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CHICKA AND EPPY. CELTIC. Looookkkkk aatttt eeebbbonnnnyyyys riinnggg. Beliefs about origins of the universe.
Beliefs about origins of the universe The Celtic religion believes that there was a sea, and where the sea met the land a mare was born, white and made of sea foam. And her name was Eiocha. One the land near where the and met the sea a tree grew, a strong and sterdy oak. On the oak grew a plan whose seeds were formed of the foam tears of the sea. To sustain her Eiocha ate the seeds, there white berries and they were transformed within her. Eiocha grew heavy with child and gave birth to the God Cernunnos. So great was her pain during childbirth that she ripped bark from the one tree and held it into the sea. The bark was transformed by the sea and became the giants of the deep. Cernunnos was lonely and he saw the giants of the deep who were numerous, so he coupled with Eiocha and of their union came the gods, Maponos, Tauranis and Teutates and the Godess, Epona. Eiocha then returned to the sea where she became Tethra, godess of the deep water. The gods and Godesses then took wood from the trea and made the first man and woman. Cernunnos also made animals from the oak tree and therefore became the god of animals. Epona also made animals though she made the horse, mare and stallion alike.
After death • The celtic religion believes in life after death. The other world existed alongside or even within the mortal world. The celts believed it was even possible to stumble into the other world. Those who did find themselves in the other world spent a few happy hours there before returning to the mortal world only to find that they had been gone for years. The celts believed that after a persons death the soul needed a physically clear path to make its way to the other world. When a person died all windows, doors etc. were open to ensure a clear path. The gods would decided the fate of mortals, and in the case of a battle, the outcome may be decided by the Gods with a game of chess.
Principal Beliefs • The Celt had many Gods and Goddesses, associated with warfare, hunting, fertility, healing, good harvest and other important aspects of life. Some Gods were associated with places, lakes, rivers, mountains and groves were sacred places. Animals were held in reverence by the Celts because they displayed many of the attributes such as strength fertility etc. the Celts prized. • The Celts did not differentiate between the practice of medicine and healing by supernatural means. They placed a great deal of faith in the curative powers of water and springs, wells and lakes were important for rituals. • The Celtic religion Also believe in witches and the use of herbs.
SUPERNATURAL POWERS AND DIETIES • The main gods and goddesses: - Beltaine: the god of life and death - Lugnasa: the god of the sun - Samhaim: the god of darkness - Anu: the goddess of plenty and mother earth and deity of cattle, health, fertility, prosperity and comfort - Arianrhod: the goddess of beauty, fertility and re-incarnation also known as the sky goddess. - Badb: the goddess of enlightenment, inspiration, life and wisdom. -Brigid: the goddess of agriculture, fire, healing, inspiration, learning divination, occult knowledge, poetry, prophesy and smith craft. - Cerridwen: goddess of death, initiation, inspiration magic and regeneration. - The dagda: god of the arts, knowledge, magic and music.
SUPERNATURAL POWERS AND DIETIES.....CONTINUED • Epona: goddess of horse breeding, healing, spring and prosperity - Lugh: the sun god of all arts and crafts, god of healing, journeys and prophecies - Macha: goddess of cunning, death, shear physical force, war, protectoress in both battle and peace and was known as crow. • Morrigan: goddess of lust, magic, prophecy, revenge and war. • Nuada: god of harpars, healing, historian, magic, poets, warfare and writing. • Ogma: god of eloquents, inspiration, language, magic, music, physical strength, poets and writers.
RITUALS • Holiday Rituals • Some rituals were observed by the entire populace, as part of the sacred fire festivals of Samhain and Beltane. During the celebration of Samhain (Nov. 1.), the Celtic New Year and the beginning of the long, dark half of the year, the entire village would extinguish their hearth fires and ceremonially relight them from the King's fire. This fire was ritually lit by the King's chief Druid. • The Pagan fire festival of Beltane was, in contrast to Samhain, a celebration of spring - of fertility, new life, and the awakening of the earth after the long hard winter. Young people sleep outside all night, make love, and return home the next day with flowers in their hair. Another well known element of the Beltane festival, was the dance of the May pole. The Maypole, symbolic of the world tree, is circled by two rows of dancers spiraling and weaving in and out, each holding the end of a ribbon tied to the top of the pole. The weaving ribbons represent the turning of the earth's axis, the turning of the seasons, and the turning wheel of the universe.
Influence on the society • The Celtic religion migrated from region to region being Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Britain Germany and many more. It introduced languages, being Goildelic and Brythonic. • Because of their strong beliefs on the Gods and Goddesses that surrounded the environment. The society was very cautious as they never knew who was watching. • The music and art of that time came from the Celtic beliefs and style.