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PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW (IV). Law School of Fuzhou University Huang Hui. Part IV:Particular branch of private international law. Chapter 13 Legal act and agency involving foreign affairs Chapter 14 Real right involving foreign affairs

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  1. PRIVATEINTERNATIONALLAW(IV) Law School of Fuzhou University Huang Hui

  2. Part IV:Particular branch of private international law Chapter 13 Legal act and agency involving foreign affairs Chapter 14Real right involving foreign affairs Chapter 15Obligation involving foreign affairs Chapter 16Marriage and family involving foreign affairs Chapter 17Succession involving foreign affairs

  3. Question: What is different between legal act and social behavior ?

  4. Chapter 13 Legal act and agency involving foreign affairs Section 1Legal act 1、Concept of legal act 2、Applicable law for substantial factors of legal act 3、Applicable law for form conditions of legal act

  5. Chapter 13 Legal act and agency involving foreign affairs Section 2Agency 1、The concept of agency 2、Conflict of laws of agency 3、Application of law for agency

  6. Illustration of agent relationship Internal relation Agent Clientage Agent relation Agent behavior Third party Principal Contract External relation

  7. Chapter 14Real right involving foreign affairs Section 1Conflict of law of real right involving foreign affairs Section 2The origin and development of the principle of lex situs Section 3The scope and exception of application of lex situs

  8. Question: What are the main characteristics of real right ?

  9. Section 1Conflict of law of real right involving foreign affairs • Scope of object of real right • Types of object of real right • Obtainment、transfer and termination of real right • Kinds and content of real right • Protection of real right

  10. Transfer of movable property ownership German:Delivery France:Agreement U.S.:Specific and delivery U.K.: Specific and agreement PRC: Delivery.

  11. Section 2The origin and development of the principle of lex situs 1、The origin of the principle of lex situs 2、The development of the principle of lex situs (1)Application of law for real property right (2)Application of law for movable property right 3、The theoretical basis of lex situs

  12. Section 3The scope and exception of application of lex situs 1、The scope of application of lex situs 2、 The exception of application of lex situs

  13. Chapter 15Obligation involving foreign affairs Section 1 Application of law for foreign contract Section 2Application of law for foreign torts Section 3Application of law for foreign unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio

  14. Section 1 Application of law for foreign contract 1、Conflict of law of foreign contract 2、General principle of application of law for foreign contract 3、Application of law for respective parts of foreign contract 4、Application of law for foreign contract in China

  15. 2、General principle of application of law for foreign contract (1)Concept and development of applicable law for contract (2)The principle of autonomy of the parties (3)The principle of the most close relationship (4)The proper law of contract

  16. 3、Application of law for respective parts of foreign contract (1)Application of law for contract concluding capacity (2) Application of law for establishment of contract (3) Application of law for form of contract (4) Application of law for effect of contract

  17. 4、Application of law for foreign contract in China (1)The principle of autonomy of the parties (2)The principle of the most close relationship (3)The principle of application of international treaties and international customs

  18. Section 2Application of law for foreign torts 1、Application of law for general foreign torts 2、Application of law for special foreign torts (1)International ocean transportation (2)International aviation transportation

  19. 贝科克诉杰克逊(Babcock v. Jackson)案 该案事实为:纽约州住所者杰克逊夫妇邀请他们的女友贝科克于周末乘他们的汽车一起去加拿大旅游,不料车子行驶在加拿大安大略省的时候出了事故,致使贝科克受到伤害。回到纽约后,贝科克向法院起诉,要求杰克逊夫妇赔偿其损失。 按照美国法院的冲突规范的指定(即侵权行为适用侵权行为地法),本案应以加拿大安大略省的法律为准据法。而加拿大安大略省的法律规定,免费乘客没有损害赔偿的请求权。但审理案件的法官富德(Fuld)认为,单纯适用侵权行为地法不能导致公正的结果。富德认为,本案中除了事故的偶然发生地是在安大略省以外,与本案有关的各项因素均与该地无关。与之相反与本案有关的各项因素却与纽约州有着更密切的联系,应适用纽约州法律作为本案的准据法,而纽约州法律规定免费乘客也有损害赔偿的请求权。结果法院适用了纽约州的法律,满足了原告的诉讼请求。

  20. Section 3Application of law for foreign unjust enrichment and negotiorum gestio 1、Application of law for foreign unjust enrichment 2、 Application of law for foreign negotiorum gestio

  21. Chapter 16Marriage and family involving foreign affairs Section 1 Characteristics Section 2 Application of law for marriage involving foreign affairs Section 3 Application of law for divorce involving foreign affairs Section 4 Application of law for adoption involving foreign affairs

  22. Section 1 Characteristics of relationship of marriage and family involving foreign affairs in private international law 1、Indirectly regulated by conflict rules 2、Jurisdiction is very important 3、Restricting application of foreign law

  23. Section 2 Application of law for marriage involving foreign affairs 1、Conflict of laws for essential requirements of marriage involving foreign affairs 2、Application of law for essential requirements of marriage involving foreign affairs 3、 Conflict of laws for formal requirements of marriage involving foreign affairs 4、 Application of law for formal requirements of marriage involving foreign affairs 5、Chinese regulations on the application of law for foreign-related marriage

  24. Section 3 Application of law for divorce involving foreign affairs 1、Conflict of laws for divorce involving foreign affairs 2、Jurisdiction on divorce involving foreign affairs 3、Application of law for divorce involving foreign affairs 4、 Chinese regulations on the application of law for foreign-related divorce

  25. 案例 • 李某是某工厂职工,谢大姐是该工厂工会主席。李某结婚多年未育,希望收养个小孩,公开多次请求同事帮忙。谢大姐邻居的亲戚是云南农村的,有个7岁小女孩,希望让人收养。谢大姐得知此情况就热心帮助,但因李某出差,谢大姐就帮助办理各种收养手续。之后,李某回来,提出小孩太大,不愿意收养。

  26. Section 4 Application of law for adoption involving foreign affairs 1、Conflict of laws for adoption involving foreign affairs   (1) Essential requirements of adoption   (2) Formal requirements of adoption   (3)Validity of adoption 2、 Application of laws for adoption involving foreign affairs   (1)Application of law for Essential requirements of adoption (2) Application of law for formal requirements of adoption   (3) Application of law for Validity of adoption 3、 Chinese law on foreign-related adoption

  27. Chapter 17Successioninvolving foreign affairs Section 1  Characteristics of succession involving foreign affairs Section 2Application of law for intestate succession involving foreign affairs Section 3Application of law for testate succession involving foreign affairs Section 4Application of law for heirless estate

  28. Question: Which one of the following is succession regarded as? Real right relationship, family relationship or obligation relationship ?

  29. Section 1  Characteristics of succession involving foreign affairs • Involving foreign affairs • Application of law: lex personalis lex situs lex loci actus autonomy • Indirectly regulated by conflict rules • Jurisdiction is very important

  30. Section 2Application of law for intestate succession involving foreign affairs 1、Conflict of law 2、Application of law 3、Chinese regulations on the application of law for foreign-related intestate succession

  31. Section 3Application of law for testate succession involving foreign affairs 1、 Conflict of law 2、 Application of law

  32. Section 4Application of law for heirless estate 1、 Conflict of law 2、 Application of law 3、 Chinese regulations on the application of law for foreign-related heirless estate

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