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Substitute Teacher Handbook 2016-2017 Revised on 8/8/2016

VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Substitute Teacher Handbook 2016-2017 Revised on 8/8/2016. Introduction.

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Substitute Teacher Handbook 2016-2017 Revised on 8/8/2016

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  1. VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Substitute Teacher Handbook 2016-2017 Revised on 8/8/2016

  2. Introduction The purpose of this handbook is to provide information that will help with questions and pave the way for a successful year. Not all district policies and procedures are included. Policies that are included have been summarized. Your suggestions for additions and improvement to this handbook are welcome and may be sent to the Office of Human Resources. This handbook is neither a contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual. It is not intended to alter the at-will status of employees in any way. Rather, it is a guide to and a brief explanation of district policies. District policies and procedures can change at any time. For more information, employees may refer to the policy codes that are associated with handbook topics, confer with their supervisor, or call the appropriate district office. Policy manuals are located in the central administration office and are available for employee review during normal working hours. District policies can also be viewed on-line www.vviewisd.net.

  3. WELCOMETOTIGER COUNTRY! Superintendent Rolando Ramirez Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools Monica Luna Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Schools Sergio Coronado

  4. Introduction……………….....……..2 Welcome…………………………...…..3 Table of Content…………….…....…4 Mission Statement (Conti.) ………..……5 Campus Directory……………..……....7 Personnel Staff………………....……..8 The substitute Teacher……….....……9 Responsibilities of The Principal….….10 Responsibilities of The Teacher……....11 The Substitute Teacher General...........12 Information Guide……………….........12 Responsibilities of The Substitute Teacher………13 Things To Know when in The Classroom ………....14 Dos’ and Don'ts’…………………………………….15 Discipline Management…………………16 Classroom Discipline……………………..17 11 Techniques for Better Discipline……...18 What Kind of Substitute are You?.............19 Campus-District Procedure (Cont.)……...20 Employment……………………...............23 Superintendent Notice…………………..24 Payroll………………………..………...…25 Substitute Daily Rates………….………...26 Pay Dates……………………..27 Standards of Con…………….28 Technological Issues………….29 Drug Free Policy………………30 Dress Code(Conti)…………….31 Example Pay Request Form ...........................34 Sexual Harassment in schools ……….….…..34 Sexual Harassment…………………………..35 What is Sexual Harassment ?...........................36 Quid Pro Quo Example………………...….…37 Sexual Harassment Discrimination………..…38 Examples of Conduct that might be Sexual Harassment…..39 Employee to Student Harassment Forbidden!.........40 Student to Student Harassment………………...…..41 Take Action……………………………………….….42 Sexual Harassment Policies………………………….43 How Do I Prevent Being Held Accountable for Someone Else’s Acts of Sexual Harassment?.............44 To Whom Do I Make A Report……………………….45 Grievance DGBA (LOCAL)……………………………46 LEVEL I, EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT FORM………...…..47 LEVEL II COMPLAINTS: NOTICE OF APPEAL……..…48 LEVEL III COMPLAINTS: NOTICE OF APPEAL TO BOARD( Conti)…………………..….49 Appendix……………………..……...52 Lock Down Procedures……………..53 Lock Down Procedures Spanish……54 Forms to Sign………………………...55-60 TABLE OF CONTENT

  5. VALLEY VIEW ISDMission Statement Valley View Independent School District is a division 5A school located in Hidalgo/Pharr Texas area and is dedicated to the education and well being of the students. A growing community of approximately ten square miles, support the district by actively participating in the education of the students. The district includes four elementary schools, one fifth grade campus, one early college school, one junior high, and one high school. Valley View is committed to the education of the students and offers advance placement programs, counseling for higher education, after school activities, and other school related programs. The Valley View Independent School District is actively recruiting well-qualified, dedicated, student centered individuals for jobs as teachers, managers, and other support positions. Valley View ISD is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, or military status.

