College Reserach Chloe Fetters
Harvard University Harvard University is in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Costs Tuition of Harvard University is about $45,278. Room, boarding, and fees are about $2,302. Cost of attendance of one year is about $67,580. Cost of attendance for 4 years is about $270,320. Harvard is a private school.
Student Life Undergraduate enrollment is 7,333 students. The school is 54% male and 48% female. Student to faculty ratio is 6:1. I would receive a bachelor’s degree, then begin their law school. I am interested in their law school.
Acceptance Acceptance is difficult and unlikely even with a >4.06 GPA. Acceptance rate is 6%. Average ACT score is a 34. I need to keep my grades rocket high and prepare for my ACT.
Yale University Yale University is located in New Haven, Connecticut.
Costs Tuition is about $47,600. Room, board, and fees are about $5,795. Cost of attendence for one year is about $53,395. Cost of attendence for 4 years is about $213,580. Yale is a private school.
Student Life Undergraduate enrollment is 5,746 students. The scool is 47% male and 53% female. Student to faculty ratio is 6:1. I would want to get a doctorial degree. I am interested in the quality of education.
Acceptance Acceptance is difficult and unlikely even with a >4.19 GPA. Acceptance rate is 7%. Average ACT score is a 33. I need to keep my grades rocket high and prepare for my ACT.
Princeton University Princeton University is located in Princeton, New Jersey.
Costs Tuition is about $43,450. Room, boarding, and fees are about $5,605. Cost of attendance for one year is about $49,055. Cost of attendance for 4 years is about $196,220. Princeton is a private school.
Student Life Undergraduate enrollment is 5,394 students. The school is 49.2% female and 50.8% male. Student to faculty ratio is 5:1. I would want to get a doctorial degree. I am interested in their quality of education.
Acceptance Acceptance is difficult and unlikely even with a >3.87 GPA. Acceptance rate is 7%. Average ACT score is a 33. I need to keep my grades rocket high and prepare for my ACT.
Dartmouth College Dartmouth College is located in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Costs Tuition is about $49,506. Room, boarding, and fees are about $5,000. Cost of attendance for one year is about $54,506. Cost of attendance for 4 years is about $218,024. Princeton is a private school.
Student Life Undergraduate enrollment is 4,410 students. The school is 51% male and 49% female. Student to faculty ratio is 7:1. I would want to get a doctorial degree. I am interested in their quality of education.
Acceptance Acceptance is difficult and unlikely even with a >4.06 GPA. Acceptance rate is 11%. Average ACT score is a 32. I need to keep my grades rocket high and prepare for my ACT.