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“The National Cadastre” FGDC Cadastral Subcommittee Presentation to the NGAC

“The National Cadastre” FGDC Cadastral Subcommittee Presentation to the NGAC. October 2008 Don Buhler. Vision. Cadastral users should be able to quickly acquire parcel data from multiple sources and easily use it to meet business needs. Two types of data are needed to support the Vision

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“The National Cadastre” FGDC Cadastral Subcommittee Presentation to the NGAC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “The National Cadastre”FGDC Cadastral Subcommittee Presentation to the NGAC October 2008 Don Buhler

  2. Vision Cadastral users should be able to quickly acquire parcel data from multiple sources and easily use it to meet business needs. Two types of data are needed to support the Vision • Parcel Data • Common Reference Data (Public Land Survey System)

  3. Goals of the Subcommittee • Facilitate and coordinate the creation and implementation of the National Cadastre. • Providemeaningful policy guidance for cadastral data that supports decision makers. • Work with business solutions in order to provide incentives for collaboration and partnerships. • Track and report progress in the use of cadastral data and standards.

  4. Accomplishments Facilitation and Coordination • Standards • Completed and maintained Publication Standard (Core Data) PLSS Standard Point Identification Standard

  5. Elimination of Duplicate Efforts through Standard Data Sets • 2 States completed standardized PLSS • 9 States initiated standardized PLSS • 4 States for Indian Country only

  6. Accomplishments Cooperation Subcommittee includes local, regional, Tribal, private and federal agency input. Eastern and Western Coordinators to support states and counties and response Monthly conference calls and yearly meetings Open web site for document sharing and references Facilitation and Coordination

  7. Accomplishments State Business Plans that fit within NSGIC and USGS 50 States Initiative efforts Data Sharing and MOU samples Authoritative Data – Definitions and importance to cadastral Stewardship policy (successfully used in Washington, New Mexico and Nevada) Federal Need for Parcel Data – see handout on federal inventory Providemeaningful policy

  8. State Implementation Plans • 5 States with Implementation Plans • 11 States In Progress Louisiana and Nevada started in Fall of 2008

  9. Accomplishments Wildland Fire Hurricane Isabel Hurricane Ike Energy BLM Land Management Work with Business Solutions

  10. Accomplishments • Worked with data producers • All levels of government • Inventory of parcel data in more than 700 counties. • Parcel data shared for 400 counties. 2007 County Parcel Data 2006 County Parcel Data

  11. Accomplishments Hurricane Ike Response Parcels Acquired for 60 of 1115 affected counties in less than one week on short notice.

  12. BLM Field Office Perspective:The Value of Cadastral’s GIS Map Products • To meet day-to-day work objectives, BLM and business partners need accurate and reliable Land Boundary information for everything we do from Planning to Energy and Natural Resource Mgmt. • Our most productive Field Offices critically rely on these GIS products. Automating old manual procedures using new technology can significantly reduce costs and improve operating efficiency. • The seven Pilot Offices have varying capabilities to access useful and accurate map products. Reliable data makes management decisions more defensible and less liable to be questioned or protested. • Data from disparate sources can only be integrated and linked in a GIS environment to support improved business processes such as E-Permitting, NEPA Analysis Tools, Field Inspection Mobile Computing, etc. Glenwood Springs Field Office Example: Red Areas are Where Cadastral Survey’s are Unreliable Energy Policy Act - BLM Cadastral Support Strategy

  13. Accomplishments Accountability – what we have and where we are working is an open book Status reports and meeting notes Annual Reports and Work Plans Track and Report

  14. Accomplishments http://www.nationalcad.org

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