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BUILDING BIGGER AND BETTER ANIMALS SUPPORT AND LOCOMOTION. Beginnings of the Metazoa ?. Pandorina. Pleodorina. Chlamydomonas. Volvox. Eudorina. Gonium . Metazoan Evolution. Two consequences. 1) Need for support. 2) Need for coordinate locomotory apparatus.
Beginnings of the Metazoa? Pandorina Pleodorina Chlamydomonas Volvox Eudorina Gonium
Metazoan Evolution Two consequences 1) Need for support 2) Need for coordinate locomotory apparatus Design of the support system Method of movement
Going to look at 1) Sponges 2) Hydrostatic skeletons – anemones and jellyfish 3) Acoelomates 4) Molluscs 5) Exoskeletons 6) Notochords
- spicules embedded in the mesohyl Same principle as putting straw in mud bricks
Sponge structure - Support Siliceous [Silica (SO2)] Calcareous [Calcium (CaCO3)] Spongin [Protein]
Collagen Fibres in Metridium 1) Crossed helices (outer layer) unstressed angle – 40 – 45º
Collagen Fibres in Metridium circumferential radial
Composition of anemone body 8% 92% 9% 6% 85%
Behaviour of collagen Stress test - mesoglea 300% original length Release load Stretch for 12-15 hrs Stress test - collagen 102% of original length Release load Stretch for 12-15 hrs How can mesoglea (85%) collagen stretch to 300% if collagen itself stretches only 2%?
Behaviour of collagen How can mesoglea (85%) collagen stretch to 300% if collagen itself stretches only 2%? 1) Matrix in which it sits is important 2) Collagen fibres are not joined
What is in the mesogleal matrix? High molecular weight polymer - protein / polysaccharide complex Dilute gel
What is in the mesogleal matrix? Collagen fibres not directly cross-linked 300% 300 150 0 Extension (%) 30% Normal If cross-linked
Why aren’t they cross-linked? +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- weak cross-links seawater ions +/-
Preserved Anemone - matrix is cross-linked by formaldehyde
Jellyfish Shapes Prolate Oblate Collin & Costello 2002. J.Exp.Biol.205: 427
Jellyfish Shapes Prolate Oblate
Jellyfish Shapes h d Collin & Costello 2002. J.Exp.Biol.205: 427
Jellyfish Shapes Fineness Prolate Oblate
Swimming of Prolate and Oblate Jellyfish Prolate Oblate Opening of bell Closing of bell Opening of bell Closing of bell
Hydrostatic skeleton For a fluid the change in pressure is equal in all directions Δp contracting area
Hydrostatic skeleton How do you apply pressure? Either 1) Add fluid to system 2) Move fluid around fluid muscle
A slight diversion – Acoelomates and Molluscs Platyhelminthes Nemerteans Molluscs
Movement in Aceolomates/Molluscs 1) Direct Direction of wave Direction of motion
Movement in Aceolomates/Molluscs 2) Retrograde Direction of wave Direction of motion points d’appui
In the molluscs 3) Monotaxic 4) Ditaxic
Changes in locomotion Confronts obstacle Gibbula
Snail has peculiar problem How do you build a mollusc? Step 1 - Expand the lower body wall Remember the standard coelomate body plan. Step 3 - Put a shell over top Step 2 - Put a fold of tissue dorsally
Snail has peculiar problem How do you build a mollusc? Visceral mass + shell Foot Problem of torque (or twisting)
Snail has peculiar problem How do you build a mollusc? Problem of torque (or twisting) Columnar muscles
Extremes of this kind of locomotion 2 points d’appui Caterpillars Leeches