  6. Mission Statement The Mission of Valley View I.S.D. is to produce responsible and productive citizens who are capable of thinking critically to solve problems in an ever changing world by providing a system of quality education based on appropriate curriculum, effective instruction and community and family support. Belief Statements: • Students always come first. • All Students can learn and achieve. • All school activities support student learning in a nurturing and challenging environment. • Schools, parents, and the community must work together to improve student learning. • Effective and Highly Qualified Administrators, Teacher and Support Staff, make a positive difference in the lives of students. • No students will be held any more accountable than the adults.

  7. Valley View High School (956-340-1500/340-1599) Jesus Garza Principal Sandra Riojas Asst. Principal Gregorio Garza Asst. Principal Federico Barroso Asst. Principal Ana Cepeda Curriculum Specialist Valley View Early College Campus (956-340-1200) Tammie Garcia Principal Elizabeth Garcia Asst. Principal Thelma Samaniego Asst. Principal Aaron Larraga Curriculum Specialist Valley View Jr. High Campus (956-340-1300) Claudia Coronado Principal Gilma Hernandez Asst. Principal Efrain Matamoros Asst. Principal Valley View 5th Grade Campus (956-340-1400) Antonio De La Cerda Principal Julio Trevino Asst. Principal Valley View Elementary (956-340-1450) Jesus Cerda Principal Sara Perez Asst. Principal Valley View North Elementary (956-340-1600) Marina Leal Principal Elizabeth Reyes Asst. Principal Wilbur Lucas Elementary (956-340-1700) Dr. Rosemarie Gomez Principal Adriana Carrillo Asst. Principal Valley View South Elementary (956-340-1650) Nancy Montemayor Principal Maribel Tanguma Asst. Principal VALLEY VIEW ISD CAMPUS DIRECTORY

  8. PERSONNEL OFFICE STAFF Claudia Garza, Human Resource Specialist Telephone: (956)340-1110 Email: cpgarza@vviewisd.net Mercedes Y. Flores,Personnel Clerk Telephone: (956)340-1110 Email: myflores@vviewisd.net Alicia Hernandez,Personnel Secretary Telephone: (956)340-1110 Email: mahernandez@vviewisd.net

  9. THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Appreciation of Substitute Teachers The Valley View ISD Board of Trustees, Superintendent, Administration, and professional staff consider substitute teaching an important component of the total school program. The substitute teacher plays a key role in upholding the high standard of teaching maintained in the school system, and the presence of the substitute teacher ensures a continuous program of quality instruction for all children. Substitutes face new and different situations several times each day, and the work is never easy. Substitute teachers are expected to meet this challenge with personal dedication and sincere, conscientious effort. VVISD holds substitute teachers to the same standards and same level of expectations that it does for all its teachers. We realize that substitute teachers for the most part do not have the formal training that certified teachers do. Because of this, we want to ensure that all substitutes employed by VVISD have all the necessary tools to be successful classroom substitute teachers. All VVISD substitutes new to the district will be required to attend a substitute training conducted by the district and attend a full day of classroom observation, half day in an elementary and half day in a secondary. Substitutes that have attended a substitute certification program and present a copy of their substitute certificate will be exempt from the one day classroom observation requirement. Substitute teachers are welcome as members of the professional family and are to be treated with consideration, courtesy, and respect by all school personnel, parents, and pupils. A substitute teacher has one of the most difficult assignments in the school system. It is the responsibility of all school personnel to establish and maintain a helpful and respectful attitude concerning the substitute and his/her work. The Valley View ISD will endeavor to preserve the high status that rightly belongs to the substitute teacher.

  10. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL The campus Principal or his/her designee will be responsible for providing substitute teachers with the schedule to be followed during the school day, and providing information for any students that will not be present in the classroom due to a school sponsored activities for attendance purposes. In addition to special activities that may be planned for that day. The principal will designate an employee to assist the substitute with teaching duties for the day. The principal or designee will visit the substitute teacher’s room at regular intervals to provide help and answer any questions. If performance issues arise, the principal will submit a Substitute Performance Report to the Office of Human Resources.

