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EPOSTL Project: Enhancing Teacher Education and Reflective Practice

The EPOSTL Project aims to address core competences in teacher education and develop didactic competence descriptors. It helps student teachers reflect on their knowledge, skills, and values through the use of a portfolio. It encourages reflection, promotes discussion, facilitates self-assessment, provides progress tracking, and offers support during teaching practice.

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EPOSTL Project: Enhancing Teacher Education and Reflective Practice

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  1. The origins of the EPOSTL

  2. Project Tasks • Address content of teacher education core competences • To formulate didactic competence descriptors (I can…) relating to language teaching • Develop a Portfolio to help student teachers reflect on their knowledge, skills and values

  3. The central aims of the EPOSTL

  4. to encourage students to reflect on the competences a teacher strives to attain and on the underlying knowledge which feeds these competences

  5. to promote discussion between students and between students and their teacher educators and mentors

  6. to facilitate self-assessment of students’ competence

  7. to provide an instrument which helps chart progress

  8. to provide support during teaching practice and assist in discussions with mentors and teacher educators

  9. The structure of the EPOSTL

  10. I can evaluate and select a variety of materials to stimulate writing I can cater for a range of learning styles

  11. I can creative a supportive atmosphere that invites learners to take part in speaking activities.

  12. I wouldn’t correct their mistakes all the time. I would let pupils work in small groups.

  13. Context Methodology Resources Lesson planning Conducting a lesson Independent Learning Assessment of learning Categorisation of descriptors

  14. I can understand and integrate content of European documents (e.g. CEFR, ELP) as appropriate in my teaching. I can understand the requirements set in national and local curricula.

  15. Quantifying competences EPOSTL?

  16. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  17. European Commission/Univ. of Southampton European Profile for Language Teacher Education – a frame of reference Council of Europe Common European Framework of Reference European Language Portfolio

  18. The Common European Framework provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks etc. across Europe. The EPOSTL provides a common basis for the specification and discussion of didactic competences and teacher education curricula across Europe.

  19. The Common European Framework (…) describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to act effectively. The EPOSTL describes in a comprehensive way what language teachers have to learn to do in order to teach learners to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to help learners to develop so as to be able to act effectively.

  20. European Language Portfolio Language/learner-based: I can understand short simple texts written in common everyday language EPOSTL Didactic/teacher-based: I can select texts appropriate to the needs and language level of the learners

  21. What is the Profile? ‘The Profile presents a toolkit of 40 items which could be included in a teacher education programme to equip language teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge’ (http://www.lang.soton.ac.uk/profile/report/MainReport.pdf)

  22. Profile item 28: Training in the practical application of curricula and syllabuses. I can identify curriculum requirements and set learning aims and objectives suited to my learners needs and interests.

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