219: CC or NC? angle: Kalman -0.110 -0.092 Linear -0.114 -0.063 momentum: 0.87 GeV/c
not found in CS and not found at the primary vertex should we consider it as a NC? VTX POS.: 20206.70 32517.10 -12668.10 Tracks angle and IP 0.0285 -0.0179 0.00 -0.3662 0.1468 3.80 -0.0367 0.5623 9.00
127 Received bricks Including: ScanForth done for all the located events Extendend TotalScan 20 plates downstream the primary vertex (~50% of the events) Scanning load is twice wrt “only location” 10 bricks/week 5.3 bricks/week Apr09 Jul08 Sep08 Jan09 Scanning capability for 2009 RUN 15 bricks/week (max) 12 bricks/week (steady) (only location) 10 bricks/week (steady) (including 20% SF and ex.tot.) “only location” includes charm search: TS of 10 plates downstream
Conclusions 124 events received Analysis successfully completed for 110 events 101 neutrino interactions located in the ECC 3 charm candidates Focus now on charm search: check stopping tracks with large IP wrt to the vertex Scanning capability 10-15 bricks/week (500-750 in total) We are ready for the 2x of the 2009 run!