  11. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TEACHER The classroom teacher will provide the substitute teacher with the lesson plans, class rosters, up-to- date seating charts, any materials and supplies needed for the daily lessons, and any special Instructions. The classroom teacher will promote an attitude of cooperativeness for substitute teachers among the students and instructional aides. The classroom teacher will comment on the performance of the substitute teacher by utilizing the classroom Teacher’s Report and submitting it to the campus designee.

  12. The Substitute TeacherGeneral Information Guide Things to know and ask when you receive a phone call asking you to substitute: • What campus am I substituting at? • Who is the teacher I am substituting for? • What is the classroom number? • If secondary, what is the subject? • What is the reporting time?

  13. Arrive 15 to 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the class time. PROMPTNESSIS A MUST! Report to the office to sign in and for any last minute instructions. When in the classroom, REVIEW LESSON PLANS. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the objectives and expectations of the lesson plans for that day. When you arrive to the classroom you will be substituting at, read any instructions left by the teacher. Prepare any and all materials you will need prior to students arriving to the classroom. Greet students at the door or pick up at designated area. Monitor halls during passing periods. At the end of the day, students must be escorted to the bus loading and pick up designated areas. Return to the classroom to make sure all paperwork and assignments are left in an organized manner. Leave a Substitute Self Report letting the teacher know how the day went, what assignments were completed and to report any type of misbehaviors. Before leaving, make sure that the classroom is locked. If you have been told that you will be substituting the following day for the same teacher, leave everything prepared for the next day. This will allow your day to run smoother. It is imperative that you notify the personnel department of any telephone number changes. Without current telephone information, you will not be called to substitute. If you decide that you no longer want or can’t substitute, please notify the personnel department so your name can be removed from the substitute list. You are required to adhere to dress code policy and bell schedules. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER

  14. Things to Know and DO When in the Classroom • Locate the substitute’s folder in the teacher’s desk. This folder should contain the teacher’s lesson plans and/or a contingency plan, as well as the substitute’s guide for the day and the Substitute Self Report. • Locate the attendance slips and take row. Hand in to office no later than 10:00 a.m. • Before students arrive, review teacher’s plans and contact the office for assistance if needed; or visit with your neighboring teacher for guidance. • Read and review the teacher’s schedule carefully. Be familiar with: Where and when students report to lunch Where and when students report to PE, Library, and Music Pick up times for PE, Lunch and Recess Resource student-arrival and departures Students that stay for after school activities Know which students ride the bus and which students are picked up by parents. • Allow 5 minutes before dismissal time for clean up. • Follow teacher’s restroom/water break schedules. • Student must be supervised at all times, including during restroom breaks, in line and when in the school bus loading zone after school. • If you need help, call the office or ask your neighboring teacher for guidance.

  15. DO’S Monitor students at all times by walking around the classroom and monitor that all students are on task. You will direct/be in charge of the class at all times. Only one student at a time will be allowed to leave the classroom. Do not allow tardiness/refer to tardy policy. NO eating or chewing gum in the classroom, students should not have time to visit as they are to be engaged in work at all times. Strictly follow instructions left by the teacher. Students should remain in their seats/desks at all times. Strictly follow bell schedules and adhere to tardy policy. Politely dismiss parents from the classroom when students are done eating breakfast. (elementary) Monitor hallway during passing periods to ensure that students make it to their next class on time. Do treat all students with dignity and respect. Follow student code of conduct to deal with discipline issues. DON’TS Don’t engage yourself in anything without monitoring students at all times. Ask students to direct the class Do not allow 2 – 3 students out of the classroom at the same time. Do not allow students to eat or visit Do not allow students to deviate you from the lesson alleging they have already done that lesson. Allow tardiness Do not let students congregate around the teacher’s desk, in computer areas, in corners or around other students’ desk. Do not let students convince you to let them leave early. Do not sit at teacher desk idle. Do not yell at students. You will never impose any type punishment that is not approved by the student code of conduct Policy FO (Local). The Substitute Teacher

