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Mobilize existing

Mobilize existing. s ystems easily. Get mobile with „mobile client“. Connect to host systems. Allow user configuration. N ative clients on all platforms. „mobile client“ can be connected to almost any host – via SQL or via web service . .

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Mobilize existing

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  1. Mobilizeexisting systemseasily Get mobile with „mobile client“ Connect tohostsystems Allowuserconfiguration Native clients on all platforms „mobile client“ canbeconnectedtoalmostanyhost – via SQL or via web service. . Data canbeaccessed online or offline The entireuserinterfacedataaccessandthe Synchronizationof „mobile client“ isfullyuser-configurable. Whetherit‘s iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android., Windows RT or Microsoft Outlook, „mobile client“ supports all major mobile platformswith native clients.

  2. salesperformer.net • Corporate Purpose...:Toincreaseefficiencyandprofitability in sales/marketingandfieldsalesthrough mobile informationsystems • Products (White Label):- mobile client: mobilizedcentraldata- salesperformer crm: salessystem • Indirectsalesthroughpartners:Amagu, Anywhere.24, BUW, Datasec, Gedys-Intraware, ProTeam, … • Customers:Bionorica, Bonago, Dehn + Söhne, Duni, Erlenbacher(Nestlé), Gema, Höcker Polytechnik, KFU, Konica Minolta, Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services, Pneumatex, TCC, Wagner und Munz, Xelog, …

  3. We have years of experience in the mobile business Someprojectsbyourformercompany: m.able GmbH

  4. mobile client: Features and Options Completefunctionality on every mobile device • Full functionality, both online and offline • iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Windows Phone • Personalized Content and user-specific synchronisation • Lists, detail dialogs, charts, reports, drill-down • Always up-to-date thanks to push functionality • Phone/E-Mail integration and navigation • Interaction with internal address book • Global search, filter functions, histories, favorites • Easy adaptationto the requirements of customers or partners • Multilingual: available in German, English, French, Dutch, Russian, Polish

  5. Wide range of view types

  6. Connectivity with host systems Online accessanddatasynchronizationwith different hostsystems VPN

  7. Connectivity with host systems • SQL-Server • Webservices • Server-sidescripts • Synchronizationwithconflicthandling • Availableoffline • Online queries • Apps consistofcommunicatingviews • Range ofviewtypesareconstantlyexpanding • Eachviewcanhaveitsowndatasource • Workflow withstatements: onnew, ondelete, ... • iOS: iPhone, iPad • Android • WindowsRT/8 • Windows Phone • MicrosoftOutlook Connect tohostsystems Allowuserconfiguration Native clients on all platforms „mobile client“ canbeconnectedtoalmostanyhost – via SQL or via web service. . Data canbeaccessed online or offline The entireuserinterfacedataaccessandthe Synchronizationof „mobile client“ isfullyuser-configurable. Whetherit‘s iOS (iPhone/iPad), Android., Windows RT or Microsoft Outlook, „mobile client“ supports all major mobile platformswith native clients.

  8. Access to virtually any data source The mobile dataiscreatedfromserverqueries, whichcanbetransferredtothe mobile devicefrom SQL-basedqueries, scriptandeven web servicecalls. Server information, synchronizationdirectionandconflicthandlingcanbedeterminedfortheentity in question. These datasets – whichcancomefromgreatly-differingsources – areconsolidated in a localdatabase on the mobile device. Server Changes Server Deletes Entity Local Table Name Data forInitial sync

  9. Local data and selects The resultis a local/relational databasethathasbeencreatedfrom a widevarietyofserversources. CRM, ERP, ticketing, marketing, BI, Exchange, etc. Contactsforcompanycontact_sync CRM Customer Dialog customer_sync contact_sync ERP customer_sync project_sync action_sync document_sync Customer listcustomer_sync Konfigurationen Activitiesforcompanyaction_sync Documents online

  10. Connection to Microsoft CRM

  11. Connection to Microsoft CRM

  12. Modeling the program structure The programstructuresandtheentitiesusedcanbefreelymodeled. AdvancedList Detail

  13. Modeling the program structure The programlogicisdeveloped in a treestructure. Eachentry in thisstructurehas a particularview type (list, chart, detaildialog, scheduler, etc.). These viewscancommunicatewithoneanother. The datatobevisualizedcanbeprovidedfromlocal SQL statementsorservercalls.

  14. Platform independence thanks to native clients (RT) Windows RT

  15. ConfigurationExample: groupedlistwith global search Data: SELECT idCustomerID, sName, sPhone, sPostalCode || ' ' || sCity As sAddress, ' ' asStage, CASEWHEN (idEmployeeID <> 'user') THEN '#FFFFFF' ELSE '#CD7015' END asbackColorFROM customer_sync ORDER BY sName Definition: Searchfields=sName,Addr_FullAddress,sPhone;icon=firma;Sectionfield=sName;DetailView=CustomerDetail;ISSLIDERBUTTON=YES;INGLOBALMENU=YES;INGLOBALTASKBAR=YES;THREEPARTCELLS=YES;CELLFRONTWIDTH=0.3; Global Search: SELECTidCustomerID, sCity, sPostalCode || ' ' || sCityassAddress, sPostalCode, sName, sWebSite, sPhoneFROMcustomer_sync WHEREsCityLIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') OR sPostalCodeLIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') OR sPhoneLIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') ORsNameLIKE (SELECT '%' || ? || '%') ORDERBYsName Field Mapping:

  16. ConfigurationExample: gaugeandchartwith drill-down View Type: Gauge Data: select 33 asvalue, 100 asmaxValue, 0 asminValue Definition: icon=favorit;NEEDLECOLOR=#2E2E2E;NEEDLEBORDERCOLOR=#2E2E2E; KNOBCOLOR=#2E2E2E;KNOBBORDERCOLOR=#2E2E2E;PRIMARYINNERCOLOR=#FFFFFF#0;SECONDARYINNERCOLOR=#FFFFFF#0;PRIMARYBORDERCOLOR=#FFFFFF#0;SECONDARYBORDERCOLOR=#FFFFFF#0;TICKCOLOR=#2E2E2E;TICKFONTCOLOR=#2E2E2E;RANGES=40-60,60-72,72-100;RANGESCOLOR=#04B431,#FF8000,#DF0101;BACKCOLOR=#FFFFFF;DETAILVIEW=ProjectList; View Type: Chart Data: SELECT COUNT(*) ASValue, look.sValueasStage, idProjectProbabilityIDFROMproject_sync LEFTOUTERJOINmobileLookupEntriesaslookON ((look.idLookupID = 'probabilitytype') and(look.idCodeID = idProjectProbabilityID)) GROUPBYidProjectProbabilityIDORDERBY Value DESC Definition: icon=bar_chart;x=Stage;y=Value;maxvalues=8;filter=idProjectProbabilityID;DetailView=ProjectListFilteredProb;group=1;canswitch=yes;legend=no;labels=yes;type=pie;BACKCOLOR=#ffffff;STYLE3D=NO;radialcolors=#084B8A,#8A4B08,#01A9DB,#DF0101,#6A0888,#DF7401,#31B404;labelfontcolor=#FFFFFF;

  17. ConfigurationExample: Grouped List withmarkers Data: SELECTpr.idProjectID, pr.sName, look.sValueasStage, CASE WHEN (idProjectStatusID > 6) THEN '#7F7F7F' ELSE '#40713B' ENDasbackColor,'#FFFFFF' asfontColor, pr.dtProjectFinish, cu.sNameassCustomerFROMproject_syncpr LEFT OUTER JOIN customer_synccuONpr.idCustomerID = cu.idCustomerID LEFT OUTER JOIN mobileLookupEntriesaslookON ((look.idLookupID = 'probabilitytype') and(look.idCodeID = pr.idProjectProbabilityID)) ORDERBYpr.dtProjectFinish Definition: type=grouped;hidetoday=yes;Searchfields=sName,sCustomer;DetailView=ProjectDetail;icon=projekt;out=LLLL yyy;datefield=dtProjectFinish;Scrollstart=YES; INGLOBALMENU=YES;INGLOBALTASKBAR=YES;THREEPARTCELLS=YES; Field Mapping:

  18. Modeling of detail dialogs Detail dialogsconsistofdataqueries (online oder offline). Editors withfunctionalityareaddedtothequeryfields (Phone, Navigation, Links tootherentities, etc.).

  19. Modeling of detail dialogs Detail dialogsaredefinedbyfielddefinitionsandgroupmemberships. Dem Feld „sAddress“ wird der Datentyp „address“ zugewiesen. Dadurch wird erreicht, dass ein Klick auf dieses Feld automatisch die Navigation startet.

  20. Platform-independent thanks to native clients iPhone iPad Windows Phone Android

  21. Additional Functionality: Store checks and offers

  22. Contact • Stephan Methner • salesperformer.net • Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1 • 80992 München • Deutschland • T: +49 89 38012952-1 • F: +49 89 38012952-9 • info@salesperformer.net • www.salesperformer.net

  23. Overview/Navigation Intro, Main overview: Images/Colors/Buttons/Styles arefreelydefinable. Data andprogramstructurecanbedefinedforspecialusersorusergroups Backgrounds, Colors andEntriescanbefreelydefined.

  24. Dashboards Dashboards canbefreelyassembledfrommany different views (charts, maps, lists, detail). The layoutadaptstoscreen (landscape, portrait, iPhone, etc.). DrilldownA clickjumpsto a linkedlist

  25. List Views/Filter (e.g. companies) Lists canbeprovidedwithpredefinedfilters (e.g. „Long not seen“). Call per click. Youcansearchfor a greatnumberofdifferenfieldcombinations via an „Advanced Search“. Predefined Filters andGroupings

  26. Detail views/Sub-lists (e.g. Company/Department) Detail viewscan also containotherviews, likecharts, orembedded Lists (e.g. departmentlist). Sub-viewscan also bedisplayed in separate screensoraspopups. Sub-viewscan also bedisplayed in separate screensoraspopups

  27. Detail views/Editors (e.g. Contact) The editorshave a rangeoffunctions – oneclick on a phonenumberdialsthatfunction. E-mailsarecreatedinstantly. Click on an addresstocallup a mapwith a correspondingnavigationfunction. Oneclickcallsthelinkedfunctionalityof a field(Phone, Navigation, Links)

  28. Detail views/Editors (e.g. Opportunity) Fields canbecalculatedatruntime (e.g. %turnover). Dialogs canbechangeddepending on thesituation (e.g. different fieldsmaybevisibledepending on thestage).

  29. Scheduler The schedulercanbedisplayed in Day/Week/Monthviewandintegrated in otherviews.

  30. Cockpits/Overview lists Importantqueriescanbesummarized in overviewlists. Click on a headertocallupthecurrenthistoryorthefavorites. Itispossibletoshow different summaries/viewsfor different usersorgroups.

  31. Documents (online/offline) Documentscanbeheld online or offline an canbeloadedanddisplayedasrequired (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.).

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