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Update on Argentina's National AMR Action Plan & Programs and Belgium's National AMR Plans, Prominent Activities, and Research Calls.
Management Board Meeting, 2-3 April 2019, Basel National AMR research calls and programs - Update Laura Marin
Out of 27 member countries, 17 countries provided updated information related to their national AMR action plans, programs and activities
Country: Argentina Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plan: National Commission on Antimicrobial Resistance (CoNaCRA) https://www.argentina.gob.ar/salud/antibioticosNational AMR research calls: NoneNational AMR research programs: Inter-Sectoral Coordination Activities:•Participation in the three international meetings on antimicrobial resistance during the G20 summit which resulted in the signature of the Declaration of Health Ministers.•Consolidation and drafting of AMR reports in Argentina at the request of the WHO.•Enlistment of the senior officials and technical staff of the Secretariat of Government for Environment and Sustainable Development to join in the work conducted by the National Commission on Antimicrobial Resistance (CoNaCRA). Outcome: institutional commitment and integration into working group and research projects.•Together with the Ministry of Education carried out work about the inclusion of AMR-associated themes in the Prioritized Learning Cores (NAPs)
Country: Argentina Implementation Year: 2018-2019 Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:Inter-Sectoral Coordination Activities:•Coordination and development of the technical visit of the Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IAG), which includes the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) and WHO (World Health Organization). Outcome: Country report submitted to the UN Assembly in September 2018.•Participation in the workshop under the “Memorandum of Understanding on the AMR research and innovation collaboration between the Ministry of Health and the UK Department of Health and Social Care” with the aim of establishing AMR research and innovation proposals.•Development of three work meetings with the National Commission on Antimicrobial Resistance (CoNaCRA).Organization of a launching event for the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, under the One Health approach, with the involvement of international organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO) and the national portfolios of health, agroindustry and environment. •Presentation on the impact and importance for human health of the use of colistin in agri-food production in the context of Joint Decision No. 834/2015 and 391/2015 for a draft decision prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, import, use and possession of veterinarian products containing colistin and colistin salts as principal ingredient throughout the Argentine territory.Institutional Strengthening Activities:•Preparation of an AMR strategic plan, and development of monitoring indicators and CONACRA operating charter: under review•Preparation of draft AMR indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals.•Participation in climate change meetings for drawing up a new country profile including AMR themes.•Participation in VCs with PAHO regarding the working initiative of the antimicrobial project for the region: currently in progress. Next meeting to be held on 26-3-19 via Webex.Communication and Training Products prepared:•Updated dissemination materials about the AMR control strategy for the National Day of Appropriate Antimicrobial Use to be used in social media on 21 and 22 June and materials for the World Hand Wash Day for dissemination in the social media of the Secretariat of Government for Health. •Technical advice for preparing a simulation exercise for the G20 Summit of Health Ministers.•Preparation of technical content for handouts about the AMR situation in Argentina. •Preparation of a model script for conducting a workshop in educational institutions training health professionals.
Country: Belgium Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: 1. National MDRO strategic plan; 2014-2019 - The creation of a MDRO Surveillance Technical Committee - The creation of a National MDRO Control Commission - the creation of an Outbreak Support Team 2. National AMR action plan for AMR and AMU in human and animals; Policy dialogue (to be published before the end of 2019)National AMR research calls:1. JPIAMR transnational call for research projects within the ERA-NET JPI-EC-AMR (9th call); 2019 “Diagnostics and Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance: Development of tools, technologies and methods for global use”2. 6th, 7th and 8th JPIAMR Calls (see https://www.jpiamr.eu/activities/joint-calls/) 3. Internal call for projects on antimicrobial resistance; Sciensano € 700k 4. EJP One Health project calls on zoonosen and AMR; 2018-2022National AMR research programs: 1. Belgian Antibiotic Policy Coordination Committee; 1999 2. Sciensano: Merging of the centre for research in veterinary medicine & agricultural chemistry and the Scientific institute of public health. 3. Surveillance networks (EARS-NET, ESAC-net (BeH-SAC), NRCs)Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. Examples of best practices to reduce antibiotic resistance; 18 nov 2016 2. Resistance to antibiotics in Belgium - Developing the national AMR action plan for Belgium; 22 & 23 November 2018 3. AMCRA conference; June 2018 4. NSIH days – Surveillances of care infections & antimicrobial resistance; 26 September 2018