  16. Discipline ManagementBoard policy FN & FO series Student Handbook & Code of Conduct Student Expected Behavior Discipline Management Techniques • The key to maintaining a well-behaved classroom is to keep students engaged in work at all times. If a student has time to misbehave, it is because they lack sufficient work to keep them busy. Substitutes are expected to monitor students AT ALL TIMES. If a student misbehaves, leave a note for the teacher detailing the name of the student and the nature of the misbehavior. • ADVICE: Do not become too friendly with the students, they will take advantage of you. FIRM, FAIR AND CONSISTENT is the key to maintain a well disciplined class.

  17. CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE • Substitute teachers are responsible for the control of classes. • The building principal or assistant principal will assist with problems when necessary. • It is normal for the students to “test” new substitute teachers. • Do not let students get out of control. • The district expects you to be in charge of the room. Suggestions for successful student discipline: • Be fair, firm, and consistent • Praise in public; criticize in private • Do not use sarcasm or other embarrassing methods Do not use “group” punishment • Use the positive approach Call attention to a student’s good behavior rather then misbehavior • Identify standards and stick to them

  18. 11 TECHNIQUES FOR BETTER CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE The following are eleven techniques which can be used in a classroom to help a substitute teacher achieve effective group management and control. They have been adapted from an article called: “A Primer on Classroom Discipline:Principles Old and New”, by Tomas R. McDaniel; Phi Delta Kappan, May 1986 and Budd Churchward, creator of The Honor Level System: Discipline by Design. 1. Focusing. Be sure you have the attention of everyone in your classroom before you start your lesson. 2. Direct instruction. The technique of direct instruction is to begin each class by telling the students exactly what will be happening. 3. Monitoring. The key to this principle is to circulate. Get up and get around the room. 4. Modeling. “Values are caught, not taught”. 5. Non-verbal cuing. Non-verbal cues can be facial expressions, body posture, hand signals, bell or light tap. 6. Environmental control. A classroom can be a warm cheery place. 7. Low-profile intervention. Most students are sent to the principal’s office as a result of confrontational escalation. 8. Assertive discipline. This is traditional limit setting authoritarianism. 9. Assertive I-messages. “I want you to…” or “I need you to….” or “I expect you to…” 10. Humanistic I-messages. “When you talk while I talk….” or “I have to stop my teaching….” or “….which frustrates me”. 11. Positive discipline. Use classroom rules that describe the behaviors you want.

  19. WHAT KIND OF SUBSTITUTE TEACHER ARE YOU? NON-ASSERTIVE SUBSTITUTE: • Ignore problems and let students misbehave • Do not know how to stop them • Beg and plead with students • Back down when challenged • Are afraid of students • Feel upset and overwhelmed HOSTILE SUBSTITUTE: • Get angry and yell at students • Threatening, then don’t discipline • Call students names • Use physical force • Harm students psychologically ASSERTIVE SUBSTITUTE: • Knows that the secret to success is to…. • Is the adult in the area they supervise • Say what they mean and mean what they say • Clearly and firmly tell students exactly how they want them to behave • Stay calm and use a normal tone of voice • Know the plan of action to use when students don’t behave • Reward students who DO behave HOW TO BECOME AN ASSERTIVE SUBSTITUTE: • Step 1 – Have an assertive attitude • Step 2 – Speak and act assertively • Step 3 – Know the Assertive Discipline Plan • Step 4 – Use the plan effectively

