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Work Plan of the World Association for Sexology and the Pan American Health Association. Mission: The World Association for Sexology promotes sexual health throughout the world and lifespan by developing, promoting and supporting sexology and sexual rights .
Work Plan of the World Association for Sexology and the Pan American Health Association
Mission: The World Association for Sexology promotes sexual health throughout the world and lifespan by developing, promoting and supporting sexology and sexual rights.
Founded in 1978, WAS accomplishes this by advocacy actions, networking, facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and experiences and advancing scientifically based sexuality research, sexuality education and clinical sexology, with a transdiciplinary approach.
14th World Congress of Sexology Hong Kong - 1999 • First World Congress to be held on Chinese soil • Historic approval of the WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights
15th World Congress of Sexology Paris - 2001 • Largest World Congress in the History of WAS • First to have significant international co-sponsorship – including WHO
17th World CongressMontreal, CanadaPierre Assalian - President
Declaration of Sexual Rights
Declaration of Sexual Rights • Sexual rights are universal human rights based on the inherent freedom, dignity, and equality of all human beings. Since health is a fundamental human right, so must sexual health be a basic human right. In order to assure that human beings and societies develop healthy sexuality, the following sexual rights must be recognized, promoted, respected, and defended by all societies through all means. Sexual health is the result of an environment that recognizes, respects and exercises these sexual rights. Approved by the General Assembly of the World Association for Sexology (WAS) on August 26th, 1999
WAS began to more significant roles in meeting the challenges of promoting sexual health in the new millennium.
WAS was accepted into official relations with the Pan American Health Organization of the Region of the AmericasJune 26, 2001
Call to Action:Promoting Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior • Officials of WAS and PAHO worked in significant roles and advisors to the U.S. Surgeon General to develop a national strategy to promote sexual health and responsible sexual behavior
Scientific Editors were Eli Coleman, Janet Hyde and Michael Ross
David Satcher, M.D. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/sexual health
Developing Global Strategies to Promote Sexual Health • In 1975, the World Health Organization (WHO) produced a historic document. • It called upon societies to provide the necessary sexuality education, counseling, and therapy to promote sexual health and to provide necessary training for health professionals. • This document also served as a stimulus for the development of the field of sexology and sexual resources centers throughout the world. • It contained a basic definition of sexual health. http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology
PAHO-WAS Initiative • Expert meeting on revising the 1975 WHO document training of sexual health professionals - defining sexual health and how to promote it • Antigua Guatamala, Guatemala, May 19-22, 2000
The initial draft was prepared by Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles(México) with the assistance of Esther Corona (México) and Eli Coleman (USA)
ParticipantsLaura Asturias, Feminist Newsletter "La Cuerda,” Guatemala*Juan José Borrás Valls, Jaume I University, SpainCecilia Cardinal de Martín, Latin American and Caribbean Regional Committee for Sex Education (CRESALC), Colombia*Eli Coleman, University of Minnesota, USA**Esther Corona Vargas, Mexican Association for Sex Education (AMES), Mexico*Marc Ganem, French Society of Clinical Sexology (SFSC), France*Debra Haffner, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), USA*Rubén Hernández Serrano, Central University of Venezuela,VenezuelaAna Luisa Liguori, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, MéxicoEleanor Maticka-Tyndale, Univesity of Windsor, CanadaAlexander McKay, Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN), Canada
Frans Mom, HIVOS, The Netherlands*Emil Man Lun Ng, Hong Kong Sex Education Association, China*Aminta Parra Colmenares, Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela*Maria Pérez Conchillo, ESPILL Institute of Sexology, Psychology and Medicine, Spain**Oswaldo M. Rodrigues, Center for the Studies and Research in Human Behavior and Sexuality (CEPCoS), Brazil**Rodolfo Rodríguez Casteló, Catholic University of Guayaquil Ecuador, EcuadorB. R. Simon Rosser, University of Minnesota, USA*Eusebio Rubio Aurioles, AMSSAC, MéxicoWilliam R. Stayton, Widener University, USAEsiet Uwemedimo Uko, Action Health Incorporated, NigeriaBernardo Useche, University of Caldas, Colombia* Members of the World Association for Sexology (WAS) Advisory Board** Members of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sexual Education (FLASSES) which is one of the regional federations of the WAS.