Country: Canada Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: Federal Action Plan on AMR and Use in Canada(2015-2021)National AMR research calls:1. AMR Point of Care Diagnostics Phase II: supports the development, evaluation, or implementation of point-of-care diagnostic tools.2. JPIAMR Network Call 2018 – “Building the foundation of the JPIAMR-Virtual Research Institute”.3. JPIAMR Transnational Call 2019 – “Diagnostic & Surveillance call Transmission Dynamics”National AMR research programs:1. The federal Framework for Action on AMR: The goal of the Framework is "To protect Canadians from the health risks related to antimicrobial resistance." It includes three pillars: Surveillance, Stewardship, and Innovation.2. Pan-Canadian Framework on AMR and draft Pan-Canadian Action Plan on AMRConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions:None
Country: Estonia Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: CurrentlyunderdevelopmentNational AMR research calls:1. Estonian ResearchAgencylaunchedcall „Options for controlling and reducing antimicrobial resistance“ (main aim: to develop scientifically founded recommendations, based on One Health principle, on AMR policy development and controlling the spread of AMR); 2019National AMR research programs:Currentlyno special programme runningConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. Conference “ Food Safety and Nutrition – future challenges and opportunities” (Riigikogu Conference Center), June 8, 2018 (attached)2. Lecture„Antibiotics in humanmedicine“ in Milk foorum “Howtoincreasethevalue in dairysector?“October3, 2018 (http://epkk.ee/valdkonnad/) 3. Lecture „Antibiotics, humanand animal“ in Meat foorum, November 6, Estonia 2018(http://epkk.ee/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Lihafoorum-Tenson.pdf) 4. Nationalawardforarticleseries„Antibiotics and drug resistance“, 2018 (https://www.etag.ee/eesti-teaduse-populariseerimise-elutoopreemia-palvis-mihkel-zilmer/) 5. Nationalscienceawardfortoopic“Themechanisms of action of antibioticstheir resistance“, 2018 (http://easp.ee/2018-aasta-teaduspreemia-antibiootikumide-toime-ja-resistentsuse-mehhanismid/)
Country: France Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans:Programme interministériel : Maîtrise de l’antibiorésistance(https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/archives/archives-presse/archives-communiques-de-presse/article/maitrise-de-l-antibioresistance-lancement-d-un-programme-interministeriel)National AMR research calls:1. Appel générique ANR 2019 et 2020 (+ national priority on AMR)2. Appel à projets Franco-Allemand dans le domaine de la résistance antimicrobienne 2019 et 20203. JPIAMR transnational call 2018 - Innovations against antibiotic-resistant bacteria: new targets, compounds and tools.4. JPI AMR working group 2018 - Surveillance5. JPI AMR working group 2018 – Virtual research institute6. JPI AMR transnational call 2019 – Diagnostics and SurveillanceNational AMR research programs:1. programme prioritaire de recherche pour lutter contre la résistance aux antibiotiques (2019 – 2023) (https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/cp_antibioresistance_programme_prioritaire_.pdf) 2. Écoantibio 2 : plan national de réduction des risques d'antibiorésistance en médecine vétérinaire (2017 - 2021) (https://agriculture.gouv.fr/le-plan-ecoantibio-2-2017-2021) the french national plan for the reduction of the risks of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. Antibiorésistance : enjeux et besoins en recherche et innovation - Colloque interministériel du 14 novembre 2018
Country: Germany Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans:1. National AMR action plan; update 2018; weblink : https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/fileadmin/Dateien/3_Downloads/D/DART_2020/BMG_DART2020_3rd-Zwischenbericht_2018_EN.PDFNational AMR research calls: 1. The federal Ministry of Health (BMG): “Integrated genome-based surveillance of zoonotic pathogens and pathogens with special antimicrobial resistance”, 20182. BMBF: “Diagnostics and new types of therapy to treat bacterial infections”, 20163. BMBF: “Target validation for pharmaceutical drug development”, 20174. BMBF: “Drug development based on natural substances for the control of infectious diseases”, 20185. BMBF: “Target validation for pharmaceutical drug development”, 2019National AMR research programs:1. With the “German One Health Initiative” (GOHI), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI), the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) and the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) foundeda platform for networking of the four sectoral research institutions. In the first round, funding was provided for several PhD theses dealing with data on antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals and with the appearance of resistance in specific pathogens.(2017)2. BMBF: “National research network on zoonotic infectious diseases”, 2017. The goal is to develop the One Health approach further and to build up a closer connection between research and the healthcare sector, so that the results can be used more quickly in the public health services in human and veterinary medicine. Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1.In implementation of the G20 declarations, the first meeting of representatives of Public Health and Veterinary Public Health Institutes of the G20 took place 2017 in Berlin with the aim of strengthening the One Health approach. Representatives of international organisations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) also participated.2. BMBF was co-organiser of the Grand Challenges Meeting of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2018 in Berlin. Together with the Wellcome Trust and other German ministries, the BMBF organisedthe part of the event dealing with antimicrobial resistance.3. World Health Summit October 2018 in Berlin
Country: Ireland Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: iNAP Ireland National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2017-2020https://health.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/iNAP_web-1.pdfIreland’s first One Health Report on Antimicrobial Resistance, 2016, published January 2019 https://health.gov.ie/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/One-Health-Report-on-Antimicrobial-Use-Antimicrobial-Resistance.pdfNational AMR research calls: (EPA)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have recently award two new AMR projects1.A large scale project entitled ‘PIER: Public health Impact of Exposure to antibiotic Resistance in coastal waters’. This is being led by Dr Dearbhaile Morris from NUIG and was awarded through the EPA’s 2018 Open Call. A short summary of this project and funding awarded can be found here. A Scholarship project entitled ‘ Survival of mobile antibiotic resistance in water’. The supervisor for this Scholarship is Dr Fiona Walsh from Maynooth University and the Scholarship was awarded through the EPA’s 50:50 Co-funded Scholarship Scheme with Third Level Institutions. A short summary of this project and funding awarded can be found here. Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1.1st Annual Scientific Meeting of the One Health European Joint Programme on Food-Borne Zoonoses, antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Threats; Dublin, May 22nd-24th 2019. 2. OurEnvironment, Our Health: One Health" Conference NUI Galway, 28thSeptember 2018 Kay Duggan-Walls, Management Board Member made a presentation on JPI AMREPA also assisted with a One Health event held in the Convention Centre on 20th Nov 2018. The event was held to mark World Antibiotic Awareness Week and was targeted mainly at healthcare and veterinary professionals.
Country: Israel Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: 1. National program aimed to reduce transfer of infections in hospitals and reduce misuse of antibiotics in both hospitals and in the community , 2018-2019 and part of ongoing activity. (https://www.health.gov.il/UnitsOffice/HD/InfectionControl/Pages/default.aspx)National AMR research calls: 1. JPIAMR Transnational Call 2018 - Innovations against antibiotic-resistant bacteria: new targets, compounds and tools.2. JPIAMR Transnational Call 2019 - Diagnostics and Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance3. The Chief Scientist office Call 2019 – Translational medical research for disease prevention.National AMR research programs:1. National center for infection control and antibiotic resistance Israel.Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. The National center for Infection control and Antibiotic Resistance, The Israeli Ministry of Health and Ministry of agriculture organised a conference on: Agriculture-Human AMR: One Health approach, November 2018 and also in November 2019. 2. The Chief Scientist office, Israeli Ministry of Health are organizing a conference on: The Post Antibiotic era is here now what? Development of alternatives to antibiotics and dealing with AMR, September 2019.
Country: Italy Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR action plan: PianoNazionale di Contrasto dell’Antimicrobico-Resistenza (PNCAR) 2017-2020;; weblink (http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/documentazione/p6_2_2_1.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=2660)National AMR research calls: 1. Italian Research call 2018 ”Ricerca Finalizzata”: Evaluation of interventions of antimicrobial stewardship integrated with diagnostic stewardship pathways, to improve clinical outcomes and reduce the resistance through the appropriate use of antibiotics; 2. PRIN Research Projects of National Interest, 2017-2018National AMR research programs:1. CCM program: Support to Regions in the realization of the PNCAR and project Area in terms of vaccination and AMR; 2018 2.-CCM project "Implementing the National Plan for the Contrast of the Antimicrobial Resistance in the National Health Service", 2019Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level: 1. Strategy Technical Coordination Group for the enforcement on the AMR, 20182. WorkingTable on AMR: NATIONAL OVERVIEW OF AMR RESEARCH IRCCS-ISS. 20183. Workshop : ItalianMinistry of Health, Strategic Agenda on AMR; 20184. Webminar: JPIAMR and the Virtual Research Institute ; 20195. Regional conferences on AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance The Lazio Region In An Optics Of Integrated Interventions; 20186. VII AMIT Congress: Innovations in the field of infectious diseases and management of multi-resistant bacteria diseases (MDR); 20195. Conference "Implement the National Antibiotic Resistance Contrast Plan in the National Health Service: minimum standards and continuous improvement“; National Institute of Health, Rome ; 21-22 March 2019
