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SARMa – Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management WP5. G.Tiess, M.Allaraj Montan University of Leoben 28 June 2010, Budapest. Content of Presentation. WP5-overview WP5 –approach Theoretical aspects Practical aspects Work plan Overview Details: WP 5.1 and WP 5.2 Conclusion.
SARMa – Sustainable Aggregates Resource ManagementWP5 G.Tiess, M.Allaraj Montan University of Leoben 28 June 2010, Budapest
Content of Presentation WP5-overview WP5 –approach Theoretical aspects Practical aspects Work plan Overview Details: WP 5.1 and WP 5.2 Conclusion
Important issues of WP5 • Creation of a SARMa-method and SSM-Policies • Implementation of transnational view of theoretical and practical outputs in SEE. • Know-how transfer through AIS integration and Regional Centre establishment of SARM and SSM, • in order to achieve efficient implementation of SARM harmonized approaches, • resource efficiency and long term cooperation in SEE countries.
Overview of WP 5 / Objectives S 5.1Legislation and policies harmonization on SARM Cross-border case studies, AIS-design Feasibility study and action plan for Regional Centre on SARM in SEE5.4 M A SARM and SSM Manual for national and transantional level5.3 . 5.2Sustainable supply (SSM) among SEE Cross-border case studies, AIS-clarification R
Shifting to SARM and encouraging SSM policies. This requires the following: a) to develop a common approach to SARM and b) to ensure SSM planning at transnational, national, regional and local level in SEE. At a) includes scientifically and practical aspects Regarding the term “common approach”: = general SARM system, i.e. a system providing all relevant elements (based on the concept of sustainability). At b) implementing a) in SEE (transnational issue) based on appropriate methods. Need of defining the term “SARM and SSM”. (also the term ‘harmonization’) Main objectives of SARMa- project
To develop a common SARM approach we first need an optimized (idealized) SARM system/concept. SARM-model set of various elements of such a system. describing interrelations between these elements (‘supply conception’). determining the “elements/content” of SARM-model broad or narrow concept? discuss the state of the art of a SARM-conception. considering different “SEE aspects”, e.g. geographical aspects. determine the main basics of SARM conception. E.g. fix geological knowledge in land use plans, to secure long-term access to deposits, recycling of aggregates. If we able to determine a general SARM-model we also should be able to develop a method to implement SSM policies (theoretical outputs). Furthermore SARM conception could be the basic for creating the AIS, applicable as a tool for know-how transfer in SEE. Again, first of all: Need of defining the term “SARM and SSM”. - actually there is no definition in the Glossary Theoretical approach – SARM conception
Theoretical approach • SARM-model • Discusing SARM-model, and its possible interrelations • Case studies of WP5 1.,2 shall be based on it • Again: SARM-model could be also the basis for AIS • Defining AIS • SEE Integration project: we need to create a tool that all can use. • The design of a model shall reflect the needs of SARM, specifically the components of SSM. • Elements of AIS • data, information, maps, legislation, practices, protocols, procedures etc.
SARM approach (model) -symplified Interactions between diff. elements
SARM conception • „content of conception? • comprehensive compilation of objectives, strategies and actions (region and/or national level). • Time and resources plans (e.g. financial) have to determine at which point which actions have to be taken.
