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WP 4 overview Tamás Hámor 28th June 2010 , Budapest. WP4 Regional and National level Activities - Description. WP will develop regional/national approaches to implementing SARM and SSM.
WP4 overview Tamás Hámor 28th June2010, Budapest
WP4 Regional and National level Activities - Description WP will develop regional/national approachesto implementing SARM and SSM. It is the central thematic WP, where bottom-up best practices for resource efficiency and top-down strategic plans for transnational harmonization of policies and legislation intersect. Relevant regional/national legislation, regulations, procedures and bottlenecks will be studied. A framework for SARM will be created, discussed with interested and affected groups at workshops on multiple scales, and then serve as the basis for more effective management and implementation of legislation, inclusion of aggregates in land use planning, and harmonization of regulations. Planning for secure SSM will be based on regional/national studies that consider nature conservation, water resources and transportation, as well as a GIS of supply-relevant data. Plans and recommendations for SSM will reflect economic and strategic importance of the sector.
Activity 4.1 • Description • Sustainable aggregate resource management (SARM): • review regional/national legislation and relevant EU Directives and documents on aggregates management, incl. implementation procedures and bottlenecks • b) create framework for SARM during synthesis • c) conduct workshops at multiple scales (see also WP1, 2, 5) • d) develop plan for harmonization of effective management & planning (seeAct.4.2c)) • e) create recommendations(see Act.4.2 d) and WP5) • Role of partners: • MBFH as WP lead • allpartners provide information on national/regional legislation and management practices • all partners create common document on current best practices, and • assist with plan for more efficient aggregate management and creation of recommendations. • Geographical location: each partner do a case study for their country (AT, GR, HU, RO, IT ER, HR, BA, SP, AL, SI)
Qualitative and quantitative description of the outputs ? Act.4.2
Activity 4.2Description • Planning for SSM: • a) conduct case studies on planning for supply in 7 areas, • b) recommend design of GIS for aggregates, to support • c) implementation plans for secure SSM for case study regions, • d) create recommendations on integration of SSM into regional/national legislation, in development and land use planning, and for planning for supply, • e) make regional maps for contiguous SEE nations • Role of partners: • Italy ER coordinates activity and share expertise on GIS • other partners (METE, MUL, PELLA and IGME, MINGORP, FGG, ANPAR, Parma, TUC, and GeoZS) do case studies • appropriate partners create 3 regional reports and 4 country reports • all partners collaboratively develop Implementation plans, GIS, and recommendations. • selected partners create maps
Qualitative and quantitative description of the results ? ? ?
ACTIVITY 4.1 Task 1Review of EU Community legislation by: MBFH and MUL methodology: EUR-Lex desk-top study of the acquis, EC communications, CEN and international standards with relevance to aggregates management outputs: ca. 50 pages report, deadline: May 2010 • Fieldscoveredwithregardtoaggregates: • Treaties, International conventions • Secondarysources of law (regulations, directives, decisions) • environment, waste, water, natureconservation • workershealth, technicalsafety, machinery, chemicalsacquis • Rulings of CourtofJustice, EC communications, EP positions, • CEN and internationalstandards
Task 2Analysis of national legislation • by: all • Methodology and deadlines: • compilation of a questionnaire and guidance for the management legislation and practice (August 2009) • review and correction of the questionnaire (November 2009) • answers to the questionnaire (April 2010 ????) • analysis of the SEE legislation and practice (September 2010) • outputs and deadlines: • a ca. 10 pages standard questionnaire (November 2009) • 10 country (incl. regional) reports, answers to questionnaire, ca. 20 pages • (April 2010) • - workshop on the discussion of the preliminary results (Bucharest? 2010) • - analytical report on SEE legislation (October 2010) • - summary publication on EU and SEE legislation on aggregates in an international journal (submitted December 2010, published May 2011)
