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Cases as a tool for reflection, discussion and cultural exchange

Cases as a tool for reflection, discussion and cultural exchange. Monica Svalfors Stockholm University Coordinator, National Student Disability Support. and:. Christel Berg Coordinator/Director Service for Students with Disabilities Lund University. Samordnarnätverket

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Cases as a tool for reflection, discussion and cultural exchange

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  1. Cases as a tool for reflection, discussion and cultural exchange Monica Svalfors Stockholm University Coordinator, National Student Disability Support

  2. and: Christel Berg Coordinator/DirectorService for Students with Disabilities Lund University

  3. Samordnarnätverket The Coordinators’Network Réseau des coordinateurs

  4. Finances • Almost all recognized higher education is, to a large part, funded by the state. • All universities and other HEI:s in Sweden are prescribed to set aside 0,3% of their state allocation funds for education at basic and advanced level, to cover extra costs for (personal) pedagogical support for disabled students. A part of these costs is financed from a national pool administered by Stockholm University since 1993.

  5. A special commitment of Stockholm University • Government budget letter • the 0,3 % • National Student Disability Support - extra funds distributed by Stockholm University • Collect data and describe improvements; initiatives, projects, collaborations… • Stockholm University Annual Report

  6. The Coordinators´Network • Includes the contact persons/coordinators for students with disabilities at 53 HEI:s funded fully (35) or partly by the Ministry of Education and Research, plus the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences • 4 autonomous regional networks • National Reference Group – policy and planning; also for professional competence development

  7. NNDC and LINK • The Nordic Network for Disability Coordinators, NNDC • The LINK network: www.thelinknetwork.eu • To join LINK you fill in an application form and confirm that you agree with the following set of values: • Inclusion makes sense. • Difference is to be respected. • Learning is to be shared.

  8. A yearly Coordinators’ Conference • 2011 and 2012: Speakers on different themes day 1 and case study seminars day 2 • 2010: Cultural Awareness • 2009: New Nordic Network - First Nordic Conference • 2008: Internationalisation and Communication • 2005: Law of Equal Treatment for Students in Higher Education [embraced within an Discrimination Act in 2008. One Equality Ombudsman, DO: www.do.se]

  9. Digital Services at the Library of Talking Books and Braille – the TPB • TheSwedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, provides course literature in alternative formats and relating software to all students experiencing difficulties with reading (due to for example dyslexia, impaired sight or mobility) • DAISY digital talking books or braille versions • www.tpb.se/english

  10. Case study seminars for/within the national Coordinators’ network • Aiming to enhance and strengthen competence to deal with complicated situations • Examine and map where responsibilities lie: who is responsible for what? • Clearify the Coordinator’s role • Professional development – professionalization • Ethical competence to analyze and deal with conflicts of interest

  11. The case study seminar • Examine complex situations from both an ethical and a pedagogical view as well as from an equality perspective (antidiscrimination) • Panel for expert guidance and analytical tools • Firstly focus on ”how to think” and thereafter on ”what to do” • first: problem setting • and then: problem solving –short term and long term

  12. Two student cases – fictitious situations but likely to occur • ”Petra” - a student in the beginning of her university studies • ”Eva” - a student preparing for the Bachelor’s essay

  13. Questions at issue • Could these situations occur in your university/in your higher education? • Please analyze the situations – a problem setting • Where would responsibilities lie? • Who to involve/be involved in a discussion about: • Short term solutions • Long term strategies

  14. For more information, links, student statistics, contact details of Coordinators of pedagogical support in Swedish Universities, etc., feel welcome to visit: www.studeramedfunktionshinder.nu

  15. Tack! Thank you! Merci! monica.svalfors@su.seand christel.berg@stu.lu.se

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