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Language Policy and Leadership Update BCN September 26, 2008

Language Policy and Leadership Update BCN September 26, 2008. Title III Year 2 Update. Title III Accountability System Requirements. LEAs and Consortia Must Meet All 3 Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) AMAO 1 – (CELDT) Achieve Annual Progress in Learning English

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Language Policy and Leadership Update BCN September 26, 2008

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  1. Language Policy and Leadership Update BCN September 26, 2008

  2. Title III Year 2 Update

  3. Title III Accountability System Requirements LEAs and Consortia Must Meet All 3 Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) AMAO 1 – (CELDT) Achieve Annual Progress in Learning English AMAO 2 – (CELDT) Attain English Proficiency on CELDT AMAO 3 – (CST, CAPA, CAHSEE) Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the EL Subgroup at the LEA level

  4. Consequences of Not Meeting AMAOs for 2 Consecutive Years • Notify parents that LEA or consortium failed to meet AMAOs • Notification must be provided within 30 days of public data release

  5. Consequences of Not Meeting AMAOs for 2 Consecutive Years • Develop an Improvement Plan Addendum including strategies and actions that will ensure AMAOs are met • specifically address factors that prevented LEA or Consortium from meeting AMAOs • Identify actions for meeting specific AMAOs (ELD, ELA, Math), including professional development and parent involvement activities

  6. Title III Year 2 LEAs That Failed to Meet AMAOs for 2 Consecutive Years 59 School Districts and County Offices of Education 17 Consortia 7 Charter Schools 83 Total

  7. Year 2 Technical Assistance Seminars November 12-13 Sacramento Radisson Hotel November 18-19 Riverside Historic Mission inn

  8. For more information: Title III Accountability Technical Assistance Website http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/t3/acct.asp Paul A. Garcia pgarcia@cde.ca.gov

  9. Title III Year 4 Update

  10. 2008-09 Year 4 LEAs • 58 LEAs identified as having failing to meet one or more AMAOs for four consecutive years • List found at (Subgrantee Report) www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/t3/t3reports.asp • AYP update in October

  11. Year 4 COE Leads • Attend monthly meetings with CDE and CA CC in Sacramento • ELSSA revision • Title I alignment • Technology update • Forum content and facilitation • Conduct Pre-Forums with LEAs • Participate in Webinars: ELSSA, Budgets, Online Tracker • Continue monitoring implementation of Cohort 1 plans

  12. Title III Year 4 Forum • Forums designed for LEA participants required by the SBE to modify curriculum, program and method of instruction for ELs • Teams attend two days: systemic change within the LEA to address needs of ELs through development of the Action Plan

  13. Title III Year 4 Forum • COE Leads conduct Pre-Forum to address specific needs in the development of the required Action Plan • Concurrent session with Title I • Submit online Action Plan January 8; or if aligned with PI Year 3, March 9, 2009

  14. Forum Dates & Locations Identified LEAs required to attend Forums

  15. THANK YOU Robert Linquanti, WestEd Zoe Ann Brown, WestEd Beth Simpson, WestEd Paula Jacobs, CDE Paul Garcia, CDE COE Leads

  16. Contact Title III Year 4 Forums & Year 4 COE Leads Marcela Rodriguez, Consultant mrodriguez@cde.ca.gov

  17. State Board of Education Revised Regulations May 7, 2008 Community Based English Tutoring Program(CBET)

  18. Automated Records Checks • Language that required background checks of CBET enrollees was omitted.

  19. CBET Data Collection Requirements • Improvement in English literacy of adult CBET tutors • Attendance of pupils participating in the tutoring program • Achievement progress measured by CST for students • English language acquisition progress measured by CELDT for students

  20. CBET Data Collection Requirements, Continued • A participating school district shall report the data maintained to the State Board of Education upon request.

