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Queensland Government concessions. Principle of Pensioner Rate Subsidy Scheme (PRSS).
Principle of Pensioner Rate Subsidy Scheme (PRSS) • To provide a State Government subsidy equivalent to 20% (to a maximum amount of $200 per annum) of the gross rates and charges levied by local government but excluding any amount which exceeds $1000 per annum, or as determined from time to time by the Department. • Rates and charges may include general, special, separate (e.g. environmental levy), utility (sewerage, cleansing, water, waste management) rates and charges; excluding any urban fire services levy but including any rural fire service levy.
Principle of South East Queensland (SEQ) Pensioner Water Subsidy Scheme (PWSS) • To provide a State Government water subsidy up to a maximum of $120 per annum off the cost of utility (water access and volumetric usage) charges levied by local government and/or water distributor-retailers, to assist eligible pensioner property owners by alleviating the impact of increased water charges. • The property must be located in the South East Queensland Water Grid area (serviced by Queensland Urban Utilities, Unitywater and Logan, Gold Coast and Redland councils) and the subsidy is allowed on only one property at a time.
ELIGIBILITYDoes the property owner hold a current QLD Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) issued by Department of Human Services (Centrelink) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) or Repatriation Health Card – For All Conditions (Gold Card) issued by DVA?
ELIGIBILITY Cont…. • Is the applicant the owner* or do they have life tenancy of the property? • Is it the applicant’s principal place of residence? • Is the applicant legally responsible for the payment of rates and/or water and wastewater charges (solely or jointly with the co-owner)? *Owner – As defined under the Local Government Act 2009.
Scenario Mr Pensioner holds a PCC issued by Centrelink but is not receiving income support from Centrelink. He came into council and enquired about his eligibility for the council remission. The council officer advised Mr Pensioner that he is NOT eligible for the council remission due to the fact he is not receiving an income support payment. • Is Mr Pensioner eligible for the Subsidy? • YES, as long as Mr Pensioner holds a current and valid PCC and meets all of the PRSS eligibility criteria as described in section 1 of the PRSS policy guidelines – Definitions.
OWNERSHIP • Under no circumstances is an approved pensioner regarded as an owner or co-owner unless: • His/her name appears as such on the Certificate of Title of the property; or • The title of the property is held in the name of a bank, or other financial institution and the pensioner has not been relieved of the responsibility to pay all rates and charges levied in respect of the property.
LIFE TENANCY • The criteria for determining eligible life tenants will be that: • The property must be his/her principal place of residence. • Life tenancy must be created by a WILL which applies to the property in question, or by a Supreme or Family Court Order. • There must be no provision in the WILL or Court Order which would relieve the life tenant of the obligation to pay the rates and charges, levied in respect of the property. • The pensioner must not have a major interest in any other residential property.
Scenario • Ms Worker purchased a property for her father (Mr Pensioner) to live in for the rest of his life. She had drawn up a contract agreement stating that Mr Pensioner has life tenancy and is responsible for all rates and charges on the property for the term of his life. • Is Mr Pensioner eligible for the Pensioner Rate Subsidy as a Life Tenant? • NO – a contract agreement is not a WILL or Court Order as described in section 2 of the PRSS policy guidelines – Ownership.
PRO-RATA SUBSIDIES • Where the Local Government’s billing period exceeds three months, Local Government must apply the subsidy upon a pro-rata basis from: • The date an approved pensioner acquires approved pensioner status; or • The date of settlement, where a property is purchased by an approved pensioner as evidenced by the Property Transfer Form (Form 24); or • The date official advice is received by the Local Government regarding change of ownership. • The subsidy paid to an approved pensioner will cease on the date of settlement of the sale of the property.
Scenario • Mrs Pensioner recently purchased her property in the Bundaberg region on 24 September 2011. She lodged her PRSS application with Bundaberg Regional Council. Bundaberg Regional Council billing period is half yearly. • Is Mrs Pensioner eligible for the PRO-RATA subsidy? • YES, as described in the section 7 – Pro-rata subsidy is accepted when the approved pensioner’s settlement date is evidenced by the Property Transfer Form (Form 24).
ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS • Local Governments are requested to: • “provide information on the availability and policies of the State Government subsidy throughout the area, in a way that ensures that all entitled are aware of the Scheme.” • Some suggested ways could be a brochure/flyer or information provided with rates notices or poster displayed in local offices/libraries.
Continuing Eligibility The Policy states that…. • “Local Governments must verify continuing eligibility on at least an annual basis by either: • Confirming a customer’s concessional status via Centrelink’s Customer Confirmation eService, or • Verbally through the Centrelink Customer Confirmation Service helpdesk; or
Eligibility cont… • Obtaining from the pensioner, written verification from the relevant Commonwealth agency; or • An officer of the relevant Local Government sighting either the original or a photocopy (both sides) of the applicant’s current qualifying concession card. [If a property owner is unwilling to complete an application form and provide consent for Centrelink verification, they should be advised they must re-present a copy of their current concession card on an annual basis to the local government office and should not expect the council to remind them of this obligation. Councils should try and encourage pensioners to provide consent to enable Centrelink verification.]
