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Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue 肌组织. 肌组织 muscle tissue. 肌细胞 myocytes 肌纤维 muscle fibers 肌质 sarcoplasm 肌质网 sarcoplasmic reticulum 肌膜 sarcolemma. Two principal types:. (一)骨骼肌一般结构 ( Skeletal muscle ).
肌组织 muscle tissue 肌细胞 myocytes 肌纤维 muscle fibers 肌质 sarcoplasm 肌质网 sarcoplasmic reticulum 肌膜 sarcolemma
(一)骨骼肌一般结构(Skeletal muscle) • 长圆柱状,多个细胞核,The nuclei are located in the cytoplasm beneath the sarcolemma (肌膜).肌丝(myofilament)
肌原纤维 myofibrils A带A band (dark band,暗带) H带H bands M线M lines I带I bands (light band,明带) Z线Z lines
Skeletal muscle-sarcomere(肌节) 肌节 sarcomere 肌原纤维 myofibril 肌红蛋白Myoglobin 肌卫星细胞 muscle satellite cell
Skeletal muscle-connective tissue 肌内膜 endomysium 肌束膜 perimysium 肌外膜 epimysium
(二)骨骼肌纤维的超微结构1.肌原纤维 myofibril 肌丝 myofilaments 细肌丝 thin filaments 粗肌丝 Thick filaments 粗,细肌丝在肌节内排列规律: 粗肌丝附着在M线上, 细肌丝附着Z在线上
肌丝的分子结构 (1)粗肌丝(thick myofilament) 肌球蛋白(myosin) (2)细肌丝(thin myofilament) 肌动蛋白(actin), 原肌球蛋白(tropomyosin), 肌钙蛋白(troponin) 肌钙蛋白(TnC, TnT, TnI)
(四)骨骼肌收缩Skeletal muscle-contraction • When a muscle contracts, each sarcomere shortens and becomes thicker, but the myofilaments remain the same length.
2. 肌质网(Skeletal muscle -sarcoplasmic reticulum) 纵小管 longitudinal tubule, L小管 终池 Terminal cisterna 三联体 tride
(3)横小管 transverse tubule 横小管 transverse tubule,T小管 终池 terminal cisternae 三联体 triad
(三)骨骼肌纤维的分型 红肌纤维 red fibers 白肌纤维 white fibers 中间型肌 intermediate fibers
二.心肌(cardiac muscle) (一)心肌纤维的光镜结构 心肌纤维呈短柱状,有分支,胞核单个 或双核,有横纹, 闰盘(intercalated disk). (二)心肌纤维的超微结构 有粗,细肌丝,明带和暗带,肌节,横小管和肌质网。
Similarities between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle(心肌与骨骼肌相同点) • 横纹 transverse striations • 细和粗肌丝 thin and thick filament
心肌与骨骼肌的不同点 1.肌丝形成肌丝束,横纹不明显。 2.横小管口径粗,位于Z膜水平,形成二联体。 3.心肌之间形成闰盘,形成中间连接,桥粒和缝隙连接。 4.心肌间质网络(myocardial matrix network)
Differences between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle(心肌和骨骼肌不同点) • The fibers branch and anastomose with other fibers to form a network. • Each cardiac muscle cell possesses only one or two centrally located nucleus. • Myofibrils and striations are not distinct. • The sarcoplasmic reticulum is less prominent.
Differences between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle • The T tubule lie oppsite the z-lines. • It possesses diads composed of one T tubule and one terminal cisterna. • A unique and distinguishing characteristic is the presence of intercalated disks. • Intercalated disks represent junctional complexs.
(三)心肌纤维的分类 • 1.工作心肌 • 2.传导系统的心肌 • 3.具有分泌功能的心肌
Smooth muscle(平滑肌) (一)平滑肌光镜结构 • Smooth muscle cells are fusiform(梭形). Each cell has a single nucleus located in the cell.
(二)平滑肌的超微结构 • 细肌丝,粗肌丝,中间丝 • 密区(dense area)或密斑(dense patch),密体(dense body) • 小凹(caveola)
Smooth muscle • In smooth muscle cells, bundles of myofilaments crisscross through the cell, forming a latticelike work. • The cytoskeleton contains cytoplasmic densities or dense bodies,intermediate filaments. • Smooth muscle cells have a membrane system of sarcolemmal invaginations, vesicles, and SER but lack a T system.
Summary • The structure of skeletal muscle. • The structure of cardiac muscle. • The structure of smooth muscle.
Homework • Review the characteristics of muscle tissue. • Prepare for the next lesson-chapter 11 nerve tissue.