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AQUINAS INSTITUTE. 2012-2013 Student/Parent Handbook. Attendance. Students must be in school on time and in attendance for the entire day in order to attend OR participate in ANY co-curricular activity that day (this includes athletics). ( AQ-18)
AQUINAS INSTITUTE 2012-2013 Student/Parent Handbook
Attendance • Students must be in school on time and in attendance for the entire day in order to attend OR participate in ANY co-curricular activity that day (this includes athletics). (AQ-18) • A student with a pre-scheduled medical appointment may be absent for the time of the appointment but must return to school with a note from the doctor’s office indicating the time the appointment ended. (AQ18)
Appointments & Early Dismissals • If you must leave school early you must submit a note, signed by a parent or guardian, to the attendance office BEFORE homeroom. (AQ-17) • If you drive a parent MUST call the attendance officer on the day of the appointment to confirm permission to drive. (AQ-17)
Excused Absences: (AQ-15) • Sickness • Sickness in family • Death of a family member or close friend • Religious • Medical or Dental appointment • Court • Approved work program • Participation in a school sponsored event
Unexcused Absences: (AQ-15 & 16) • Oversleeping • Late ride • Traffic • Missing the school bus • Family vacation • Non-AQ trips
College Visits • College visits are NOT considered a legal absence from school. Students should plan visits on scheduled school holidays.
Truancy(AQ-16) • Any unauthorized tardy or absence from class or classes is an unexcusedabsence. • A student who is truant will receive ZERO for all work missed while truant. • Truancy will result in further disciplinary consequences.
If I Am Absent Due to Illness(AQ-15 & 16) • Have your parents call the school before 7:30 AM. • If you are out sick for three or more days contact the Counseling Center to arrange for assignments to be collected for you. • You are responsible for contacting teachers (on the day you return to school) to arrange to make up your work.
All work MUST be made up the day you return. If you are out for more than one day, work must be made-up within THREE DAYS of your return or you will receive a grade of ZERO. • All students MUST submit long term assignments/projects/papers on the due date regardless of excused or unexcused absence. • Teachers are NOT required to give extra help to students who have an unexcused absence.
Academic HONESTY(AQ-10) • Cheating (which includes copying the work of another) and Plagiarism are dishonest. • A student who assists another student by giving papers, assignment answers, exam answers or allows another student to copy is also guilty of academic dishonesty.
turnitin.com • You must follow the turnitin.com policy outlined by your teacher and the given assignment. • Failure to submit correctly to turnitin.com may result in a major grade reduction.
Plagiarism & Fraud • Plagiarism and Fraud are determined by examination of a student’s work by the student’s teacher, the academic department chair, and the assistant principal.
Student work determined to have been dishonest: • Forfeits the privilege of academic honors for that semester • Receives a grade of ZERO for the work submitted (this includes examinations and final term papers or projects) • A senior who commits plagiarism or fraud on a final assessment will NOT be eligible to participate in the formal graduation ceremonies.
Harassment(AQ-23) • Harassment is ANY unwelcome actions, words, jokes, or comments. • Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to OR witnesses conduct that is intimidating or offensive to that individual. • Harassment is ALWAYS unacceptable.
Electronic Devices(This is about your cell phone, pay attention) • Personal Electronic Devices may only be used in “FREE USE ZONES”. • Use outside the FREE zones is prohibited and will result in having your phone taken. • Parent’s should NOT contact students on cell phones during the school day. The main office will deliver messages to students.
Dress Code(AQ-28) • All students and parents are expected to know AND follow the Aquinas dress code. There are NO EXCUSES for being out of dress code. • “Extreme” is determined solely by the administration.
Students MUST be in dress code from the time they enter the building until the END of the school day. • A student who has continuous dress code violations is considered insubordinate and disciplinary action will reflect insubordinate behavior NOT dress code violation and may result in suspension and other serious consequences.
ACADEMIC Eligibility Policy(AQ-10) • ALL eligibility for co-curricular activities is determined by grades at every FIVE WEEK report period. • ALL students must achieve at least a 70% average AND pass SEVEN subjects to retain eligibility.
REMEMBER • “Be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.” • Knowing what the handbook says is your responsibility.