  20. Campus-District Procedures Cafeteria Procedures You will follow the same lunch schedule as the students. Refer to the Teacher Lesson Plan, it should reflect a lunch time or if in doubt, ask your neighboring teacher. As you prepare to dismiss your class for lunch, do not allow your students to wait by the door prior to the bell ringing attempting to leave early. They must remain sitting down until you instruct them to leave or you line them up to take them to the cafeteria. For elementary students, when you take them to the cafeteria, they are supposed to walk in a straight line and in an orderly fashion. You will promptly pick up your students from the playground or gym at the end of their lunch period. Refer to the lunch schedule for the pick up time. Note: One of the expectations at Valley View ISD is punctuality. If we expect students to be on time, we cannot expect anything less from you! Food and Beverages Coffee and soft drinks are to be consumed in the teacher’s workroom. Please refrain from drinking these beverages in the hallways, gym, library or classroom as this can be messy and at times extremely dangerous. Student/teachers may slip and fall on drinks that have been accidentally spilled on the floor. Also, lunch as well as snacks should be eaten in the workroom, and not in the classroom. To do otherwise could very well cause infestation of small insects/animals. Students, on the other hand, are not permitted inside of the workroom. Please do not send students to the workroom to retrieve copies, water, sodas, candy, or any item from the refrigerator or mailboxes. Do not leave any food or candy in the classroom.

  21. Cont. Campus/District Procedures Morning Procedures Substitutes must be ready to admit student into their classrooms when the bell rings in the morning. Shortly thereafter, breakfast will be served. (Breakfast in a bag.) Problem Prevention Do not sit on your desk or on a table. We ask our students not to sit on their desks, counters, windowsills, etc., and this should apply to us all. In addition, never, ever, leave students unattended for any reason. Student Passes Please do not send a student ANYWHERE without a pass. Teacher Workroom Substitutes should feel free to use the facilities in the workroom, including the refrigerator, sink, microwave, and telephone. The telephone is for the use of the staff however, its use should be restricted to 3 minutes per phone call. Substitutes will not be called out of the classroom to receive telephone calls unless it is an emergency. In an event of an emergency, an administrator will be immediately take over your classroom so that you will be able to deal with the crisis. Otherwise, the secretary will take a message and relay it to you.

  22. Cont. Campus/District Procedures Electronic Devices Cellular telephones nor other electronic devices such as ipods will be used in the classroom. Valuables in the Classroom Money or personal valuables should not be left in the classroom during the day or overnight. Viewing of Films/Television Films/television viewing should be done for a purpose. When using either medium, it should be related to the lesson plans left by the teacher. All other videos are not allowed in the classroom. Visitors All visitors must report to the office. If you see a stranger in the building, refer him/her to the office immediately or alert the nearest security officer. You are not allowed to have personal visitors visit you at work. School Nurse Valley View ISD develops bodies as well as minds. Our school nurse is available daily to attend to our students’ health care needs. When a student is ill or injured, please send him/her to the nurse with a pass Leaving Campus During School Hours Substitutes may leave campus during lunch provided they sign out in the front office and return within the 30 minute time frame in order to pick up their students after recess or be ready for your next class period. We do, however, encourage substitutes to stay on school grounds to eat lunch. Salads may be ordered in the cafeteria before 9:00 a.m., in addition to regular meals, which cost $3.25 You may choose to bring lunch from home.

  23. EMPLOYMENT Applicable Policies A substitute teacher is subject to all Board policies and administrative regulations in effect as of this date as well as any Board policies and administrative regulations which may be adopted subsequent to this date during the continuation of employment by the District. Board policies can be viewed via the Internet at www.vviewisd.net or at any campus’ main office. Substitute Assignments Substitute teaching assignments will be made according to the substitute teacher’s certification and/or preference area. The number of days worked will depend upon the needs of the District, the substitute teacher’s schedule and preferences, and the performance of the substitute teacher. Substitute Teachers under 23 years of age will not be permitted to substitute in Early College Campus and/or High School. Inability to Report to Work A substitute teacher needs to remember that upon making a commitment to substitute teach for a particular assignment, the teacher who is absent and the students are relying on them to report to work. If an emergency occurs and the substitute teacher is not able to report to work, the Principal/designee should be notified immediately.