Centrelink Confirmation eServices online • CCeS provides you with real time customer information.You can use this online service to immediately confirm a customer’s eligibility for concessions or services. • Customers who choose not to give their consent to an organisation can still request a copy of their income statement from a Centrelink office. • For more information please contact your state Deduction and Confirmation Services Account Manager.
Queries regarding other scenarios??Please feel free to refer to Concession Services at any time as some cases require individual assessment and determination.
CLAIM FOR ADVANCE – TAX INVOICE • The claim for advance is called the Tax Invoice (Claim Form). This tax invoice does not include a GST component. • The new Tax Invoice Form is available on the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services website at: • http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/communityservices/community-support/queensland-government-concessions/publications-and-resources • You can also contact Concession Services and we can send copies to you.
Processing of claims • For any questions you may have regarding the processing or filling out of the Tax Invoice Claim Form contact Concession Services on 324 75941. Eligibility questions • For any questions you may have regarding eligibility for the PRSS or PWSS or the back dating of payments or to request items for inclusion in upcoming newsletters, please contact Catherine McNaughton catherine.mcnaughton@smartservice.qld.gov.au or call 324 73806. • You can also email your queries to concessions@smartservice.qld.gov.au
Other concessions schemes administered by Concession Services for the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Electricity Rebate Scheme Provides a maximum rebate up to $230.46 per annum (inclusive of GST) off the cost of an eligible person’s domestic electricity supply. Available to holders of a Pensioner Concession Card, Queensland Seniors Card and Gold Card - TPI & War Widow/er only. Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate Scheme Provides a maximum rebate up to $64.24 per annum (inclusive of GST) off the cost of an eligible person’s domestic reticulated natural gas supply. Available to holders of a Pensioner Concession Card, Queensland Seniors Card and Gold Card - TPI & War Widow/er only.
Electricity Life Support Concession Scheme Assists seriously ill people on low incomes who use home-based life support systems (oxygen concentrators and kidney dialysis machines) which are supplied free of charge through Queensland Health (Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme). The concession is $117.36 per quarter ($469.36 per annum) for an oxygen concentrator and $78.60 per quarter ($314.32 per annum) for a kidney dialysis machine. Available to holders of a Pensioner Concession Card, Queensland Seniors Card and Health Care Card.
Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme While not a concession, the Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme provides one-off emergency assistance to low-income households who are unable to pay their current electricity and/or reticulated natural gas account. To be eligible for assistance, households must have experienced a short-term financial crisis or unforeseen emergency within the past 12 months. Assistance can only be provided once in any 12 month period and may only be provided for two consecutive years. [This scheme only applies to energy (electricity and/or reticulated natural gas) accounts – not water or rates.]
Medical Cooling and Heating Electricity Concession Scheme Assists with the electricity costs ($57.63 per quarter/ $230.46 per annum) for eligible customers who have an inability to self-regulate body temperature when exposed to extremes (hot or cold) of environmental temperatures. To be eligible for the concession, the applicant must have a qualifying medical condition, be residing at their principal place of residence and use an air conditioning unit in that residence to meet their heating and cooling requirements. The applicant and/or legal guardian must hold a Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card and be financially responsible for the payment of their component of the electricity bill. The application form must be signed by a relevant medical specialist e.g. neurologist, general physician, dermatologist or in the instance of multiple sclerosis only, a general practitioner who has been treating the patient for more than three months.
Every Dollar Counts - Concessions Made Easy • Concession Services produces a biennial publication that provides information on the full range of Queensland Government concessions, rebates and subsidies; the qualifying cards for each concession; and the application process to obtain the concession. Next edition is shortly due for publication. • This free brochure is available from State Electorate offices, local government offices, libraries, Queensland Government Agent Program (QGAP) branches, Department of Communities’ regional offices, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and Centrelink offices as well as relevant community organisations. If you would like to receive a supply, please contact us. • Reducing the Cost of Living (former Every Dollar Counts) Website: http://www.qld.gov.au/everydollarcounts
Contact details • Manager: Deborah Guy (07) 324 79125 • Electricity/Gas/Life Support enq: Lidia Rasic (07) 324 79126 • PRSS/PWSS enq: Catherine McNaughton (07) 324 73806 • HEEAS enq: Belinda Connolly (07) 324 76204 • Medical cooling&heating enq: Judy Senghaas (07) 324 73819 • Billing/general enq: Kristy Neville (07) 324 75941 General enquiries: All concession schemes 13 QGOV (13 74 68) Direct contact for Concession Services : (07) 324 75941 Email: concessions@smartservice.qld.gov.au Web: www.qld.gov.au/everydollarcounts