Developing Regional StrategiesPan American Health Organization • New definitions of sex, sexuality and sexual health and promoting the following regional goals and strategies: • Promote sexual health; • Provide comprehensive sexuality education; • Provide education, training, and support to professionals; • Develop and provide access to comprehensive sexual health care services; • Promote and sponsor research. http//www.paho.org/English/HCP/HCA/PromotionSexualHealth.pdf http//www.paho.org/Spanish/HCP/HCA/salud_sexual.pdf
Developing Global Strategies:World Health Organization • WHO held an international consultation to discuss approaches and strategies for promoting sexual health: • To elaborate new working definitions of sex, sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights; • To serve as a basis for countries to develop their own strategies Geneva, January 28-31,2002
WHO - Geneva Collaboration • Global document - Consultation in January 2002 • Esther Corona, Eli Coleman, Rafael Mazin and WHO wrote initial draft • Commissioned background papers from around the world
New working definitions of sex, sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights • http://www.who.int/reproductive-health/gender/sexual_health.html
Sex • Sex refers to the biological characteristics which define humans as female or male.[These sets of biological characteristics are not mutually exclusive as there are individuals who possess both, but these characteristics tend to differentiate humans as males and females. In general use in many languages, the term sex is often used to mean "sexual activity", but for technical purposes in the context of sexuality and sexual health discussions, the above definition is preferred.]
Sexuality • Sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. While sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, historical and religious and spiritual factors.
Sexual Health • Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.
Sexual Rights • Sexual rights embrace human rights that are already recognized in national laws, international human rights documents and other consensus documents. These include the right of all persons, free of coercion, discrimination and violence, to:
Sexual Rights • the highest attainable standard of health in relation to sexuality, including access to sexual and reproductive health care services; • seek, receive and impart information in relation to sexuality; • sexuality education; • respect for bodily integrity; • choice of partner; • decide to be sexually active or not; • consensual sexual relations; • consensual marriage; • decide whether or not, and when to have children; and • pursue a satisfying, safe and pleasurable sexual life. The responsible exercise of human rights requires that all persons respect the rights of others.
New working definitions of sex, sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights • http://www.who.int/reproductive- health/gender/sexual_health.html
Sexual Health Promotion and HIV Prevention with Indigenous/Aboriginal/Native Peoples and Communities in the Americas A Regional Consultation Isla Margarita, Venezuela October 13-14, 2002
Objectives of the Consultation 1.Characterization of HIV/STI as a public health problem among indigenous communities in the Americas 2.Description of determinants of risk for HIV/STI and protective factors among indigenous communities in the Region
Objectives of the Consultation 3.Identification of barriers that prevent implementation of effective interventions 4.Description of evidence-based, culturally appropiate interventions
Objectives of the Consultation 5.Development of goals and strategies for prevention of STI/HIV through promotion of sexual health 6.Identification of resources to implement effective intervention
Outcomes of the Consultation • Reference document on goals and strategies to promote sexual health and prevent HIV/STI with indigenous communities • Comprehensive inventory of resources
ADDRESSING "SPECIAL POPULATIONS." THE SUCCESS STORY OF CARA a CARA HIPS Center B. R. Simon Rosser, Ph.D, M.PH.1 Rafael Mazin, M.D., M.P.H.1 Eli Coleman, Ph.D. Ernie Rivera 1 HIV/STI Intervention and Prevention Studies Center (HIPS) Program in Human Sexuality (PHS) University of Minnesota Medical School March 13, 2003 La Habana, Cuba
Background • Despite the fact that the HIV epidemic disproportionately affects men who have sex with men (and particularly Latino MSM) in the Americas very little efforts have been made to train workers in developing effective techniques to address the needs of men who have sex with men (MSM)
Cara a Cara - Face to Face:An Advanced Training Course in Sexual Health Promotion for HIV/STD Prevention Workers and Community Leaders Targeting Men who have Sex with MenSeminario-Taller de capacitación en promoción de la salud sexual Dirigido a trabajadores de prevención de VIH/ETS y Líderes de la comunidad que trabajan con los hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con otros Hombres B. R. Simon Rosser, Ph.D., M.P.H., Rafael Mazin, M.D. & Eli Coleman, Ph. D., L.P.
