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Put Networking Tools into Learning and Teaching

Put Networking Tools into Learning and Teaching. Applications of Web 2.0 Tools. Chiu, Shu-chuan 2007.09.26. Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0. Web 2.0 的功能. Yahoo Groups blogs podcasts flickr del.icio.us wikipedia. News aggregators ( 新聞收集器或 源料閱讀器 ). RSS Feed. Really Simple Syndicate 內容結構清晰

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Put Networking Tools into Learning and Teaching

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  1. Put Networking Tools into Learning and Teaching Applications of Web 2.0 Tools Chiu, Shu-chuan 2007.09.26.

  2. Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0

  3. Web 2.0 的功能 • Yahoo Groups • blogs • podcasts • flickr • del.icio.us • wikipedia News aggregators (新聞收集器或 源料閱讀器) RSS Feed Really Simple Syndicate 內容結構清晰 整齊地詮釋資料欄位 功能 功能 read/write softwarenetworking toolssocial software Subscription to blogs/news/podcasts

  4. 在教學上的應用 • Personal Learning Environment(個人學習環境) • E-portfolio: (e-學習檔案) • blog / podcast • photos • files • research documents • Networking / connection (學習/社交網絡)

  5. Web 2.0 Tools • How many web 2.0 tools on earth are there for us to use? • Let’s take a look: Top 100 Tools for Learning

  6. Alice’s Web 2.0 Tools • Blogs • Podcasts • del.icio.us • Flickr • YouTube • Wikispaces • Bloglines

  7. 分享文字 (Blog 部落格) • 提供免費部落格的平臺 (Blog hosting services) • Blogger • Wordpress • Edublogs • Elgg • MSN More about Blogs

  8. More about Blogs • Blogsearch • Feester http://www.feedster.com/ • Google blog search http://blogsearch.google.com • Weblogs compendiumhttp://www.lights.com/weblogs/searching.html • Example: • Alice’s Blog • 學生的部落格 • 老師的部落格

  9. 2. 分享廣播 ( Podcasts 播客) • 提供錄音及分享作品的平臺(Record and share audio) • Podomatic http://www.podomatic.com/ • ODEO http://www.odeo.com/inbox

  10. More about Podcasts • Podcasts在教學上的應用 • Students podcasts • 想學英文嗎?聽聽看 ESL podcasting • Englishcasterhttp://www.englishcaster.com/ • ESLpodhttp://www.eslpod.com/

  11. 3. 分享書籤 del.icio.us(Online Social Bookmarks) URL: del.icio.us • 網路書籤 方面存取(Keep your favorite websites, music, books, and more in a place where you can always find them.) • 分享閱讀 結交同好 (Share your favorites with family, friends, and colleagues.) • 探索發現 驚喜無限 (Discover new and interesting things by browsing popular & related items.) • Example: Alice’s Del.icio.us

  12. 4. 分享照片 (Flickr: photo sharing) • URL: http://www.flickr.com/ • The best way to store, search, sort and share your photos

  13. More about Flickr • 用圖片說故事Tell a story in 5 frames (Visual story telling) • 用照片寫校史 • St. Leo the Great • Lewis Elementary • 用Flickr教藝術史

  14. 5. 分享影片 YouTube • URL: www.youtube.com

  15. 6. 維基共寫 Wiki • Search information on Wikipedia • the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. http://wikipedia.org/ • Wikispaces: • http://www.wikispaces.com • http://www.pbwiki.com

  16. More about Wiki • 應用wiki在數學課上 (平臺 pbwiki) • 應用wiki來完成一項任務:如研討會資訊 (平臺 wikispaces) • Wiki Exercise (教導如何於教學上使用共寫的功能)

  17. URL: www.bloglines.com 訂閱RSS的工具 省掉一一瀏覽不同網站的時間 時時提供最新資訊 Example: Alice’s Bloglines 7. 收集器 Bloglines More about Bloglines

  18. Community of Practice from a CPsquare (July 2003) Let’s get more positive about lurkers document

  19. Thanks!

  20. del.icio.us 簡易教學

  21. More about del.icio.us • Website: http://del.icio.us/

  22. More about del.icio.us-2 • Add browser buttons to your screen

  23. 按Help

  24. 按右鍵 加入我的最愛

  25. 加入「連結」

  26. bloglines 簡易教學

  27. Subscribe to RSS (Blogs/podcasts/flickr/del.icio.us…) Go to Bloglines (www.bloglines.com)Add a URL or RSS Feed How to add an easy subscribe button to your screen? More about Bloglines

  28. 按右鍵 加入我的最愛

  29. 加入「連結」

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