  24. To All Substitute Teachers, This letter is to notify all Valley View ISD substitutes that substitutes will only be allowed to work a maximum of three days per week or up to 12 days per month. When being called in by a campus to work, it will be the substitute’s responsibility to keep track of the number of days they have worked for the week and to promptly advise the campus if they have already completed three days of work for the week or 12 days in a month. Failure to advise of such matter and the substitute’s acceptance of more than three days of work for the week will result in the substitute being removed from the substitute list. Substitutes are now responsible to clock in and out when called in to work, failure to clock in or out will require additional paperwork submitted. Thank you for your cooperation to this matter Rolando Ramirez Valley View ISD Superintendent

  25. Payroll Payroll Accountant, Claudia P. Garcia Office Number (956)340-1030 Payroll : Failure to clock in and/or out on a daily basis will require additional paperwork submitted and/or late payment.

  26. Substitute Daily Rate • HS School $60.00 • 30-59 $70.00 • 60-89 $75.00 • 90+ $80.00 Degreed (Non Certified) $90.00 Degreed Certified Teacher $110.00 It is the substitute responsibility to submit current college transcripts to the office of Human Resources for processing of accurate daily rate.


  28. Standards of ConductBoard Policy DH (LEGAL) & DH (LOCAL) & DH (EXHIBIT) • Respect the rights and property of others • Report to work according to assigned schedule • Notify immediate supervisor in advance of tardiness or absence • KNOW & COMPLY with department and district procedures and policies • Observe all safety rules and regulations • Use district time, funds, and property wisely CONDUCT BEFITTING PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY VALLEY VIEW ISD Parents, students and other members of the community are to be treated with dignity and respect, and not to be discussed in a negative light. In addition, never listen to or offer the slightest criticism of your fellow teachers, if you criticize another teacher, you are simply adding to the criticism of the teaching profession. Opinions of one another inevitable become the opinions of others. RESPECT EACH OTHER.

  29. Technological Issues • District communications and internet access(Acceptable Use Guidelines & Board Policy CQ) -to be used for administrative and instructional purposes only. Failure to do so can result in termination of privileges and may lead to disciplinary action. • NOCell phones and texting during class time • DO NOTPhotograph students

  30. Valley View ISDis aDrug-Free Workplace District Policy, DH (Local) The District prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances, illegal drugs, inhalants, and alcohol in the workplace. Employees who violate this prohibition shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Employee Signature/Date:________________________________________

  31. VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTEMPLOYEE DRESS CODE Valley View Independent School District’s professional and para-professional employees shall adhere to the following dress standards. All Substitute workers shall also adhere to the Employee Dress Code Policy. MALES: • Beards shall be neat, well trimmed and not longer than ¼ inch in length. • Hair length may not be longer that the bottom of the shirt collar. • Sideburns may not be lower than the ear lobe. • Earrings are not permitted. • Muscle shirts and tank tops are not permitted. • Dress shirts with a tie, polo shirt or a guayabera shall be worn with dress slacks, dress or casual shoes with socks. Nice casual shirts with long or short sleeves may be worn with our without tie. • Shirts must be tucked in unless designed to be worn outside. • Belts shall be worn with dress pants, slacks and jeans. FEMALES: • Low cut blouses shall not be worn and dresses that shall be worn (no more than 2 inches above the knee). • Appropriate number of earrings shall be worn (no more than 2 per ear). • Halter blouses, spaghetti strings and translucent clothing are not permitted. • No sleeveless blouse or dress is permitted unless worn with a coordinating shirt, shell or jacket. • Dresses, skirts and skorts shall be worn no more than 2 inches above the knee. • Leggings, sweat pants and tight stretch pants are not permitted. • The length of the slit in dresses and skirts shall not be more than 5 inches from the knee. • Foundation garments shall be worn. • Capri and cropped pants must be neat, reasonable in appearance and loose fitting and fitting may be worn only on Fridays, field trips, In-service days and workdays.

