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Chemistry. MRS. Henriksen 2012 – 2013 Room 8. Course Description.
Chemistry MRS. Henriksen 2012 – 2013 Room 8
Course Description Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter and the changes matter undergoes. Chemistry provides the groundwork for understanding in all other branches of science. Students will establish comprehensive knowledge through many in-class activities, guided practice, and labs. The course will establish a strong foundation for further study in all sciences.
Course Content Atomic Structure Periodic Table Bonding Nomenclature Chemical Reactions Stoichiometry Gas Laws Solutions Acid/Base Thermochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Organic Chemistry
Classroom Rules Adult behavior and respect for everyone is mandatory. Students must come to class prepared to learn. Behavior that limits student learning or the ability to cover content is not accepted. All work will be done completely and the best of the student’s ability. Assignments must be turned in on time to avoid a late penalty.
Cell phones will be out of sight and turned off during class hours if not students risk confiscation. Music devices may be used but only during independent work time, all other times they must be out of sight and turned off. Music devices must be preprogrammed prior to class so there is minimum time wasted setting up playlists and programming music, if not students risk confiscation of device.
General Classroom Expectations Students need to be in their assigned seat when the bell rings. Students will be expected to present daily work upon the start of class. Announcements from the office are one of the only ways to address the whole student body. Students are required to be silent and attentive during any announcements.
Hall passes for the bathroom, drinks, Eagles Nest are limited. Passes will be allowed on as needed basis during independent work time. Making up assignments due to an excused absence is the responsibility of the student. District policy states that you have the number of days missed plus one to make up any missed work. Missed labs and in-class activities will be given an alternative research/writing assignment.
Academic integrity is essential to learning. Copying classmates work will result in all parties receiving no credit for the work and disciplinary actions will be taken. Students will remain in their desk until class is dismissed by the teacher.
The classroom is crowded; students will respect each other’s space and keep their area, desk floor and chair picked up for safety concerns. Textbooks will not be checked out to students (we only have a class set). There are copies of each chapter that are available for check out upon request by a student.
Suggested Materials • Notebook/Lined Paper • Pencils • Pens • Blue/Black • Red • Highlighter • Scientific Calculator • 3-Ring Binder
Daily Schedule Schedules are printed on the back of your ID’s for your convenience.
Grading – Daily Work Daily work will be assigned frequently to practice and reinforce concepts. Daily work reflects a student’s effort to understand. Students will be able to correct mistakes, work with partners and ask questions to complete daily work. All daily work is due at the start of the following class day. Daily work is worth 10 points based on a rubric.
Grading – Concept Assessments Concept assessments will be given following assigned daily work to check for understanding. Concept assessments reflect a student’s comprehension of the content. Concept assessments will be short and independently completed by students. Concept assessments will be graded for correctness and will be worth 10 points based on a rubric.
Grading - Labs Labs provide students with an opportunity to see chemistry in action focused on the concepts we study. Labs also establish proper technique and usage of equipment and materials. There will be two types of labs we do in class. Mini Labs and Full Labs. Mini Labs will be worth 10 points and Full Labs will be worth 20 points based on a rubric.
Make-Up Labs Making up a lab is the students responsibility. For absences on a lab day there will be an alternative writing assignment. Mini labs require a 100 word write up. Full labs require a 200 word write up. These must be completed on your own paper and handwritten. There is a binder by Ms. Henriksen’s desk for you to find out the topics for these alternative assignments.
Grading – Projects and Assignments Projects are long term assignments that cover multiple classes or chapters that illustrate students learning over time. Assignments are longer activities that may require work outside the classroom. Points for projects and assignments will vary.
Grading - Tests Unit tests will assess the students understanding of the material covered. Tests will vary in points but will be worth 30% of the unit grade. All students are required to take a comprehensive semester test, unless exempt based on school policy. All test scores should be consider final. Retake opportunities will be considered under extreme circumstances.
Grading – Extra Credit Extra credit opportunities will be given throughout the class. Extra credit options will not be given to individual students to correct a low score. However, extra credit will be presented to the whole class to enhance and challenge student learning every chapter. I strongly encourage all students to complete all assignments and to take advantage of any extra credit offered.
Grading – Final Grade Calculation Chemistry is a year-long (1 credit) class. Your final grade will be based on points earned both semesters and scores on semester tests. Students and parents can monitor grades on-line through family access which can be found on the district website following the parents and student link. If there are any questions or concerns please contact me via e-mail (Sabrina.Henriksen@k12.sd.us) or via school phone (394-4048). I am only able to take phone calls during planning periods but you may leave a message at this number and I will get back to you when I have planning time.
Grading – Grading Scale A 93 – 100% B 85 – 92% C 77 – 84% D 70 – 76% F Below 70%
Grading – Extra Help Please keep track of our assignments using the homework website. Please feel free to ask for extra help. Students can schedule time for one on one help during my planning periods (3rd study and 5th block). Students may come in for help before and after school. Please touch base with me if you plan on coming in for help so I can be there to provide passes if needed. Also, students may use the Learning Zone any free period, before or after school for additional help.
Attendance and effort are the two strongest indicators of success in chemistry.
BONUS POINT OPPORTUNITY • Your first bonus point opportunity is given today. • If you bring me either a roll of paper towels you can earn 5 bonus points.
Safety On the front of your note card write your name. Write 5 things that were very wrong with the video. The second time we watch the video write the things you missed on the back of the note card. Safety Video Safety Song