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Housekeeping. Milestone 1 goes out today Many aspects involved, so get started early Includes a separate paper discussion to be delivered along with Capstone specifics The next 10 days Wed 9/4: Schach Ch.13; Homework 1 assigned Thurs 9/5: Lab 1 due; Lab 2 (MDI, GridBag )
Housekeeping • Milestone 1 goes out today • Many aspects involved, so get started early • Includes a separate paper discussion to be delivered along with Capstone specifics • The next 10 days • Wed 9/4: Schach Ch.13; Homework 1 assigned • Thurs 9/5: Lab 1 due; Lab 2 (MDI, GridBag) • Mon 9/9: Class Modeling, Noun Extraction • Wed 9/11: Class Modeling Case Study • Thurs 9/12: Lab 3 (Visual Paradigm) due end of class
Adv. GUI Components (Deitel Chapter 25) Java Supports Multiple Document Interfaces (MDIs) with Parent and Child Windows: • JDesktopPane - Manages Child Windows • JInternalFrame - A Child Window • Displayed Within the Parent Window via JDesktopPane • JFrame - A Dynamically Created Independent Window • JFrames can be Moved Around Entire Screen • We will focus on JFrames
From Initially Running App (MDIGridBag.java): 220: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ … if (e.getActionCommand() == "Play Craps"){ playCrapsWindow(); } } 232: public void playCrapsWindow(){ MDICrapsmyCraps = newMDICraps(this); } Note: • Calling MDICraps(this) creates a new instance of Craps • Craps will Create (and Run in) its own JFrame • "this" provides MDICraps Constructor with Reference to object instance that Created the MDICraps instance
MDICraps Instance Runs in Independent Window 52: public MDICraps(MDIGridBag creatorLink) {//MDICraps.java creator = creatorLink; JFrame frame =new JFrame("Craps Game"); Container c = frame.getContentPane(); ... 113: frame.setSize(400,200); frame.show(); // frame MUST show itself Note: • Craps Constructor Creates an new JFrame in which to Run • creatorLink is Reference to Caller (Creator) of MDICraps
MDICraps Instance actionPerformed method 119: public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){ … if(e.getSource()== sendToCreatorButton){ creator.AddToCrapsTotal(bankRoll); bankRoll = 0; bankRollText.setText (Integer.toString(bankRoll)); } } Note: • Via its constructor, Craps instance has a "creator" reference to the application that dynamically allocated the Craps instance. • Reference allows Craps instance to invoke methods of the creating application.
Columns 0 1 2 0 Rows 1 2 3 4 *Focus: GridBagLayout GUI • GridBagLayout: most Flexible GUI Layout Manager • Allows GUI Components to Span Multiple Rows and Columns • Components can be added in any Order • First Step: Determine Desired Appearance of GUI • GridBagConstraints Specifies How each Component is Placed in the GUI
In Application using a GridBagLayout GUI: public void init() { //similar to line 122 of MDIGridBag JFrame frame = new JFrame(“MDIGridBag”); container = frame.getContentPane(); gbLayout = new GridBagLayout(); container.setLayout( gbLayout ); // instantiate gridbag constraints gbConstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); • Note: A GridBagConstraints object Specifies how a Component is Placed in a GridBagLayout Container: • gridx, gridy: Column,Row in which Component will be placed • gridwidth, gridheight: #columns, rows Component Occupies • weightx,weighty: extra space allocated horizontally, vertically
Using GridBag Constraints (note: not code from sample) JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea("Initial text"); // define GUI component constraints gbConstraints.gridx = 0; //column gbConstraints.gridy = 5; // row gbConstraints.gridheight = 2;// spans 2 rows gbConstraints.weightx = 0; //no horiz growth on own gbConstraints.weighty = 1; // rel wt of vert growth gbConstraints.fill=GridBagConstraints.BOTH; //if area too big gbConstraints.gridwidth=GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; addComponent( new JScrollPane(textArea) ); //scroll bars ... private void addComponent( Component c ) { gbLayout.setConstraints( c, gbConstraints ); container.add( c ); } // add component
Aside: Reading From Files 245: private String getDataFromFile(){ //MDIGridBag String readInText = null; try { //assoc file with file handle infile = new FileInputStream("data.dat"); // assoc file handle with I/O stream BufferedReader dataFile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(infile)); readInText = dataFile.readLine(); dataFile.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("File Not Found" + infile); } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("IOException"); } return readInText; }
ICE:Comm Between GUI Content Panes • Alter the source code as necessary so that the MDIGridBag instance has a button that causes the current “Sum of Craps Totals…” value to be sent to a particular instance of MDICraps.