  32. FOOTWEAR • Anti-slip footwear shall be worn at all times (for safety reasons). • Shoe heels 2” or less in height may be worn without a back strap. Shoe heels over 2” but not more than 3” in • height shall be worn with a back strap. Shoe heels shall not exceed 3” in height. • Open-toes footwear is permitted. • Tennis shoes with socks may be worn with dresses and skirts that are long in length. • Tennis shoes and socks may be worn with slacks and jeans. • No flip flops or thong footwear is permitted. • MALES AND FEMALES • Facial and or visible body piercing is not permitted (e.g. nose, eyebrow, tongue, etc.) • Tight clothing is not permitted (when outline of under garments are visible). • All dress attire should reflect a professional image. • Walking shorts may be worn only with a campus shirt staff T-shirt on field trips. Shorts must be neat and • reasonable in length (2 inches above the knee) and appearance. Shorts may also be worn on school district’s • designated work days and for medical reasons. Shorts may not be worn in any other occasion. • Physical Education teachers/coaches may wear appropriate coaching shorts with uniform shirt or coaching • shirt. • Caps and hats may be worn outside only when job assignment requires the headwear. • Blue jeans must fit appropriately (no tight fitting jeans) and may be worn with a campus spirit staff T-shirt or • polo shirt on Fridays, field trips and teacher work days. Blue jeans must be neat and reasonable in • appearance and not faded or torn. Blue jeans may not be worn in any other occasion. • Hair color that unnatural that may create a disturbance in the educational environment is not allowed. • No visible tattoos are permitted. • Special Education Self-Contained classroom staff are allowed some flexibility in the dress code if needed in • working with students of disabilities. The principal of each campus will have the authority to establish an • appropriate dress code for self-contained special education staff members who work directly with special • education children, as needed.

  33. The campus Principal or supervisor is authorized to designate spirit days. On such days, staff may wear jeans and appropriate spirit shirts (uniforms color or holiday colors when appropriate) provided that it occurs no more than one day in any given week. All employees have the option of wearing a campus selected uniform shirt approved by the campus principal/supervisor to be worn with appropriate pants on designated spirit day.

  34. Sexual Harassment in Schools

  35. Sexual Harassment • Defining Sexual Harassment • Types of Harassment Staff-to-staff Staff-to-student Student-to-student • Preventing and responding to allegations

  36. What is Sexual Harassment? Unwelcome conduct, either verbal or physical, that would not occur but for the sex of the individual.

  37. Quid Pro QuoExamples • A teacher may offer a student a better grade or a particular position on an athletic team in exchange for a kiss. • A supervisor may offer an employee a higher evaluation or a promotion in exchange for accompanying the supervisor to dinner.

  38. Sexual Harassment = Sexual Discrimination Sexual harassment of students is discrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX. Franklin v. Gwinnett County School 112 S.Ct. 1028 (1992) Sexual harassment of employees is discrimination on the basis of sex under Title VII. Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson106 S.Ct. 2399 (1986)

  39. Examples of Conduct that Might be Sexual Harassment • Offensive gestures or noises • Sexist statements • Offensive pictures or posters • Inquiring into the personal life of a co-worker or student • Compliments • Looking at a person’s body instead of his/her eyes

  40. Employee-to-Student HarassmentFORBIDDEN ! Regardless of whether the student “welcomes” the conduct. Board Policy DH (Local): Employees shall not form romantic or other inappropriate social relationships with students. Any sexual relationship between a student and a District employee is always prohibited, even if consensual. [See FFH]

  41. Student to Student Harassment • May 24, 1999, the Supreme Court handed down the opinion in Davis v. Monroe County et. al. which established that a school district may be liable for money damages in a case of student-on-student harassment under Title IX.

