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Egypt’s Old Kingdom

Egypt’s Old Kingdom. Pg. 47-52. Old Kingdom Rulers. When: 2600 BC/BCE to 2300 BC/BCE Egypt grew and was prosperous. Cities built up, trade expanded, and government grew. Pharaohs , or Egyptian kings, ruled. Pharaohs guided all activities and their word was law.

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Egypt’s Old Kingdom

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Egypt’s Old Kingdom Pg. 47-52

  2. Old Kingdom Rulers • When: 2600 BC/BCE to 2300 BC/BCE • Egypt grew and was prosperous. • Cities built up, trade expanded, and government grew. • Pharaohs, or Egyptian kings, ruled. • Pharaohs guided all activities and their word was law. • They made sure things were built and up kept. Also made sure crops were planted and overlooked trade and taxes on farmers.

  3. Old Kingdom Rulers • People were willing to serve the Pharaoh because they believed unity of the kingdom depended on a strong leader. • People also believed Pharaohs were the son of Re, the Egyptian sun god. • Pharaohs had a lot of respect, people had to bow down and often played music in his presence. • Pharaohs were viewed as gods on earth.

  4. Egypt’s Religion • People of Ancient Egypt were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods and goddesses, or deities (like Mesopotamia). • Main Egyptian god was RE, the Sun god. • Hapi was another important god, who ruled the Nile River. Life After Death • Egyptians were hopeful

  5. Egypt’s Religion Life After Death • Egyptians believed life after death would be better than life on earth. • Egyptians often believed that only Pharaohs and the elite only enjoyed the after life. • Believed that the Pharaoh needed a body to reach the next world, so they protected the body.

  6. Egypt’s Religion Life After Death • Egyptians developed embalming, process to preserve the body after death. • Remove the organs of the body. • A salt, natron, place on the body. • Body was stored for a couple of days. • Body filled with spices and perfumes and stitched close. • Body then cleaned (w/oils) and tightly wrapped in linen. • A mummy was now formed.

  7. Egypt’s Religion • Mummified bodies were then placed into wooden coffins. Egyptian Medicine • From embalming the dead, Egyptians learned about the body and how to sew up cuts and set broken bones. • Egyptians wrote the first medical books.

  8. The Pyramids • Ordinary tombs were seen as unsuitable for Pharaohs. • Egyptian decided to build pyramids (huge stone tomb) for their pharaohs resting spot. • Pyramids were built to protect the bodies of Pharaohs from flood, animals, and grave robbers. • Items that maybe needed for the after world, such as clothing, jewelry, and food were also left.

  9. The Pyramids How was a Pyramid Built? • Needed thousands of people a labor. • Most work done by farmers during flood season. Carpenters, engineers and stonecutters helped. • Created the 365 day/12 month calendar system based on their study of the stars/Astronomy. • Made advancements in math: written numbers based on 10, fractions and adding and subtracting them from whole numbers.

  10. The Pyramid • Would travel hundreds of miles to find stone for the pyramid. • Moved stone on path of logs and on barges down the Nile. • Then blocks were moved up a ramp and set in place. Great Pyramid • 2540 BC/BCE Great Pyramid built. Largest of the 80 pyramids in Egypt.

  11. The Pyramids • Great Pyramid built for King Kufu(2589-2566 BC/BCE)and is found in Giza along the Nile. • Equals the size of a 48 story building. • Pyramid is special because it was believed to be done without special tools, the wheel, or pack animals.

  12. Great Pyramid at Giza

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