Check the ‘state of the art’ SARM - conception in reality. Using data collected from case studies according WP 5 and also information from WP3, 4 . To make a comparison, or even evaluation with the theoretical SARM approach we need to define some indicators depending on the concept of sustainability. Based on such indicators the case studies can be conducted or at least “measured” Indicators for instance: ‘fixed designated aggregates areas in land use plans for the mid- and long-term horizon. Transport distances in terms of economical aspects, CO2 etc: e.g. 30 km. …. Recycling rates… … PRACTICAL APPROACH
Preliminary task: discussing a theoretical SARM approach, i.e. SARM-model State of the art theoretical output of the SARMa-project. WP 5.1, 5.2 tasks shall based on it: WP 5.1 Harmonization of policy and legislation WP 5.1 is focusing on SARM. Case studies comparison of SARM-model can identify gaps; can also amend the theoretical approach. However, this exercise should lead us to a common approach to SARM, which could be acceptable or interesting for SEE at least on trans national level. WP 5.2 Securing Sustainable Supply across SEE WP 5.2 is focusing on SSM. Case studies Ensuring SSM planning at transnational, national, regional and local level Depending on policy/legal framework implement SARM/SSM in SEE appropriate methods necessary: implement SARM “harmonized” in SEE, i.e. a transnational view of theoretical and practical outputs aimingat a secure supply of aggregates. PRACTICAL APPROACH
WP 5.1 Harmonization of policy and legislation Task 1: case studies Transnational and cross border To get a transnational view (practical output). case studies shall check SARM issues based on fixed ‘indicators’. Identifying (comparison with the ‘model SARM’) gaps, conformity, or new issues which could be included in the SARM model. Task2: recommendation on harmonization (transnational view) of policy/legislation and methods (administrative aspect) for incorporating SARM into land use plans and management. (Considering permitting procedures.) recommendation based on analyses of case studies Task 3: design of structure and protocol for AIS (= knowledge tool, shall be applicable in SEE). WP 5 - Work activities/Overview
WP 5.2 – Securing Sustainable Supply across SEE Task 1: case studies Transnational and cross border To get a transnational view (practical output). case studies shall check SSM issues based on fixed ‘indicators’. Task 2: recommendation on harmonization of supply policies / legislation and methods for addressing SSM in land use planning and management recommendation based on analyses of case studies Task 3: clarifying contribution of AIS (existing information, interlinked) to SSM planning WP 5 - Work plan
WP5.1 – Task 2 Recommendation on SARM in SEE Proposals on harmonization of legislation/policies and methods for incorporating SARM into land use planning and management
Task 3 /WP 5.1 – Design AIS Design of structure and protocols for Aggregate Intelligence System
WP 5.2 – Task 1 Case studies – SSM
WP 5.2: TASK 2 Proposals on harmonization of supply policies / legislation and methods for addressing SSM in land use planning and management
WP 5.2: Securing supply in SEE – TASK 3 Clarifying contributions of AIS to SSM planning
WP 5.3 - Preparation of manual for national and transnational level WP 5.4 - Follow-up activities: Regional Centre
SARMa outputs from Application Form • 5.1 IGME • 4 Reports(1xTB+3xCB) on case studies on harmonization • 1 Synthesis Report on SARM • 1 Recommendation on SARM • 1 Service (structure& protocol for AIS) • 5.2 MUL • 5 Reports(4xCB + 1xTB) on case studies on SS across SEE • 1 Synthesis Report on SSM • 1 Recommendation on SSM • 3 Study visits (combined with transnational events) • 5.3 MUL • 1 Manual on SARM & SSM (regional, national& transnational level) • 5.4 GeoZS • 1 Feasibility Study for the Regional Centre on SARM&SSM • 1 Joint Action Plan for establishment of RC
How to achieve these outputs? • Define the most specific areas for TB (transborder)&CB(cross-border) case studies • Define the expectations of TB&CB studies • What is general and what specific in the study areas? • Do the partners consider boarder effects in SARM? • All partners must give their input in designing AIS • While compiling a structure report for case studies, take into consideration AIS • Key words of WP5 to keep in mind before preparing a report or meeting authorities & companies‘ representatives: • SARM and SSM • Harmonization • Legislation, Policies • Land use planning, Management • AIS, Regional Centre • Sustainable supply
How to succeed? • Transparent communication • Respecting the deadlines/activity leader • If not possible, inform the LP, ALIANTA, WPL&AL: at least 10 days before the deadline • Cooperation, support and internal communication/know-how transfer between all partners
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