  42. TAKE ACTION • Faculty, staff, students, and parents must be informed of zero tolerance regarding sexual harassment. • Report all complaints or allegations of sexual harassment to a school administrator. • When faced with an allegation of sexual harassment, school administrators must take immediate and decisive action to stop it. • School must document all steps and actions taken toward stopping the sexual harassment.

  43. DIA Legal & Local DGBA Legal & Local FFH Legal & Local Sexual Harassment Policies Policies may be found on-line at www.vviewisd.net

  44. How Do I Prevent Being Held Accountable for Someone Else’s Acts of Sexual Harassment? • If you see it happening, STOP IT! • Be familiar with the ENFORCEdistrict policy • Pass the Buck to your supervisor • Document that you have reported the the harassment to your supervisor • Don’t forget CPS!

  45. To Whom Do I Make a Report? • Hidalgo Police Dept. (956) 843-2737 • Child Protective Services 1-800-252-5400 • Local CPS office (956) 973-0543 • CPS Website www.txabusehotline.org Reporting your suspicion to a school counselor, a principal, or to another school staff member DOES NOT fulfill your responsibilities under the law. Furthermore, the District cannot require you to report your suspicion first to a school administrator.

  46. Grievance DGBA (Local) • Level I = Immediate Supervisor 15 days from the day of the act to report the incident to your immediate supervisor in writing or orally with remedy. If griever is not satisfied with response, he has 7 days to file Level II grievance. • Level II = Superintendent or designee After receiving the Level II grievance, 7 day to respond to griever If griever is not satisfied with response, has 7 days to file a Level III grievance. • Level III = Board of Trustees Griever has 7 days to file a level III grievance with the Superintendent. The Superintendent will place the Level III notice at the next scheduled School Board Meeting.

  47. VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 9701 S. Jackson Pharr, Texas 78577 LEVEL I, EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT FORM Any employee who wishes to file a complaint must fill out this form completely and turn it in to the employee’s principal or immediate supervisor. All complaints will be processed in accordance with the board policy. 1. Name: ____________________________________ Position/Campus: _____________________________ 2. State date of the event or series of events causing the complaint: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. State your complaint including the individual harm alleged: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. State specific facts of which you are aware of to support your complaint (list in Detail). ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. State remedies sought:_________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Submitted

  48. VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT • 9701 S. Jackson • Pharr, Texas 78577 • LEVEL II COMPLAINTS: NOTICE OF APPEAL • This form must be filled out completely by an employee appealing a complaint decision to the next level in accordance with • the board policy. • Name: (print) _________________________________________ Position/Campus:_________________ • Name of administrator whose complaint decision you are appealing: _________________________________ • Are you appealing a decision at level One __________ or Level Two ___________ • Date of complaint conference you are appealing ___________________________ • If you will be represented in pursuing your complaint, please identify that • individual or organization: ___________________________________ • Name: ________________________________________________________ • Address: ________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________ • Telephone: _____________________________________________________ • Attach copy of original complaint. • Attach copy of complaint decision being appealed. • _____________________________________ _____________________________ • Signature Date Submitted

  49. VALLEY VIEW INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT • 9701 S. Jackson • Pharr, Texas 78577 • LEVEL III COMPLAINTS: NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE BOARD • This for must be filled out completely by an employee appealing a complaint decision to the Board in accordance with the board • policy. • Name: (print) ___________________________________________ Position/Campus______________________ • Date of complaint conference your are appealing: ______________________________________ • If you will be represented in pursuing your complaint, please identify that Individual or organizations: • Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ • Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ • Telephone:____________________________________________________________________________________ • Attach copy of original complaint and all complaint decisions. • __________________________________________ _____________________ • Signature Date Submitted

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