Task 3Synthesis of best practices, a SEE (and EU) harmonization initiative • by: selected partners • methodology: • strong reliance on inputs from WP3 and Action 4.2 of WP4 • iterative elaboration of recommendation on integration of SSM into regional/national legislation, in development & land use planning, and for minerals management • establishing a framework on SARM of different levels • Outputs and deadlines: • ca. 40-60 page recommendation document on harmonization initiative of SARM based on best practice case examples with possible solution scenarios on significantly differing deviant national regulatory and policy regimes • (February 2011) • ca. 40-60 page framework scheme on SSM mix and planning based on best practice case examples and pan-SEE synthesis of statistical and GIS analysis • (March 2011) • (or shall these two be treated in one synthesis report?, see WP5)
Task4 THE SSM QUIZ ??? • by:allpartners and stakeholders • methodology: • openpublicopinionpoll • preferablyvia internet access and handypaperformat (to be distributedonconferences) • Outputsand deadlines: • statisticalevaluation and shortconclusion • deadline: end of 2010? • input for WP5
BARRIERS Licensing and planning there is plentysupply of primaryaggregates, butnotenoughofsecondary: thearealdistribution of primaryaggregates is even, homogenuous: it is hardtoopennewaggregateminesbecause of complicated and costlylicensing: it is hardtoopennewaggregateminesbecause of Natura 2000 sites: it is hardtoopennewaggregateminesbecause of urbanization, and settlements: it is hardtoopennewaggregateminesbecause of agriculture and forestry: availability of secondaryaggregates is unstable, seasonal, temporary: it is hardtolicensenewrecyclingproductsfromsecondaryaggregatesbecuse of lackingstandards: lack of primaryaggregates (mineral) policy/planningoncentral (federal) level: lack of primaryaggregates (mineral) policy/planningonregional (orprovince) level: lack of state policy onrecycling of secondaryaggregates: lack of motivationoftheindustryonrecyclingofsecondaryaggregates: lack of cheap and low-emissiontransportationforaggregates: • Informationavailability • lack of informationonprimaryaggregatesresources and reserves: • lack of informationonhowto start and operate a quarry (licensing): • lack of informationonaggregatequarries and sales: • lack of informationonindustrialwaste (secondaryaggregates) generators: • lack of accesstorecyclingspecialistcompanies: • lack of informationonaggregateproductsquality and utilizationstandards: • lack of free, on-line, GIS-based, complexinformation service foraggregates: • bothaggregateproducersarenotinterestedinprovidingreliabledataeitherfortheauthoritiesnorforthe market:
Financial and awareness primaryaggregatesare less expensivethansecondaryaggregates: market pricedistortionbyexcludingenvironmentalcosts (e.g. CO2 and otheremissions) of production/transportationofbothaggregates: lack of financialincentivesforprimaryaggregates: lack of financialincentivesforsecondaryaggregates: there is a negativepublicawarenessconcerningtheenvironmentalimpacts of primaryaggregatesproduction: there is a negativepublicawarenessconcerningthe (e.g. health) hazards and safety of recycledindustrialaggregates: thepublicdoesnotknowaboutaggregatesatall: decision-makershave a poorknowledgeonaggregates: Corruption Towhatextentyouconsidercorruption is a barrier: environmental (incl. waste management) authority: waterauthority: natureconservation: miningauthority: geologicalauthority: forest service: agricultureauthority: landuseplanningauthority: local municipality: regionalcouncil/government: police: courts of justice: otherbarriers:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY MIX SOLUTIONS Whatwould SSM planningcover? DEMAND SIDE infrastructuredevelopmentsahead: highwaysplanned: otherroadsplanned: railwaysplanned: urbandevelopment (housing) projectsplanned: industrialdevelopments (powerplants, bigfactories, industrialparks): landscape management (e.g. slopefailureremediation) projectsplanned: quarryrestorationprojectsplanned: GDP foresightingeneral:
SUPPLY SIDE aggregatequarrieslocation: aggregatequarriesproductquality: aggregatequarriesreserves: aggregatequarriesannualproduction: aggregatequarriesplannedproductionaccordingtothelicensedtechnicaloperationplan: location and output of waterbornprimaryaggregatesexcavations: estimatedillegalaggregateproductiononregionalscale: location of miningwastegeneration: miningwastequality: annualvolume of generatedminingwaste: location and volume of bigcontruction and demolitionprojects: location, capacity and characteristics of permanentlyinstalledrecyclingplants: number and operators of mobile recyclingunits: location and aggregate output of fossilfuelpowerplants: location and aggregate output of iron and steelplants: location and output of tunnels, subwaysplanned: location and output of big underground parking lots, storagecomplexesplanned: availability of roadtransportationnetwork: availability of railtransportationnetwork: availability of watertransportationnetwork: transportationfuelpriceforesight:
Whatwouldefficientlysupport SSM? central/national/federal policy and planning: regional policy and planning: local policy and planning: planning must be improvedonthedemandside: planning must be improvedonthesupplyside: planning must be improvedonprimaryaggregatesside: planning must be improvedonsecondaryaggregatesside: subsequentto an optimalization modelling shut down allunnecessaryquarries: providenewlegalprovisionsforauthoritiestoactinthefield of sustainableaggregates management: create an EU Communitylegislationonspatialdevelopment / landuseplanning: amend EU Communitylegislation and andensureharmonizedimplementationon NATURA 2000: create an EU Communitylegislationonminerals (incl. aggregates) policy: create a European Commissioncommunicationorequivalentonaggregates management and sustainablesupplyplanning: leavealltothe free and unregulated market: demolish market distortionbydeletingallfinancialincentivesforbothaggregates: stringentmeasuresagainstregulatorycorruption: thereshould be onecompetentlicensingauthorityforbothaggregates: on-line informationsystemforbothaggregatesonthedemandside: on-line informationsystemforbothaggregatesonthesupplyside: on-line informationsystemforbothaggregatesonbothdemand/supplysides, and followingchangesmonthly: on-line informationsystemforbothaggregatesonbothdemand/supplysides, and followingchangesannually: mutualrecognition of common interest willensurethevoluntaryparticipation of allstakeholdersinthisdatabase: legalobligation and regulatoryenforcement is neededforestablishing and updatingsuch an information centre: raisingstakeholdersawarenesswithnational PR campaigns: raisingpublicawarenesswithcampaignsatschools, housingsupermarkets, electronicmedia: promotingthedevelopment and use of eco-labelsforaggregates and eco-awardsfor producer and end-usercompanies:
Financial and fiscalinstrumentsinincreasingrecyclingandutilization of secondaryaggregates directstatesubsidyaftereachrecycledtonne/m3: VAT reductionforrecyclingactivities/machines/products: corporatetaxreductionforrecyclingcompanies: softloan/credit forrecyclingcompanies: softloan/credit forrecyclingmachineinvestments: directstatesubsidyforrecyclingmachineinvestments: accelerateddepreciationin accounting of companiesforrecyclingmachineinvestments: financialsanctionsagainstcompaniesafternon-recycled (landfilled) volumes of industrialwastes (beyondlandfilltax): demolition and/ordecreaselicensingfeesforrecycling: increasecosts of primaryaggregates (royalty, licensingfees, environmentalfines, product VAT, etc.): valorization and internalization of allexternalcosts (e.g. environmental) intobothaggregatesprices: prescribe minimum utilization ratio of secondaryaggregatesfor „greenpublicprocurement”:
THE TWO COMPLEMENTERS / COMPETITORS:primaryaggregates (mineralrawmaterials): gravel, sand, crushedstonessecondaryaggregates: inert miningwaste, construction and demolitionwaste, ashes, slags, others? WHAT ABOUT OUR GLOSSARY ?