Four Cardinal Virtues • For the formal principle of the virtue of which we speak now is good as defined by reason; which good is considered in two ways. First, as existing in the very act of reason: and thus we have one principal virtue, called "Prudence." Secondly, according as the reason puts its order into something else; either into operations, and then we have "Justice"; or into passions, and then we need two virtues. For the need of putting the order of reason into the passions is due to their thwarting reason: and this occurs in two ways. First, by the passions inciting to something against reason, and then the passions need a curb, which we call "Temperance." Secondly, by the passions withdrawing us from following the dictate of reason, e.g. through fear of danger or toil: and then man needs to be strengthened for that which reason dictates, lest he turn back; and to this end there is "Fortitude."
What’s St. Thomas’ Point? • Each of the cardinal virtues are really anchored in man’s ability to reason • For St. Thomas, reason is not what we often think of reason (i.e. being critical thinkers or scientifically capable) • Reason is more like the entire moral order that God has created rather than simply being a method • Reason = Truth
St. Thomas’ point cont. • Prudence for him would be something like having “good common sense” or “right reason in action”; prudence is most easily identified as a disposition, a way a person generally carries himself • Temperance and Fortitude are involving the submission of our passions to reason • Justice follows in the footsteps of prudence • Justice is using reason to order “operations” according to Thomas • Operations here can mean many things but let’s narrow it down for our purposes to how society is structured and our relationships with others
In sum… • Justice is rooted in our reason • The reason we are using is best understand as our apprehension of the Truth, the moral order that God has created in order for man to be happy • Justice is ordering our relationships and the whole of society according to what best ensures the happiness of all men
Justice Broken Down • Commutative – quite simply, the justice of exchange • “an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage” or “you pay for what you get” • often when we equate justice with fairness this is the aspect of justice we are emphasizing • a lack of commutative justice in a society is demonstrated by widespread fraud, theft, tax evasion, vandalism, etc.
Justice Broke Down 2) Distributive – justice that guarantees the common welfare • Has to do especially with the correct distribution of the earth’s goods to all people so that all might have their basic needs met • Implies that the earth’s goods are GIFTS for man to enjoy not exploit • Means that we can’t think of earth’s resources primarily in terms of maximizing profit • Lack of distributive justice in a society is seen by tremendous gaps between rich and poor, rich ruling over the poor with disregard, and extremely difficult living conditions for the poor
Justice Broken Down 3) Legal – individual citizens’ responsibilities to obey society’s/government’s laws • Echoes our discussion on individual rights afforded by government require exercise of individual responsibility in return • Lack of legal justice seen in general lawlessness, an inability of the government to protect its citizens
Social Justice 4) Social – also known as “contributive” justice; the application of the Gospel to society’s structures, systems, and laws • Essentially positive; presupposes that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is truly NEW, something which transform society and build up a society • Also presupposes that there are no “dead weights” in society; no one, no matter what their physical or mental limitations is a drain on society; human beings are fundamentally good and help society
Social Justice in sum • Social justice rejects the idea that society or government is strictly a bunch of institutions • Proposes that society is very organic or natural composed of unique individuals who all have the capacity promote the good for all people • Necessitates that all people exercise the responsibility therefore to give their gifts and talents, their very lives for the good of others