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Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) . February 8, 2007. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) . FTE = Unit of Measure of a worker’s productivity or effort. FTE ≠ Count. Head. Leave. Units of Measure - 4 Types of Hrs. Productive Hours – hours charged to a project. Paid Leave Hours:.

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Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

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  1. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) February 8, 2007 1

  2. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) FTE = Unit of Measure of a worker’s productivity or effort FTE ≠ Count Head 2

  3. Leave Units of Measure - 4 Types of Hrs • Productive Hours – hours charged to a project • Paid Leave Hours: • Overtime Hours not in FTE calc • Leave w/o Pay (LWOP) – not in FTE calc 3

  4. Units of Measure – Work Month Work Month = Productive Hours in Acctg Period / Available Hour in Acctg Period Available hours for monthly (MON) employees are different from bi-weekly (BWK) employees because of their differences in time reporting to LDRS and General Ledger in any given month. 4

  5. FTE Calculation FTE = FTE Factor x Work Month of each employee FTE Factor = (Σ Productive Hours + Σ Paid Leave Hours) Σ Productive Hours calculated for each paygoup (MON or BWK) at the Level 1 division – employee’s home organization 5

  6. Paid Leave Factor (PLF) PLF = 1 / FTE Factor PLF = (Σ Productive Hours) (Σ Productive Hours + Σ Paid Leave Hours) FTE = Employee Work Month / PLF 6

  7. Example Assume Division A has 4 MON and 3 BWK Employees For each MON employee: Available Hrs = 22 Days x 8 Hrs/Day = 176 Hrs For each BWK employee: 7

  8. Example - Monthly (MON) 8

  9. Example - Bi-weekly (BWK) 9

  10. Adjustments • Adjustments for late time entry or corrections to hours reported in prior reporting periods. • If the prior time reporting period occurs in the same accounting period as the current time reporting period, then adjustment hours are included in the FTE calculations. • If the adjustment is not for the current reporting period, an Adjusting FTE is calculated and will be included in calculating YTD FTE. 10

  11. Key Points • Standard calculation for LBNL FTE reports. • FTE Calculation based on FTE Factor of whole L1 Division (home organization). • FTE of an employee can be > 1.0 or 0. • FTE calculation excludes LWOP and overtime. • YTD Ave FTE calculation includes FTE adjustments. 11

  12. Sample BRS Report-Page1 Current Period 12

  13. Sample BRS Report-Page 4 Adjustments 13

  14. Sample BRS Report-Page 5 Total 14

  15. Sample Effort Analyzer Report 1 FY06 FTE 15

  16. Sample Effort Analyzer Report 2 FY06 YTD Ave FTE 16

  17. Sample Effort Analyzer Report 3 For Oct, 2006 17

  18. Sample Effort Analyzer Report 3 For Oct, 2006 cont’d 18

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