Country: Republic of Korea Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: The Korean national action plan on antimicrobial resistance (2016-2020)“The new Korean action plan for containment of antimicrobial resistance. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2017 Mar; 8:70-73.”National (AMR) research calls:1. Detection and prevention of animal infectious disease: supports the studies on the avian influenza and food and mouth disease (mechanismstudies, developments of vaccine, disinfectant, and diagnostic tools).2. GFID Call 2019: detection, prevention and surveillance studies of infectious disease at the national levelNational AMR programs:1. Establishemnt of the Government-wide One Health AMR Plan (multi-institutional collaborative project) (2019-2023; 36 mEuro)ㅇAssessment of antibiotic usage and appropriateness; ㅇDevelopment of new AMR detection methodㅇMechanism and characteristics of AMR in human-animal-environment; ㅇAMR prevention and development of new treatment strategyKCDC: Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention; MoHW: Mistry of Health and Welfare; NRF:National Research Foundation;MSIT: Ministry of Science and ICT;MAFRA:Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs;ME: Ministry of Environemnt; MOF:Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries; MFDS: Ministry of Food and Drug Safety2. Government -wide R&D Fund project for infectious disease research (GFID):Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions:1. “Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association and Research” and “Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology” jointly organized a workshop on “Development of Antibiotics R & SD Forum” (Nov, 2018).2. “Institute of Antimicrobial Research and Therapeutics at Sungkywnkwan University” and NRF jointly organized AntiMicrobial Resistance Symposium on “Alternative approaches for developing new antibacterial therapies” (July, 2018)
Country: Norway Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans: 1. National strategy against antibiotic resistance; 2015-2020; weblinkNational AMR research calls: 1. Call – National One Health Network within AMR was launched December 2018 (weblink) 2. Results of Mohn Foundation Call on AMR (weblink)National AMR research programs:1. Norway has no national program within AMR, but the topic is incorporated in other programmes as Health, Food, Marine, Environment and Independent ResearchConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. WHO and Norway jointly organised a workshop on shortages of antibiotics; 2018 2. Report: Norwegian Research on Antimicrobial Recistance; Mapping of investments and publication weblink
Country: Romania Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans:1. National AMR action plan under development with ECDC and WHO support: https://www.agerpres.ro/sanatate/2019/03/01/pintea-romania-lucreaza-la-un-plan-national-de-actiune-pentru-limitarea-rezistentei-la-antimicrobiene--267105National AMR research calls – no dedicated AMR research calls; AMR projects selected in the frame of IIIrd National Research and Innovation Plan calls, including international cooperation:1. PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016 (Experimental Demonstrative Projects)2. PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016 (Complex Projects of Frontier Research)3. PN III-P4- ID-PCE-2016 (Exploratory Research Projects) 4. PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017 (Complex Projects developed in Consortia)5. JPI AMR ERA NET COFUND calls6.JPIAMR transnational research call 2019 National AMR research programs – AMR research is approached in the frame of the general national research programs included in the 2014-2020 national research strategy1. Program Nr. 1: Developing of the national research-development program2. Program Nr. 2: Increasing the competitivity of Romanian economy through research, development and innovation3. Program Nr. 3: European and international cooperation: ERA.Net, FLAG-ERA III, EuroNanoMed etc.4. Program Nr. 4: Fundamental and frontier researchConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. Second National Interdisciplinary Conference: Antibiotics, from use to abuse (2018) 2.Next steps towards making the EU a best practice region in combating AMR (2019) – ministerial debates under the Romanian EU Presidency focused on identifying actions needed to improve prevention and control of infections at national and European level.
Country: South Africa Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR research calls:1. Newton AMR Call 2016 – drug discovery 2. Newton AMR Call 2016 – Surveillance 3. Grand Challenges AMR call 2018 4. Diagnostics and Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance: Development of tools, technologies and methods for global useNational AMR research programs:1. SAASP 2. CASSAConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. FIDSSA conference in 2017, 2. SAASP 20173. SAASP 2018 4. MR behaviour change workshop in 2017.
