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Professional Technology Standards in Educational Development by Prof. Morsi Arab

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) East Mediterranean and Middle East Region (EMME) Workshop on Professional Educational Methodology in Diabetes 11-12 August 2008 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt. Professional Technology Standards in Educational Development by Prof. Morsi Arab.

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Professional Technology Standards in Educational Development by Prof. Morsi Arab

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  1. International Diabetes Federation (IDF)East Mediterranean and Middle EastRegion (EMME)Workshop onProfessional Educational Methodology in Diabetes11-12 August 2008Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

  2. Professional Technology Standards in EducationalDevelopmentbyProf. Morsi Arab

  3. Introduction

  4. The Education TriangleObjectives Evaluation Strategy( Test ) ( Methods of teaching )

  5. Teachingand Education* an art or science? * an inborn natural talent, or science with rules to be learned and skills to be acquired?.

  6. What is the teacher/educator’s role:* to” transfer “knowledge?* to facilitate active learning? e.g. - ask Qs and discuss. - encourage self learning. - give ideas. - advise free reading.

  7. Who Educates in Diabetes?- a “ health care” member (with good background in DM and adequate training ). - team approach (to avoid contradictions), with “ patient-oriented” objectives. - have experience in education technology (objectives , strategy & evaluation). - not biased. - no show business educators (circus, parties, ,etc..).

  8. What is active learning:( in strategy) - A standard lecture if only talking= hearning(1) - Add: black board +charts &pictures=seeing(2) - Active learning = acting (3), e.g. by: * answer Q , discuss. * take notes. * explain to others * do action using the information. * exercise (e.g. collect data, play role,solve problem ..etc)

  9. Reliability & Validity ( in Evaluation)* A reliable test yields a stable reading from repeated measurements ( to establish reliability : test-retest) * Validity : when the instrument used for the measuring (test) is the proper one for the test.

  10. The Feed Back( FB)* Why ? To inform about achievement * How ? by tests to measure outcomes (knowledge-skills-attitudes). * To be of real value the FB should: 1- motivate 2- indicate a level (grade) of achievement (e.g. good, very good, bad ..etc) 3- identify mistakes (what was wrong?) 4- guide to correct (knowledge , action , etc.) , for improving.

  11. Setting the Education to the Community Needs ( Community Analysis for objectives )* Define the needs of the community for certain jobs.* Establish job description ; define the tasks needed to be done during each job.* Then , set the objectivesto be achieved to enable these tasks to be performed : ( including: knowledge, skills & attitudes)* Design the curriculum to deliver a course, with time table and plan of action (strategy). * Design evaluation .

  12. Task-oriented education - Education specific for preparing candidates for a particular job to meet the particular need for the community.

  13. Task AnalysisDefinitions: study of the specific task to identify how it could be perfectly done . * Each task requires( set objectives) (i) Specific knowledge (ii) Specific skills - psychomotor skills - skills of communication - skills of cognition (iii) Specific attitudes.Important : avoid the too much knowledge not required for performance of the task.

  14. Example of task selection needed for the job of “Podologist “1- Examine feet: color , temperature , pulse , etc2- Diagnose problems : dryness, ischaemia, neuropathy , ulcer, gangarene..etc.3- Manage : e.g. dressing ulcers, cut nail, debridment & Doppler …etc.4- Educate patients

  15. Task analysis is required for :1- Defining the contents of the course. 2- Defining the methods of teaching the course. 3- Defining the tests to evaluate. achievement of the objectives.

  16. Task analysis:requirements for Podologist)

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