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Ex Situ Biological Diversity Conservation of Larix Species in Arkhangelsk. Natalia Demidova , Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Arkhangelsk, Russia, forestry @ ptl - arh . ru Syktyvkar, North-West of Russia (or European North of Russia). Republic of Karelia
Ex Situ Biological Diversity Conservation of Larix Species in Arkhangelsk Natalia Demidova, Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Arkhangelsk, Russia, forestry@ptl-arh.ru Syktyvkar,
North-West of Russia (or European North of Russia) • Republic of Karelia • Komi Republic • Arkhangelsk Region • Vologda Region • Kirov Region (northern part) • Leningrad Region • Murmansk Region • Perm Kray (northern part).
North-West of Russia • From the west to the east ─ 1500 km • From the north to the south – from 600 till 1000 and more km. • The total territory is 97 mill. ha
Difference of the European Northfrom other industrial regions of the country • pine and sprucepredomination • comparatively low growth of the trees • forest fires.
Actual species conservation is only possible while maintaining systemic organization of populations. • One of the main principles of sustainable environment management should be maximizing of the conservation of genetic diversity of populations in their use and artificial reproduction.
Larch (Larix Sukaczewii Djil.) is a relict species in the Russian European North. • Siberian larch(Larix sibirica Ldb.) is more sensitive to air stagnation and to high humidity. • European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) is more resistant. • Larix SukachewiDjil. stands on intermediate place.
Area and stock volume of larch stands in forest in Arkhangelsk Region (01.01.2008)
59.2% of stands with larch presence in the composition belong to the protected group of the forests. • 92% of them is presented by the stands of the age of more than 120 years. • The average age of larch in Arkhangelsk Region is 176 years.
Artificial larch reforestation • 1948-1973 (25 years) ─ 1183 ha(Kashin, Kozobrodov, 2002) • 90% ─ by sawing was provided manually in the plots of 0.7x0.7m. • Density of forest cultures did not exceed 2 th. planted places on 1 ha. • 1979 -1990: planting on 1046 ha
Larch Unified Genetic-Breeding Complex (EGSK) • Genetic reserves ─ 4,16 th. ha, • Few plus trees ─ 62 trees • Permanent seed orchards ─ 63,2 ha. • Larch geographical cultures are created on the area of 4,7 ha (B.Mochalov, 2008).
Legislation in Arkhangelsk region (1995) • Governor of Arkhangelsk Region order “About Forest Plots Protection on The Territory of the Region, which Provide Special Ecological and Social Functions”; • Regional Government document “The List of Specially Protected Forest Plots, Selected in the State Forest Fund of Arkhangelsk Region, Norms and Regime of their Use”; • Regional Red Book (1995); • Larch was removed from the Red Book (2008)
It is impossible to preserve larch in the forests of the North-West of Russia by restrictions and conservation measures. • Maintaining and increasing the share of larch forests can only be achieved by increasing the area of artificial stands of this species and measures to promote its natural regeneration.
“Program of larch renovation and restoration in Arkhangelsk region” was elaborated, adopted with State Ecological Expertise and approved in March, 1998.
The basic principle of this document was to conduct experimental clear and selective cuttings in old spruce-larch stands with measures to support natural regeneration of coniferous species, mainly larch. • The program provided scientific support carried out by forestry activities.
As a result: • larch seeds were collected from cut trees, • larch forest cultures were developed in the region, • successful larch natural regeneration was provided on the areas of clearcuts.
The most extensive program of larch conservation and restoration in Arkhangelsk Region was adopted by the First Regional Workshop “Larch Forests of Arkhangelsk Region: their Use and Reproduction” (01-03 June 1998), organized by V. Barzut.
The Second Regional Workshop “Larch Forests of Arkhangelsk Region: their Use and Reproduction” (22-25 of September 2008) announced the results of scientific and industrial work on the dynamics, structure and growth of larch forests, state and development of the seed base, the problems of natural and artificial reforestation on cut areas, practices of logging, timber processing, protection and use of larch forests in Arkhangelsk Region.
The problem of Larix biological and genetic diversity is not developed and it has to be a keystone of the Program of Larch Renovation and Restoration in Arkhangelsk Region”. • Tihonov and Nakvasina (2008) described genetic structure of mostly all natural larch populations in Arkhangelsk Region.
7 larch populations unified in 3 separate groups: • 1) Onezhskaya and Leshukonskayapopulations; • 2). Kargopolskaya, Emetskaya, Obozerskaya and Pinegapopulations; • 3) Verhnetoemskayapopulation. • Investigations were provided in nature, as well as in the larch collection of the Dendrological Garden Northern Research Institute of Forestry.
A "living collection" of Larix genus accounts 75 samples of 15 species (tabl.2). • It was created during the period 1961-2009. • Species conservation in cultural conditions, despite some of its shortcomings, is preferable to its complete loss. • Most specimens growing in the garden Larix species reached the age of seed production and could be used for breeding as well as for propagation and establishment test larch cultures.
"On-site" (or in situ) work is held at the plant's habitat. • "Off-site" (or ex situ) work is held away from the plant's habitat. • Ex situ conservation includes seed banking and growing plants at botanic gardens. • Ex-situ conservation provides excellent research opportunities on the components of biological diversity.