Country: Spain Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans:1. National Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance (2019-2021) 2. Strategic Action Plan to reduce the risk selection and dissemination of antibiotic resistance (Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices, 2014)National AMR research calls:No specific AMR research calls except for JPI-EC-AMR calls (ISCIII participated in all calls launched till now). National calls are bottom-up calls on life sciences (AEI) and Health Research (ISCIII) National AMR research programs:1. Call for RDI Projects ”Research Challenges” 2018 (AEI) 2. Call 2018 for grants Health Research and Development Strategy (ISCIII) 3. Call 2019 for grants Health Research and Development Strategy (ISCIII) Conferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. Conference on the development of Antibiotic Resistance; March 2018 2. Workshop on the Control of Antibiotics Use and Surveillance of Clinical Pathogens in Veterinary in Europe - Madrid 29-30 October 2018 3. Awareness Day for Rational Use of Antibiotics; November 2018 4. 1st Event of the Association for the Discovery of New Antibiotics in Spain (AD-ES); April 2018
Implementation Year: 2018-2019 Country: Sweden National AMR Action Plans:1. Swedish strategy to combat antibiotic resistance; 2016; https://www.government.se/49bbcf/contentassets/168838e186de455ca7fe868bee92d209/swedish-strategy-to-combat-antibiotic-resistance.pdf2. National Cross-sectorial Action Plan on Antibiotic Resistance 2018-2020; 2018; https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/contentassets/44ff3f12017d4dc38abbcf9377be108b/reviderad-tvarsektoriell-handlingsplan-2018-2020-18002.pdf (In Swedish)National AMR research calls:1. Swedish Research Council; Research environment grant within infection and antibiotics; 2018 2. Swedish Research Council; Research time for clinicians within antibiotic resistance; 2018National AMR research programs: Swedish National Research Programme on Antibiotic Resistance; 2017; https://www.vr.se/english/analysis-and-assignments/national-research-programmes/antibiotic-resistance.htmlConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:None
Country: The Netherlands Implementation Year: 2018-2019 National AMR Action Plans:1. National AMR action plan; Year; weblink (or attach doc) >> Needs to be updatedNational AMR research calls:1. AMR 1st round ; 2010 2. AMR 2nd round ; 20113. AMR 3rd round ; 2014 4. ABR 1st round ; 20165. ABR 2nd round ; 20176. ABR 3rd round (upcoming, 2019)ZonMw has a competitive funding scheme. Other initiatives that are AMR research supporting and/or facilitating: NWO, NWA, RIVM, ZonMw GGG, ZonMw IZB, NADP, NCOHNational AMR research programs:1. ZonMw AMR ; 2009-2018 2. ZonMw ABR ; 2016-20233. ZonMw JPIA-EC-MR Other AMR initiatives (not elaborate): 1Health4Food, ALTANT, AMR Insights, CARES, CeSAM, Eenheid van taal in ABR, EurHealth-1Health, health-i-care, FIGON, KNCV TB, MARAN + NethMap, SWAB, ABR zorgnetwerken, i-4-1-HealthConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:Recent AMR conference on: ‘Antibiotic resistance: From research to practice and policy. What does this have to do with you?’ (14-11-2018, Driebergen, the Netherlands)
Country: United Kingdom Implementation Year: 2018-19 National AMR Action Plans: 1. UK’s five-year NAP: Tackling antimicrobial resistance 2019-2024; 24th January 2019 2. UK’s 20-year vision for AMR: Contained and Controlled; 24th January 2019National AMR research calls: 1. China-UK AMR Partnership Hubs 2018; March 2018; MRC/UKRI; academic led 2. UK-China collaboration to tackle AMR; April 2018; Innovate/GAMRIF; industry led 3. JPIAMR Surveillance network call; launched May 2018; MRC for UK-led networks 4. JPIAMR VRI network call; launched May 2018; MRC for UK-led networks 5. Review of the impact of food processing on AMR in meat & meat products; FSA June 2018 6. Burden of antimicrobial resistance genes in selected ready-to-eat foods; FSA August 2018 7. Capital call to support AMR research; NIHR October 2018 8. BBSRC/NERC-CONICET Joint Awards for AMR in the Environment; launched November 1st 2018 9. Health Protection Research Unit in healthcare associated infections and AMR; NIHR March 2019 10. UK-India tackling AMR in the environment from antimicrobial manufacturing waste; May 2019 11. UK-South Africa AMR Drug Discovery Hub call; June 2019
Country: United Kingdom Implementation Year: 2018-19 National AMR research programs: 1. AMR Initiative; launched 2014 2. Global AMR Innovation Fund (GAMRIF); launched 2016 3. Fleming Fund; launched 2016 4. AMR Interdisciplinary PhD Programme; Medical Research Foundation; 1st cohort October 2018 5. AMR Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative (AMR SORT IT); January 2019- December 2022 NIHR with UNICEF/UNDP/ World Bank/ WHOConferences/Workshops/Activities on AMR actions at national level:1. AMR Research to Policy Workshop; July 2018 London UK 2. AMR one-week residential interdisciplinary training course for PhD students; August 2018 3. AMR Call to Action Summit; November 2018 Accra Ghana 4. AMR Panel Event in Parliament; February 2019 5. Tackling AMR National Campaign; March 2019 5. UK-India tackling AMR in the environment from antimicrobial manufacturing waste; May 2019 6. UK-South Africa AMR Drug Discovery Workshop; June 2019