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Supporting education in Albania, bringing smiles to young people, fostering growth and development, and building a better future.
Kiwanis International 6 min 52 sec Kiwanis Education Program District Switzerland - Liechtenstein Donations: Swift-Code:RAIFCH22, IBAN: CH97 8131 7000 0038 6901 0 / “KEP” -Hannes Deetlefs Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Kiwanis International District Switzerland - Liechtenstein KIWANIS EDUCATION PROGRAM KF Hannes Deetlefs, Chairman KEP KC Wattwil-Toggenburg Harmonieweg 4, 9601 Lütisburg-StationTel.: 071 931 31 17 Cell: 079 222 82 32 deetlefs@compuserve.com KF Claudio Rageth, KC Wattwil-Toggenburg Finanzen KEP c.rageth@alimantis.com KF Anita Turel Translation into French KF Armando Giaccardi Translation into Italian KF Hannes Deetlefs Translation into English Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Kiwanis International District Switzerland - Liechtenstein We want to thank • All Sponsors and Donators : • Of school furniture and black boards (…they were d.. heavy!) • The computers • The storage facilities in Thun and Rorschach • The trucks in Pfaeffikon, Thun and Schaan • The school bus • The financial support • The donors of time and muscle power for the loading and unloading with lots of sweating • We will go into closer detail as soon as the account is ready! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Kiwanis International District Switzerland - Liechtenstein We want to thank for donations of the furniture and the bus, all valued at 100’000 Swiss Francs! • We donated: • A school bus for handicapped children • 622 chairs of all types • 122 tables of all types • 176 school desks • 40 Computers • 60 Wardrobes and book shelves • 7 black boards that can be moved up and down • Also an elctronic Organ and a Harmonium Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Kiwanis International District Switzerland - Liechtenstein We want to thank all who assisted us in carrying out of this project! KC Basel-MerianKC ThunKC Rorschach-SulzbergKC SurselvaKC LiechtensteinKC WädenswilKC Lugano KC Benken-Linth KC Zermatt Kiwanis Clubs of the Swiss Region Tessin and northern Italy All Kiwanis Clubs: KC WinterthurKC Sihltal-ZürichKC March-HoefeKC WeinfeldenKC Wattwil-ToggenburgKC Gossau-FlawilKC DornachKC Davos KC Biel Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
KiwanisEducation Program Account: Donations recieved: Kiwanis International Foundation 9‘265.- Kiwanis Europa, KI-EF 6‘547.- KC Members 9‘000.- Sponsors (Trucks at reduced tariffs) 9‘500.- Total Donations and reduced tariffs: 38‘000.- Donations: Swift-Code: RAIFCH22, IBAN: CH97 8131 7000 0038 6901 0 / “KEP” Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Aim: Bring the smiles back! It is the aim to develop in the City of Shkodër, Albania, with the assistance of Kiwanis Switzerland-Liechtenstein and the Kiwanis-Club Tirana better possibilities for young people to be educated and trained. This will make life easier for them and will make it possible for them to develop themselves and to become proud citizens of Albania. Such people will be qualified enough to build a better future. Founding of the Club Kiwanis Shkodër! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Yes, that‘s fine, but why bother me? Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
What did we do exactly? In the week of Saturday, 1st. September 2007 we six Kiwanis Members took three huge trucks and a school bus for handicapped children to Albania. We had the trucks loaded with school furniture and other school utensils and gave all of this to the two schools in Shkodër. Everything was under strict control, also in Albania. Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Control at all times: Mr Kastriot Faci, attorney and our „man on the spot“ in Albania saw to it that every piece of furniture was documented properly. Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Why do we have to go on with this Project? Why „Education“ again? • There is an enormous need for education in Albania • The Project allows people to meet Kiwanians: Proof is the chartering of the new Club KC Shkodër! • Respect and self-esteem is not only developed by the children, but by the adults, too. They start to understand other people better • Dialogue between teachers, parents and the general public is made easier, also through the new Clubs being planned in Albania • Kiwanis Motto: „Serving the Children of the World“ Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Why should I feel obliged to help with KEP, even now? And: Others are better in doing that! 1. You are a Kiwanis Member and are looking