The primary objective of maintaining ex situ Larix populations of Arkhangelsk Region outside its natural range is to help to support the conservation of a threatened taxon- Larix Sukaczewii Djil., its genetic diversity, and its habitat for further propagation, research, reintroduction if required (tabl.3).
Tihonov (2006) has provided research on larch adaptation in the garden conditions on several signs: state and growth, features of phenology, seasonal growth of shoots, fruiting and physiology. • He distinguished that the best growth is typical for eastern populations of Arkhangelsk Region (Obozerskaya, Holmogorskaya) and Komi Republic. • Larch from Far East differs by the worth growth, survival and stem quality.
LarixcajanderiMayr. – Лиственница Каяндера • Stands of Larix cajanderi occupy nearly half (48%) of all larch forests of Russia. • This larch grows in the most severe conditions of the North-East Siberia, where does not compete with other forest tree species. • One sample of Larix cajanderi ofMagadan origin. • At the age of 38 years it had a height of 11.3 m, flowering and producing seeds. Species was clarified by L. Orlova (Komarov’s Botanical Garden)
LarixcajanderiMayr x Larixkamtschatica (Rupr.)Carr.– гибрид лиственницы Каяндера и камчатской • Sample from natural habitats around Kamchatka was planted in 1985-87. • t is currently presented by 62 trees. • At the age of 28 years old it had a height of 9.9 m. • Trees are flowering since the age of 22 years. Species was clarified by P.Tichonov (NRIF)
L. x czekanowskiiSzaf. – Лиственница Чекановского • This larch is a natural hybrid between L. gmelinii and L. sibirica. • It is rare plant in culture, found in the botanical gardens in Moscow, Kaliningrad and St-Petersburg. • We have tested seeds from Kaliningrad and Moscow. • Moscow sample still exists in the collection in amount of 3 trees. • Trees are flowering since the age of 22 years. • Trees height is 9.9 m. Species was clarified by P.Tichonov (NRIF)
L. decidua Mill. – Лиственница опадающая или европейская • 2 samples of European larch in the collection from Latvia • 1 sample from Moscow, which was propagated by grafting on local larch. • Trees height – 7.5-10.0 m • Seeds production at the age of 10 year. • Fruiting is week, but the seeds are of good germination ability, of which obtained the offspring. • European larch is a sufficient hardiness species for Arkhangelsk conditions. Species was clarified by P.Tichonov (NRIF)
L.gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. – Лиственница Гмелина или даурская • This larch can grow in the most severe conditions. • It grows on permafrost and swamps. • 9 samples of Daurian larch, which were mainly from natural habitats. • 5 samples were planted in the collection but survival was low: • Magadan sample – 43%; • Amur sample – 20%; • Kolyma sample -14%.
The best trees at the age of 38 years reached height of 13,6 m. • Flowering from the age of 12 years and seeding ability is weak. • Negative experience of Larix gmelinii planting on drained sphagnum swamp in the amount of 1250 three-years-old seedlings (average height - 0.5 m). • Survival ability was 0%, whereas Pinus contorta survival was 91% on the same experimental plot. Species was clarified by P.Tichonov (NRIF)
L. polonica Racib. – Лиственница польская • 10 trees of polish larch in the collection. • At the age of 39 years it had a height of 16 m, • Flowering since 11 years old and produce seeds. Species was clarified by P.Tichonov (NRIF).
L.principisrupprechtiiMayr. – Лиственница принца Рупрехта • 2 trees in the collection (seeds from Vladivostok). • At the age of 37 years it had a height of 9.9 m. • Flowering since 34 years old and producing seeds. • It suffers from winter frosts annually
Larix x maritima Sukaz. – Лиственница приморская • This larch naturally grows in the Far East. • There are one sample (9 trees) from Khabarovsk Krai in the collection. • At the age of 28 years it had a height of 11.8 m, flowering and produce seeds. • Winter hardy.
L. sibiricaLedeb. – Лиственница сибирская • There are 6 samples (73 trees) of Siberian larch in the collection. • The seeds were collected in the natural conditions. • The best trees at the age of 47 years had height of 17,6 m, • Flowering and producing seed since 11 year old.
L. sukaczewiiDjil. – Лиственница Сукачёва • Local species. • It grows in groups and alleys in the amount of 330 trees (22 samples) from different places of Arkhangelsk and Vologda Regions, Ural, Komi and Bashkortostan Republics. • At the age of 44 years it had maximum height of 19 m, • Flowering and producing seed since 6-10 year old.
L. laricina (Du Roi) C. Koch. – л. американская(North America – Alyaska, Canada – Yucon); • L. olgensis A. Henry – л. ольгинская(Far East); • L. x eurolepis Henry. – л. широкочешуйчатая(hybrid L. deciduaи L. leptolepis); • L. kaempferi (Lamb. ) Carr. – л. Кемфера(Eastern China); • L. layllii Parl. – л. Лайэля(mountings of western part of North America); • L. leptolepis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Gord. – л. японская(Japan); • L. occidentalis Nutt. – л. западная(western part of North America (44-55о с.ш.)).
L. laricina (Du Roi) C. Koch. - Лиственница американская