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Geoffrey's Account of Roman Invasions in Celtic Britain

Explore Geoffrey's detailed portrayal of Roman invasions in Celtic Britain, including Caesar's conquests and Claudian Invasion, analyzing key events, characters, and outcomes.

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Geoffrey's Account of Roman Invasions in Celtic Britain

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  1. Celtic Settlements c. 200 BCE

  2. Rendering of British Couple on Eve of Claudian Invasion

  3. Celtic Suicidec. 230 BCE

  4. Hill Fort

  5. Celtic Torques

  6. Druids were Celtic Priests

  7. Boudiccac. 60 BC

  8. Discuss Geoffrey • How did Geoffrey mark the passage of time? • Which features of Celtic culture are evident in Geoffrey’s depiction of the ancient Celts? • How did Geoffrey depict… • British Kings • British Queens • British cultural achievements • The Celts (Britons’) relationship with Rome

  9. Discuss Geoffrey’s Treatment of Roman Invasions • How did Geoffrey portray Julius Caesar and his invasions c.55 BCE? • How did Geoffrey portray Claudian invasions of 43 CE? • How did the Romans obtain victory? • What were the characteristic of Britain under Roman rule in Geoffrey’s account? • Where was Totnes and how did it figure in the story?

  10. Why did Caesar invade Britain, according to Geoffrey? • A prophecy • His desire to exact tribute from the Britons • His animosity toward Celts • His quest for popular support in Rome

  11. According to Geoffrey, what facilitated Caesar’s defeat of the Britons? • His magic sword, “Yellow Death” • Persistent luck, including the weather • The failure of British defenses, such as the pikes in the river Thames • Infighting amongst the Britons

  12. Timeline for Roman Invasions • 55-54 BCE: Caesar’s invasions • 28 BCE – 16 CE: Reign of Augustus Caesar • 43 CE: Claudian Invasion • 60 CE: Boudicca’s rebellion • 78-85 CE: Agricola subdues most of the island • 121 CE: Building of Hadrian’s Wall

  13. Gaius Julius Caesar100-44 BCE

  14. Gaulc. 55 BCE

  15. The Incident with the Roman Eagle

  16. Celtic Tribes in Britain

  17. The Principate:Emperor Augustus c. 10 BCE

  18. The Empire During the Pax Romana

  19. ClaudiusEmperor from 41-54 CE

  20. Site of Claudian Invasion: Richborough

  21. Claudius: Richborough to Colchester

  22. Claudius as Jupiter – the imperial cult

  23. Celtic Settlements c. 550 CE

  24. Time for a Quiz! • Don’t worry; it does not count.

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