Propósito de Cara a Cara Purpose of Face-to-Face 1. Programa para trabajadores en la prevención de VIH/ETS en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres y otros líderes de comunidad. 2. Enfoque en la promoción de salud sexual sobre VIH/ETS a largo plazo en HSH. • 1. A new training program for HIV/STD prevention staff who target men who have sex with men and other community leaders. • 2. To focus on the long-term HIV/STD sexual health promotion of men who have sex with men.
Durante los 5 dias, pedimos a los participantes a: 1. Enfocarse en los problemas de salud sexual en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. Over 5 days, we ask participants to: 1. Focus on the sexual health concerns of men who have sex with men.
2. Crear redes trabajando con tus compañeros en grupos pequeños. 2. Develop networks by working together in small groups.
3. Desarrollar su visión de prevención de VIH para HSH gay y bi. 3. Develop their vision of HIV prevention for gay/bi/MSM
Day 1. MSM HIV prevention principles, history of MSM prevention sexual health model Day 2. New Approaches to HIV Prevention cross-cultural clinical sexology ethics Día 1. Prevención de VIH en Hombres que tienen Sexo con Hombres -principios básicos -historia de prevención en HSH -modelo de salud sexual 2. Nuevas vías de prevención de VIH - cruce cultural - sexología clínica - ética Perspectiva general/Overview
3 & 4. Man-to-Man: Sexual Health Seminars. Comprehensive, contextual sexual health for MSM 5. Planning ethical perspectives presenting the plan evaluation Día 3.& 4 “De hombre a hombre: seminarios sobre salud sexual”. -Salud sexual de manera comprensiva y contextual en HSH 5. Plan - perspectiva ética - presentación del plan - evaluación Perspectiva general/Overview
MAN TO MAN Exploring Intimacy Between Men SEXUAL HEALTH SEMINARS de Hombre a HombreSeminarios sobre salud sexual Explorando intimidad entre hombres Chapter 13: Cac2000_13
Planeando el Plan: Tarea Planning the Plan: Assignment Al 5 día, se les pedirá a cada grupo de 4-6 personas que presenten un plan de prevención de VIH/ETS para HSH (10 min.). Debe incluir: a. intervenciones personales b. intervenciones individuales c. actividades en grupo d. actividades de la comunidad gay/HSH e. intervenciones estructurales On Day 5, each group of 4-6 are asked to present a plan of HIV/STD prevention for MSM (10 min). This should include: a. personal interventions b. individual interventions c. group activities d. gay/MSM community-wide activities e. structural interventions
Taller Estado del Arte en Desarrollo de Programas de Salud Sexual Reproductiva en Adolecentes y Jovenes Cuidad de Panamá Panamá 13-14 Octubre, 2003
Adolescent Sexual Health in Latin America and the CaribbeanAdvisory Group Meeting Panama City Panama 13-14 October, 2003
Potential Further Developments • Expand Cara a Cara into other Spanish speaking countries. • Adapt Cara a Cara to target other HIV prevention efforts among Afro-descendents, indigenous populations. • Adapt Cara a Cara to target prevention workers in other challenging areas – reproductive health, sex workers, IV Drug Users, sexual aggressors • A useful model to train prevention workers in promoting sexual health.