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U.S. COAST GUARD VESSEL RESPONSE PLAN PROGRAM. LT Xochitl Castañeda CG-5431 (Office of Vessel Activities, VRP Program). CG-543 (Office of Vessel Activities) CDR Eric Christensen CG-5431 (Domestic Vessels Division) CDR Lee Boone VRP Program Staff LCDR Ryan Allain Team Leader
U.S. COAST GUARD VESSEL RESPONSE PLAN PROGRAM LT Xochitl Castañeda CG-5431 (Office of Vessel Activities, VRP Program)
CG-543 (Office of Vessel Activities) CDR Eric Christensen CG-5431 (Domestic Vessels Division) CDR Lee Boone VRP Program Staff LCDR Ryan Allain Team Leader LT Xochitl Castaneda Asst Team Leader/Tank VRPs (CAPS) LT Jarrod DeWitz Nontank VRPs Mr. Stephan Mort IMO Plans (SOPEP/SMPEP) (SMFF) MST2 Matt Ferraro VRP Policy & Enforcement CG-5431/VRP Team
Rulemaking Update Tank Vessel Response Plans Nontank (NT) Vessel Response Plans NT Regulatory Update Nontank Enforcement VRP Screening Casualty Packages Consistency with Area Contingency Plans Agenda
Docket Management System: http://dms.dot.gov/ Nontank Vessel Response Plans (CGMTA 2004) Salvage & Marine Firefighting (OPA-90) (3417) On Water Oil Recovery Capacity (CAPS) (OPA-90) Vessels & Facilities (8661) Hazardous Substance Response Plans (OPA-90) Vessels (4354) Facilities (5705) MARPOL Annex I and Annex II Amendments to SOPEPs and SMPEPs VRP Rule Making Projects
33 CFR 155 Subpart D, E, F, G Required Elements Notifications QI, Spill Management Team, Salvage, Firefighting, Emergency Lightering OSRO contracts for AMPD, MMPD and WCD Consistency with the ACP Training, Drills and Exercises Tank Vessel Response Plans
On August 9, 2004, the President signed the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2004 (CGMTA 2004). Sections 701(a) and (b) of the CGMTA amend sections 311(a) and (j) of FWPCA to require the CG to issue regulations that require an owner or operator of a nontank vessel to prepare and submit to the Coast Guard a plan for responding, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge, and to a substantial threat of such a discharge, of oil. Section 701(c) of the CGMTA 2004 required that these response plans be prepared and submitted to the CG no later than one year after the date of enactment of the 2004 Act. Nontank Vessel Response Plans History
33 U.S.C. 1321 (j) and 311(a) and (j) of the FWPCA, NVIC-01-05-CH-1 Notifications (R) QI, (R) Spill Management Team, Salvage, Firefighting, Emergency Lightering OSRO contracts for AMPD, MMPD and WCD (R) Consistency with the ACP (R) Training, Drills and Exercises (R) Nontank Vessel Response Plans
Provides voluntary guidance to owners and operators of nontank vessels for preparing and submitting plans for responding to a discharge or threat of a discharge of oil from their vessels and for receiving interim operating authorization from the Coast Guard. Enforcement Measures have been updated for vessels that enter U.S. navigable waters without an fully authorized NTVRP. COMDT 291907Z Feb 08 Federal Register Notice – USCG–2008–0436 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 121 / Monday, June 23, 2008 / Notices (35405) Focused on vessels 1600 GT & above Only impacts vessels who do not have Interim Operating Authorization mostly U.S. flag not foreign Use of COTP Operational Controls until plans have been submitted and have obtained “Interim Ops” Status “Awareness & Education” impact on vessels between 400 - 1600 GTs Nontank Vessel Response Plans NVIC 01-05, Change 1
CG-5431 initiative to respond to complaints of regulations not being enforced and to prepare/align with requirements of upcoming regulations (NTVRP, S&MFF, CAPS & HSVRP). Consistent enforcement efforts will foster compliance and reinvigorate awareness of requirements and possibly spur build-up of response resources in remote areas. CG Personnel must use E-VRP database in order to verify a vessel’s compliance with VRP & NTVRP requirements. CG Personnel must verify GSAs that vessel is approved for – listed on approval letter and E-VRP database MISLE Enhancements will soon make VRP verification more transparent for vessel arrival personnel. VRP Enforcement & Compliance
Upcoming message will establish USCG policy to screen all commercial vessels for VRP in support of Admiral Allen’s commitment to Congress following the COSCO BUSAN incident. USCG will not allow port entry for Tank Vessels without approved/ IOA plans USCG will issue Operational Controls for NT Vessels without IOA for vessels over 1600 GT (Education campaign for vessels 400-1600 GT) VRP Screening
Is this vessel allowed to operate? Yes, but reference the NTVRP Interim Enforcement Guidance
FOSC can request a Casualty Package Tank Diagrams Emergency Contacts Contracted Response Resources Salvage, MFF, Emergency Lightering Check our Database to see Vessel has submitted a plan Oversee a response www.e-vrp.com Order a casulaty package: (202) 631-0859 VRPdutyofficer@uscg.mil How Responders Can Use VRPs
Relationship of Plans National Oil & Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) International Joint Plans Federal Response Plan RegionalContingencyPlans COMDTINST M16000.14
Description of Operating Areas Incl. wave height Restrict operations for Ice conditions, temperature ranges, Wx related visibility in operating equipment Reclassify Bodies of Water based on local conditions List equipment requirements above and below the National Standard Oil Disposal Procedures Address Alternative Planning Criteria Resources- OSRO, Salvage, MFF and Lightering ACP VRP Interface
Vessel Owners Access Applicable info from ACP Make this easily accessible VRP Program Ensures Consistency with ACP for each COTP Zone Make this easily accessible VRP ACP Interface