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Questions . Anatomy of the Epidural Space. What is the length of a standard epidural needle?. 6 cm 7 cm 8 cm 9 cm. What is the preferred solution for skin disinfection when performing an epidural block?. Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine with alcohol Povidone -iodine

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Questions Anatomy of the Epidural Space

  2. What is the length of a standard epidural needle? • 6 cm • 7 cm • 8 cm • 9 cm

  3. What is the preferred solution for skin disinfection when performing an epidural block? • Chlorhexidine • Chlorhexidine with alcohol • Povidone-iodine • Povidone-iodine with alcohol

  4. What is the most common distance from the skin to the epidural space? • 3 cm • 4 cm • 6 cm • 8 cm

  5. What is the natural pressure in the epidural space? • Positive pressure • Negative pressure • Equal to atmospheric pressure

  6. When performing an epidural block what is the number of anatomic locations one can “go astray”? • 2 locations. • 3 locations. • 4 locations. • Infinite.

  7. What is the superior boundary of the epidural space? • The superior boundary of the first cervical vertebrae. • The foramen magnum where the periosteal and spinal layers of the dura fuse. • The cranial vertex where the periosteal and cerebral layer of the dura fuse.

  8. What is the inferior boundary of the epidural space? • The conusmedullaris. • The filumterminale. • The sacrococygeal ligament. • The caudaequina.

  9. What is the anterior border of the epidural space? • The posterior longitudinal ligament. • The anterior longitudinal ligament. • The ligamentaflava. • The pedicle of vertebral body.

  10. What is the posterior border of the epidural space? • The posterior longitudinal ligament. • The anterior longitudinal ligament. • The anterior surface of the vertebral laminae and the ligamentaflava. • The pedicle of vertebral body.

  11. What is the lateral border of the epidural space? • The medullary sheath. • The paravertebral space. • The pedicles of the vertebrae and the intervertebral foramina. • The sacrococygeal ligament.

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