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Contemporary World: International Relations and Organisations Unit 9: Some Important Social and Economic Issues in Contemporary World. LECTURER: DR. Andrea, PEI-SHAN KAO. *國際恐怖主義 (Terrorism) *跨國犯罪暴力組織 (Transnational Criminal & Violence Organisations)
Contemporary World: International Relations and OrganisationsUnit 9: Some Important Social and Economic Issues in Contemporary World LECTURER: DR. Andrea, PEI-SHAN KAO
*國際恐怖主義 (Terrorism) *跨國犯罪暴力組織 (Transnational Criminal & Violence Organisations) *國際慈善救援團體 (International Aid Organisations) *國際人口販賣問題 (Human Trafficking)
Terrorism: (恐怖主義) • Definition: Violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals. Any acts of unlawful violence that are intended to create fear or terror.-對非武裝人員有組織地使用暴力或以暴力相威脅,通過將一定的對象至於恐怖之中,來達到某種政治目的的行為。 • Objects: To force political change by convincing a government or population to agree to their demands. • 政治訴求 *Terrorism ≠ Acts of Terror= Criminal Acts
Terrorists Groups List of US Department of State: 美國國務院公佈之國際恐怖主義名單: 基地組織(Al-Qaida) 奧姆真理教(Aum Supreme Truth,Aum, 即Amu Shinrikyo,Aleph) 巴斯克民族和自由組織(Basque Fatherland and Liberty,ETA) 哈馬斯(HAMAS,Islamic Resistance Movement伊斯蘭抵抗運動) 聖戰者運動(Harakat ul-Mujahidin,HUM) 真主黨(Hizballah,即Party of God) 等 Source: China Daily, August 29, 2007, http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/14404/2007/08/29/401@1737855.htm, “consulted in September 2007.”
Example (2): Food For the Poor -Founded in 1982 -The 3rd largest and important charity organisation in the USA.
Case Study: Food for the Poor -Food for the Poor (FFP) established in 1982 to spiritually renew impoverished people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. It is an international Christian humanitarian aid organisation that provides food, housing, medical services, education and ministry to poor people and families. -They linked the church of the developed countries with the church of the underdeveloped countries to help both the materially poor and the poor in spirit. (See their website inhttp://www.foodforthepoor.org/site/c.dnJGKNNsFmG/b.3074717/k.BE96/Home.htm)
Research on Human Trafficking 1.名詞定義及解釋:何謂人口販賣? Definition and Explanation: What is human trafficking? 2.個案研究(一):Case Study 1 3.個案研究(二):Case Study 2
1. Definition and Explanation: What is human trafficking? *It is the recruitment, transportation, harbouring, or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation. *The victims typically are recruited by coercion, deception, fraud, the abuse of power. →∵Threats and violence can make victims agree to exploitation. * Exploitation methods: forcing adult victims to prostitution, forced labour, slavery or the removal of organs. Forcing children to prostitution, illegal international adoption, early marriage, or recruitment as child soldiers, beggars.
Why Human Trafficking)≠ Illegal Immigration? ∵Illegal immigration means immigration across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. →That is, an illegal immigrant is a foreigner who either has illegally crossed an international political border, or a foreigner who has entered a country legally but then overstays his/her visa.
About the victims: *They are usually the most vulnerable and powerless minorities in a region. *They often come from the poorer areas, such as Kosovo, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Romania, where opportunities are limited, *They often are ethnic minorities. Children trafficking: *Trafficked children often come from poor family. They are sold by their parents to traffickers to pay off debts or get income or they may be deceived concerning the prospects of training and a better life for their children. *Case In West Africa: trafficked children have often lost one or both parents to the African AIDS crisis. *The adoption process, legal and illegal, results in cases of trafficking of babies and pregnant women between the West (the United States) and the developing world (India).
Contemporary Human Trafficking 現代人口販賣 *According to St. Louis Chinese American News (June23, 2005), the estimate of the amount of international human trafficking victims is 600~800 thousand people. Source: http://www.scanews.com/2005/jun/s774/77407/“consulted in December 2007.”
Case in UK: According to British Home Office, every year there are 6,000 girls trafficking from East European countries to Britain. 80% “non-street” prostitutes in Britain come from East European countries. Source: http://www.ukhtc.org/index.htm, “consulted in May 2008”.
Solutions for the prevention and fight against human trafficking: In Romania: The government established official recruitment agency to help people to get a job. -Print pamphlet and brochures to warn young women paying attention to traffickers. -Establishing centre to take care of the victims. In United Kingdom: -To prevent human trafficking, and to improve and co-ordinate the law enforcement response to human trafficking, the British government established “United kingdom Human Trafficking Centre” (UKHTC). -This Centre is working together with other agencies, NGOs. Source: http://canada.justice.gc.ca/eng/fs-sv/tp/index.html, “consulted in May 2008”.
In the USA: (NHTRC) The NHTRC is a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)-funded program operated and implemented by Polaris Project for the purpose of providing a national, 24-hour, toll-free hotline number for the human trafficking field in the United States. By operating the national hotline, the NHTRC works to help improve the national response to protect victims of human trafficking in the U.S. by providing callers with a range of comprehensive services. Available services include crisis intervention, urgent and non-urgent referrals, tip reporting, and comprehensive anti-trafficking resources and technical assistance for the anti-trafficking field and those who wish to get involved. The NHTRC also works in collaboration with the infrastructure of the anti-trafficking movement in the United States, which includes HHS Rescue and Restore coalitions, DOJ-funded Human Trafficking Task Forces, FBI Innocence Lost Task Forces, Federal victims’ services and outreach grantees, statewide human trafficking task forces, community-based initiatives, and on-going research projects.