  21. CBET Applicants2008-09 • 622 applicants • A total representation of 1,476,678 English learners in K-12. • Funding is approximately $33 per EL student

  22. For more information: • http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/cb Paul A. Garcia pgarcia@cde.ca.gov

  23. Accountability Leadership Institute for English Learners, Immigrant, and Migrant Students

  24. Accountability Leadership Institute for English Learners, Immigrant, and Migrant Students Date: February 9 -10, 2009 (February 8 – early registration) Location: Hyatt Regency at the San Francisco Airport, Burlingame Registration brochures will be available online soon. Check our Web site in a few weeks for more information: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/t3/

  25. Institute Planning Committee California Department of Education Administrators & Consultants: -Language Policy and Leadership Office, Nancy Zarenda, lead -Migrant Education, Marcos Sánchez, co-lead -English Learner Accountability Unit Statewide Partners: -Lynne Aoki, National Association for Multicultural Educators -Maria Deharo, Migrant Ed, Region 7 -Debra Dougherty, San Diego USD -Robert Linquanti, WestEd -Claudia Lockwood, San Joaquin COE -Sheli Silva, Migrant Ed, Region 8 -Shelly Speigel-Coleman, Californians Together -Yee Wan, Santa Clara COE -Mary Woodruff, Migrant Ed, Region 22


  27. Keynote Speakers State Senator Leland Yee, District 8 Dr. Sharroky Hollie, Executive Director, Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Simon Silva, Artist Chuck Weis, Superintendent, Santa Clara County School District

  28. Save-the-Date Flyer • Please refer to the save-the-date flyer for hotel booking information

  29. Refugee Student Assistance Program Update

  30. Refugee Student Assistance Program • The United State Office of Refugee Resettlement awarded the California Department of Social Services $1.7 million in continuation funding for the Refugee School Impact Grant for the period of August 15, 2008 through August 14, 2009. This is the fourth year of a possible five year project period. Award letters will be mailed in late October. • The Grant, administered in collaboration with the California Department of Education assists school that have significant number of refugee children.

  31. Refugee Student Assistance Program • The CDE makes Grant funds available to ten Local Educational Agencies to provide support services to refugee children and their families: Clovis USD; East Side USD; Folsom-Cordova USD; Glendale USD; Twin Rivers USD; Los Angeles USD; Norwalk-La Mirada USD; Oakland USD; Sacramento City USD; San Juan USD • The LEAs were originally chosen through a competitive process and receive continuation funding each year that CDSS receives Grant funds.

  32. Two-Way Bilingual Immersion • Directory Update • A program that has not submitted information should contact Lilia G. Sánchez Lsanchez@cde.ca.gov (916) 319-0265

  33. English Language Acquisition Update

  34. English Language Acquisition Program • The English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP), was established through AB 1116 in July 1999 • Enacted to improve the English proficiency of ELs in grades 4-8, and to prepare them to meet the state’s academic content and performance standards • The allocation is $100 per pupil in grades 4-8 to provide supplemental services for these students. See the ELAP Web site for details at www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/ii.

  35. English Language Acquisition Program Awards for FY 2008-09 • Award notices for 2008-09 will be mailed in late October, 2008. The State Budget appropriated $63,263,000 for ELAP. Assistance • FAQs are posted on the ELAP Web site at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/ii/elapfaq.asp. • For assistance, contact Pamela Lucas at (916) 319-0610 or by e-mail at plucas@cde.ca.gov.

  36. Bilingual Teacher Training Program

  37. Bilingual Teacher Training Program Purpose: to provide training for teachers seeking CCTC authorization to provide ELD, SDAIE and primary language instruction to English learners • Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) • Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (CCSD) • Bilingual CLAD • Language Training

  38. BTTP Participant Data

  39. BTTP Funding • 2006-07 - - - - - - - $2,066,000 • 2007-08 - - - - - - - $2,149,000 • 2008-09 - - - - - - - $TBD

  40. Communication California Teachers of English Learners Goal: Provide a clear message regarding need for EL teacher authorization • California Commission on Teacher Credentialing • California Department of Education • 14 Statewide BTTP Regionsaligned with Superintendent’s regions

  41. Regional BTTP Centers

  42. CTC/CDE Communication CTC - http://www.cte.ca.gov • Web site link - ‘Teaching English Learners’, and various authorizations • CTC Credentials Assignment Workshops Email at cawassignments@ctc.ca.gov CDE – http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el • Teacher Authorization FAQs, CDE Website • BTTP Information • Contact information for 14 BTTP sites

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