out at all times for that „hands on“ project that doesn‘t only involve the handing out of cash…2. You and your Club are still searching for that „real“ social Project…3. Because its great fun to meet new Kiwanians in our district or in Albania… Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Why then only Albania? • Albania is not a member of the Common Market, the EU and does not get much money or donations. It may be a very poor country, but it is also a very proud country.We now have a second Kiwanis Club with 35 members. • All the doors are open now, everybody helps us • We learnt very much, learning by doing! • The people are full of thanks and say so, too • In Albania there is only a very basic or even no education in social matters or matters of health • Albania and it‘s future should concern us all! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Some important contacts Dr. Pascal Arnold Of the Swiss Projekt „Inter-Cooperation“ Education Lora Mandi Kastriot Faci Principal Ymer Vila Mayor Lorenc Luca Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Some very interesting contacts: Mr Riza Poda,Deputy Ombudsman of the Parliament of Albania We met in Geneve and he is very interested. This is also because he has to see to the rights of the youth in Albania. His son studies in Geneve and wants to help, too. Mr Gezim Musabelliu,Deputy of the Parliametarian Group of è. S. D., Committee for Defense and Security. Mr Jozef Bushati,CEO of the University Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Projekts: For other Schools, too! We want to deliver more School furniture of all kinds to the schools of the city of Shkodër. We even think of repairing the buildings and the toilet facilities. More School busses, for normal and for handicapped children, are needed Further donations to the project of the mayor for more Play grounds in Shkodër Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Here are some pictures: The Reception at the School for the Handicapped in Shkodër Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
What we gave this School: • School desks and big tables for use with wheel chairs • An electronic Organ: This is a real need, because the children learn and are trained to make much music and good music, too. • A Harmonium, also something that caused much happiness • And: Abus, a “real” bus with things like a ramp for wheel chairs and a warning mechanism when driving in reverse! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Some facts about the School3 Dhjetori: It is the biggest school for the handicapped in the northern part of Albania 90 students, 50 boys, 40 girls aged between 6 and 19 9 Classes Staff: Principal Skender Hasani and 25 Teachers and 10 Assistants Bus: Driver Nikolin Shoshi, he drives for 20 years now. One tour takes 2 hours. They leave in the morning at 6h45, in the afternoon at 14h45 Lunch: 12h00 until 13h30 in the School cafeteria Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Some pictures of the ceremonial opening of the Play Ground: Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Some pictures of the main School of Shkodëra: Hard work done by Kiwanis members: They mounted the very heavy black boards! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
There was no power for the electric drill… Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Loading for single schools: Sweat, sweat, sweat… Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Work done! All are „loafing“ on the stairs of the entrance to the school! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
How do we go on?Become a friend of KEP! You can give your name without any fuss on the Homepage of KEP. There are no entrance fees or monies involved Donations: Swift-Code: RAIFCH22, IBAN: CH97 8131 7000 0038 6901 0 / “KEP” Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Who should work together with us? Each and every Kiwanan in the District of Switzerland-Liechtenstein, Every Kiwanis-Club in the District Swizerland-Liechtenstein your Kiwanis-Club, too! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
We are on our way! • We all participate! • You are part of it, too! • Our aim is to have a new experience in Kiwanis! • Every Kiwanis Club, each and every Kiwanian, can and may and should take part! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Serving the children of the worldFür die Kinder der Welt - Pour les enfants du monde Per i bambini del mondo - Per ils uffants dal mund Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein
Donations:Swift-Code: RAIFCH22,IBAN: CH97 8131 7000 0038 6901 0 / “KEP” The proud Kiwanis Member! Kiwanis International - District Switzerland-Liechtenstein